Posts Tagged ‘heart disease’

The Cause of Heart Disease and Heart Attacks (Updated & Corrected)

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

While the AMA has been chasing after the wind by claiming and perpetually changing it’s mind about the cause(s) of heart disease and heart attacks, IMHO the cause of heart disease and heart attacks is fluoridated water!

The American Medical Association has claimed all sorts of things and targeted cholesterol and recently histamines as the cause of heart disease and heart attack but currently the prevailing opinion among Medical Doctors of Homoeopathy is that “inflammation” is the cause of most such ailments.

What causes inflammation?

According to Mark Starr, MD and MD(H) in his seminal book “Hypothyroidism Type II” the culprit of “inflammation” might be better known as “Myxedema” which has been known to be associated with thyroid deficiencies since approximately the 1880’s!

According to Jerry Tennant, MD and MD(H) in his public presentation he pointed to the swelling near the heart and aorta on a slide and announced that he suspected the answer to the cause of heart attack and heart disease lays there.

What has taken the medical establishment so long to address this problem?

Today’s thyroid deficiencies may be traced directly to our current practices of fluoridating our water in a manner that doesn’t reduce dental cavities in our children at all!

Allow me to explain:

At the risk of over-simplification, fluorine in our drinking water effects every cell in the body.

Fluorine is highly energized and knocks iodine off from its natural four poles or valences on a thyroid hormone.

Modern blood tests cannot detect these alterations!

Lab tests can’t tell how much “functional” thyroid hormone one has.

While labs test for T4 & T3, their tests do NOT measure T1 & T2.



Therefore, no one knows how much EFFECTIVE thyroid hormone anyone has!

If you’ve stayed with me this far, understanding the rest is easy.

The thyroid regulates many things. In particular it effects metabolism.

Decreased metabolism has typically shows up as a lower basal body temperature and swelling in the face & body.

You know that double chin or loss of that graceful curve under one’s chin where the neck should be?

Most adults begin showing signs of the loss of graceful neck definition under their chins in the late 20’s!



Buy Mark Starr’s book and find out for yourself:

My Stand on Fluoride

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

I am dead set against fluoridation of drinking water supplies.  It’s the wrong chemical.  It’s not the same chemical used in the original dental studies on caries prevention.  It’s the wrong method.

We should not use systemic fluoride; however, I am not completely against topical fluoride.  I think fluoride applied by a dentist or dental hygenist after periodic teeth cleaning may be acceptable.

But fluoride in tooth paste, in mouth wash or in our DRINKING WATER has got to stop.

It’s poison!

The fluoride in drinking water knocks iodine off the four valences on thyroid hormones and IMHO is the major cause of Heart Disease and heart attack.

Fluoridated water also causes Diabetes Type II.

Fluoridated water causes most of the obesity rampant today.

Fluoride is a major contributor to Alzheimer’s and dementia’s by opening up the blood brain barrier permitting aluminum to pass into the brain where in makes entangling plaques in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s!

WE ARE AT WAR! And We Don’t Even Realize It!!!

Friday, April 17th, 2009


We are and have been fighting on all fronts.  Because the enemy has penetrated us so deeply and thoroughly, it doesn’t have the appearance of war, but, believe me, we are fighting on ALL FRONTS!


Call me paranoid.  I don’t care but my job is to warn you that America is about to go under and I don’t think we can survive one more emersion in the depths of war.  Not just any war, but World War.


America and the hope of a recovered United States are all that stands between the evil ones and the little guy around the world outside of our borders.  But, we are the target. 


Once they take US down, there will be nothing in between them and the little fellow around the world.  It’ll be a cake walk for them to wreak havoc on any & all around the globe.


The problem is we are losing and sinking fast inside our own borders.  We are the most naïve people on the planet and we are dumb.


It’s time to wake up and it is much too late.  There is no way to avoid the fate of an invasion.  I write from Ground Zero in Phoenix, Arizona.  Only instead of 9/11, it will be 11/9.


We are fighting on all fronts and let me give you merely two examples: 


(1)  The old wives’ tales about the FLUORIDE in our water?  They are all true and we don’t even have the power to stop them from poisoning our drinking water!


That type of fluoridation of our water is THE MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO:


Heart Disease


Heart Attack


Diabetes Type II




Mood Disorders


(2)  The main cause of autism and Bipolar Type I Disorders? 


It’s in the food!


Somehow corporate America has been adding MANGANESE to infant formula and to cereals we feed our children.  One (1) out of every forty-nine (49) boys has autism today. 


How?  An infant’s liver can only process approximately 400 mg of manganese a day but his soy formula is spiked with 8 grams of MANGANESE. 


{8 grams = 8,000 mg –or– approximately twenty times (20X) what a baby’s liver can detoxify across a day!}


Even General Mills’ Cheerios has enough MANGANESE in two & a half bowls to give a toxic dose of MANGANESE to a 250 pound man!  Yet, the Federal Drug Administration allows General Mills not to disclose how much MANGANESE is in Cheerios!  {Communicated to Dr. Young}


MANGANESE accumulates in the basal ganglia in the brain where it causes all kinds of misfires.  Listen to my archived radio shows to hear other experts & their opinions.  What’s yours?


Now, you know in part why I affectionately call the FDA:


The Federal Death Administration



The Dr. Kent Show January 24, 2009 with Guest Mark Starr, MD

Sunday, January 25th, 2009
