Archive for May, 2009

Could Mexico retake the southwestern United States?

Friday, May 29th, 2009


That’s quite a question, but perhaps we should rephrase it:

Mexico HAS retaken the southwestern United States and declaring it “Aztlan” is a mere formality

Sonia Sotomayor ‘La Raza member’

Friday, May 29th, 2009

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”


–Sonia Sotomayor


2001 speech at the University of California’s Berkeley School of Law

Obama Administration Targets Chrylser Dealerships which Contributed to Republicans for Closure!

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Obama Administration sytematically targets Chrylser dealerships which contributed to Republicans for closure!

If this is not unethical & unfair and the quintessential example of psychosociopolitical warfare, I don’t know what is.

There should be an outrage but the courts have long been controlled by the “illiberals.”

Welcome to “Maysoon”

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

This is the earliest monsoon I’ve seen seen.  It’s about two months early.  So, it has earned the title of “maysoon.”

Breaking News: Sonia Sotomayor is a Member of the Racist Extremist Group “La Raza”

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Folks, just disclosed by Michael Savage on his talk radio show “The Savage Nation:”  Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court is a member of the fanatical racist separatist group know as “La Raza” which means “The Race.”  As a member of La Raza Sotomayor is unfit for any bench, most certainly Sotomayor should be eliminated as a nominee to a life time appointment to the highest court in the land!

This is a Call to Action!

Let your Senators know that you wnat Sotomayor’s nomination quashed, shut down, and you don’t want to hear about her ever again.

End the racism.

Stop the racists.

Wake up America!

The Temple Mound in Old Jerusalem . . .

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

 . . . is coming under scrutiny and appears to be the next battleground.  Stay tuned for breaking legal news.

Terrorist “Lawfare”

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and many Israeli military are facing charges being brought against them in international courts as Muslim extremists and their  lackeys file charges against them.  This shows how far the Islamic threat and Muslim extremists have gone in just a few short years.  Islam is using the legal system as a weapon against freedom and liberty.

Thank Maricopa County Supervisors for Approving Sheriff Arpaio’s Immigration-Enforcement Funding

Thursday, May 28th, 2009


Thank Maricopa County Supervisors for Approving Sheriff Arpaio’s Immigration-Enforcement Funding

This is a special message for NumbersUSA members in Maricopa County, Arizona and surrounding areas.

On May 20, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted to accept $1.6 million from the state to help pay for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s illegal-immigration enforcement efforts. Last year, former Gov. Janet Napolitano stripped Sheriff Arpaio of these funds and redirected them to a fugitive task force. The state legislature gave the money back to Arpaio in a budget package earlier this year. The money will pay for 15 new positions: one lieutenant, two sergeants, and 12 deputies and supporting supplies.

Please email the following Supervisors to thank them for voting to accept the state funding:

Fulton Brock –
Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox voted against accepting funding so please convey your disapproval via email –
Supervisor Don Stapley was absent for the vote. Separate drafting points are included below.
Email Drafting Points for Kunasek, Wilson and Brock
·         Thank you for voting to accept $1.6 million from the state legislature for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s illegal immigration enforcement efforts. Your common-sense approach to illegal immigration shows a great concern for the welfare of your constituents. Sheriff Arpaio is working hard to expedite the removal of illegal aliens who pose a threat to our communities and a burden on tax payers. The federal government has shown that it cannot enforce our immigration laws alone. I’m proud to live in a county that is willing to do its fair share of the work.
·         As you know, immigration is not just a federal issue. When the federal government fails to enforce the laws, states and towns face the consequences. States have an inherent authority to protect the public welfare and the courts have ruled that state and local police can enforce any federal law unless it has been specifically forbidden by Congress. It is impossible to conceive of a way to tackle our illegal immigration problem without using state and local police as a force multiplier. Counties across the country should take a page out of your book.
·         Sheriff Arpaio’s efforts accomplish two very important things. They send a message to illegal aliens that there are consequences for violating our laws and encourages them to self-deport, which, in turn will benefit our communities by making jobs available for unemployed legal residents and saving the taxpayers’ money. Your support for Sheriff Arpaio stands in stark contrast to the failed “sanctuary” policies that some local governments practice in Arizona. I am glad you understand that one cannot discourage law-breaking by protecting and/or rewarding the violators.
·         It took over 20 years to create today’s illegal immigration crisis, and it may take another ten to substantially reduce our current illegal population; however, your voting to accept funds for Sheriff Arpaio’s efforts was an important step. It will help reduce crime and relieve hard-working, tax-paying citizens of the burden illegal immigration creates in our communities. Thank you for sending a message to the state and the rest of the country that you will not allow Maricopa County to be a safe-haven for illegal aliens.
Email Drafting Points for Wilcox
·         I am extremely disappointed in your vote against accepting state funds for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s illegal-immigration enforcement efforts. Your approach to illegal immigration shows a total disregard for the welfare of your constituents. Sheriff Arpaio is working hard to expedite the removal of illegal aliens who pose a threat to our communities and a burden on tax payers, but it is clear that you do not want him to enforce immigration laws. I will remember your actions the next time you run for office.
·         Immigration enforcement is not just a federal issue. When the federal government fails to enforce the laws, states and towns face the consequences. States have an inherent authority to protect the public welfare and the courts have ruled that state and local police can enforce any federal law unless it has been specifically forbidden by Congress. Sheriff Arpaio is tackling our illegal immigration problem and helping to diminish the unrestrained violence associated with human and drug smuggling. You have become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
·         Your actions to undermine Sheriff Arpaio demonstrate that you have sold out to open-borders groups and big business. What could you possibly be thinking? I cannot pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV without hearing the news of yet another illegal-alien related kidnapping or murder. The innocent and guilty alike are being killed while you fret about Sheriff Arpaio not being sensitive to the feelings of illegal aliens. It’s time that you to concern yourself with those who voted you into office, not those who make a mockery of the rule of law.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

 Chief, Membership Services

Van Esser 



Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209

Senate Candidate Jim Deakin’s Letter per the Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court Nomination

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009


Letter to the Editor

For Immediate Release

Jim Deakin US Senate Candidate for Arizona in 2010

US Supreme Court – Nominee Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia Sotomayor is being touted as “Saving Baseball” with her 1995 ruling which assisted in the ending of the Baseball Strike.

But, did she really save baseball? Or destroy baseball?

The Sotomayor ruling negated the rights of the owners of Major League Baseball. With limits set to the rights of the owners they were forced to accept the terms set by the baseball players union. Those terms have resulted in $100Million, $140Million and $200Million dollar contracts.

The unlimited player salaries have resulted in tax payer financing of baseball stadiums.

The unlimited player salaries have resulted in higher ticket, parking and concession prices.

The unlimited player salaries have resulted in the era of “Steroids” and “HGH”. A batter who hit 10 additional home runs per year resulted in $50Million additional salary.

Her ruling may have expedited the end of the strike. Her ruling did not help the tax payers. Her ruling did not help baseball fans. Her ruling did not help baseball statistics. Her ruling did not adequately perceive the future implications and unintended consequences.

Diversity brings perspective. The US Supreme Court deserves perspective tempered by humility and forethought of consequences.

Fluoride Deception Part 3

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009