Archive for the ‘Lisa Kaufman, LISAC’ Category

December 22, 2008 Re: KAUFMAN Complaint #2006-0002

Monday, January 5th, 2009


This is the notice attached as a .pdf file below.  It would not convert to a form I could insert into the body of my blog.


Board of Behavioral Health Examiners January 5, 2009 Letter KAUFMAN Complaint #2006-0002 LISAC-10372

Monday, January 5th, 2009
The .pdf file is attached and is accurate:
While the text is copied below:

January 5, 2009

Selena Samarripaz, Investigations

Board of Behavioral Health Examiners

3443 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1700

Phoenix, Arizona 85012-3811


RE:         Complaint #2206-0002

                LISA KAUFMAN, LISAC-10372

Dear Selena Samarripaz:

I would appreciate the opportunity to address the Board before it takes action; however, I have been ill and re-reading this today, I realize that my request may be too late.

Since the Substance Abuse Subcommittee cut my presentation short and had already voted to dismiss my complaint, I wonder how the full committee of the full Board would regard this?  At least the aspect of a licensed substance abuse practitioner using her license to gain employment to treat sex offenders?  Certainly, even a cave man would realize that might be practicing beyond one’s training & competency, far outside of the scope of one’s Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor licensure?

Finally, since Kaufman demonstrated such gross disregard for ASRS statutes by filing false, frivolous and slanderous charges with superiors at the Arizona Department of Corrections and lying under oath in court in Florence, it seems rather negligent that the Board and/or the Substance Abuse Subcommittee failed to protect the public by not having her examined when a licensed psychologist notified the Board about his concern for such potential problems.  Lastly, I witnessed Kaufman lie to her own Substance Abuse Subcommittee.

To say I am disappointed in the Board’s processes and apparent outcome would be an understatement.  I am coming to the conclusion the purpose of licensure in Arizona is NOT to protect the public but to protect the State, the power structure, the status quo and the politicians who make such serious errors in judgment putting the public at risk that cover-up becomes modus operandi.  Expediency appears to be the name of the game.  Protecting the State, and NOT the public nor the poor wards of the State, is what it appears this Board’s mission.  Indeed, every inmate sex offender Kaufman treated may have been damaged by Kaufman’s emotional problems with men AND her eagerness to engage in practicing beyond the scope of her competency, training and license.  That’s sick!   I will never forget when she ran repeated interference against my clinical judgement (which is better) resulting in one poor individual with a bipolar disorder having to suffer unnecessarily.


John Taylor Kent, Ph.D.

Psychologist (Inactive)