Posts Tagged ‘war’

War with Iran?

Thursday, July 1st, 2010

War With Iran? Paul Craig Roberts on The Corbett Report

Corbett Report
June 30, 2010

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Treasury Secretary and Wall Street Journal editor joins us to break down the recent US sanctions on Iran and the likelihood of a strike on Iran by the US and/or Israel.

Facebook Factions

Monday, June 28th, 2010

As I am forming impressions, there seem to be certain trends on Facebook.  There seems to be a grouping into those who support the status quo versus those who want to restore the US Constitution.  What is alarming are the open expressions of endorsement of violence by both sides.


Those supporting the Constitution seem to divide into the severely naïve with a touch of jingoism and those who are painfully consciously aware of the difficulties in returning to Constitutional rule.  Many of those who regard themselves as “conservative” are oblivious to their own tendencies towards control and over control.  They endorse all kinds of social legislation oblivious to the fact they are endorsing further enlargement of government.  Furthermore, they accept the entitlements offered them regardless of the fact that the growth of entitlements enslaves them further AND increases the instability of the system.


Those supporting the “status quo” are growing more boisterous and posting more in-your-face comments.  They appear on a continuum of anti-God from agnosticism to overt denigration of God.  On the other hand “constitutionalists” seem to attract more who believe in God but few demonstrate any “fear of The LORD.”


The most alarming trend is the open endorsement of violence.  Yet, when seen in the context of the prevailing culture and the mainstream media and even talk-radio, the clamors to open rebellion and calls to revolution and war become more understandable and, sadly, more acceptable.


Current trends in advertising depict more law enforcement scenarios and more confrontational scenarios.  Overall, there is an alarming trend towards desensitization of assaults upon the human body (gory crimes scenes on television in fantasy morgues) and an acceptance of the violations of basic human and Constitutional rights of “others” (police reality shows).  It’s all perfectly acceptable when it involves “others,” especially in a voyeuristic manner with


It is scary in that there are many precipitating factors towards disorder and violence.  With the sheer ignominy of those elected to represent US failing to represent US properly and acting apposite the will of the people, it appears we may be headed for a show down in the near future.


It saddens me because few seem to realize how much they are being manipulated and as the mechanisms of that manipulation are pointed out to them, they seem eager to “deny” the reality of that manipulation thus increasing the mass of insanity.  The mass delusion of the “leftists” that ‘someone will give me something for nothing’ has played well into the encroaching slavery imposed by BOTH the right (Neo-cons) and the left (Progressives) from followers of Plato to those involved in outright Satan worship and the old religions of the Old Testament (Babylon, Canaan).


Facebook appears to be producing factions mirroring those which will propagate the coming second American Revolution.

America for Americans –Teddy

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

–Theodore Roosevelt




“The salvation of our people lies in having a nationalized and unified America, ready for the tremendous tasks of both war and peace.”

–Theodore Roosevelt

While the sole purpose of the EEO and so-called “Equal Employment Opportunity” laws & policies is to divide us along racial and gender and other lines, the goal of the EEO is to divide US in a manner that allows US to be conquered.

–John Taylor Kent, Ph.D.

Divide & Conquer

Be it from within or without

End this Insanity

Before We Cease Being a Nation of Free People.

The Definitive Article on Swine Flu

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Folks, two days ago I posted the Definitive Article on the Flu including the swine flu.  I posted the entire article written by Dr. Jerry Tennant under his title:

Swine Flu–What Should I do?

But, I should have labeled my post of Dr. Tennant’s excellent article:

“The Definitive Article on Swine Flu”

Which should now be known as either:

“The Mexican Flu”

Because of its origins and unique DNA foot print.  A DNA footprint which indicates:

The Mexican strain of the Swine Flu could have only originated in a Laboratory!

Or as it ought to become known as the:

“The Swine Napolitano Flu”

Because of the manner in which the media (including Talk radio) was manipulated in a fashion to creat mass hysteria and possibly desensitize the public to mandatory vaccination.

Draw your own conclusions, but READ the article as posted:

My take?

This hand was played as a part of the war in which we are involved.  It make look like peace.  It may even look like Paradise!  But believe me, we are in a war, and we don’t even know it!

This is

None other than

Nothing less than

Psychosociopolitical Warfare

WE ARE AT WAR! And We Don’t Even Realize It!!!

Friday, April 17th, 2009


We are and have been fighting on all fronts.  Because the enemy has penetrated us so deeply and thoroughly, it doesn’t have the appearance of war, but, believe me, we are fighting on ALL FRONTS!


Call me paranoid.  I don’t care but my job is to warn you that America is about to go under and I don’t think we can survive one more emersion in the depths of war.  Not just any war, but World War.


America and the hope of a recovered United States are all that stands between the evil ones and the little guy around the world outside of our borders.  But, we are the target. 


Once they take US down, there will be nothing in between them and the little fellow around the world.  It’ll be a cake walk for them to wreak havoc on any & all around the globe.


The problem is we are losing and sinking fast inside our own borders.  We are the most naïve people on the planet and we are dumb.


It’s time to wake up and it is much too late.  There is no way to avoid the fate of an invasion.  I write from Ground Zero in Phoenix, Arizona.  Only instead of 9/11, it will be 11/9.


We are fighting on all fronts and let me give you merely two examples: 


(1)  The old wives’ tales about the FLUORIDE in our water?  They are all true and we don’t even have the power to stop them from poisoning our drinking water!


That type of fluoridation of our water is THE MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO:


Heart Disease


Heart Attack


Diabetes Type II




Mood Disorders


(2)  The main cause of autism and Bipolar Type I Disorders? 


It’s in the food!


Somehow corporate America has been adding MANGANESE to infant formula and to cereals we feed our children.  One (1) out of every forty-nine (49) boys has autism today. 


How?  An infant’s liver can only process approximately 400 mg of manganese a day but his soy formula is spiked with 8 grams of MANGANESE. 


{8 grams = 8,000 mg –or– approximately twenty times (20X) what a baby’s liver can detoxify across a day!}


Even General Mills’ Cheerios has enough MANGANESE in two & a half bowls to give a toxic dose of MANGANESE to a 250 pound man!  Yet, the Federal Drug Administration allows General Mills not to disclose how much MANGANESE is in Cheerios!  {Communicated to Dr. Young}


MANGANESE accumulates in the basal ganglia in the brain where it causes all kinds of misfires.  Listen to my archived radio shows to hear other experts & their opinions.  What’s yours?


Now, you know in part why I affectionately call the FDA:


The Federal Death Administration



Dear Gillian, It’s a Disappearing Act!

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009


Gillian Tett has a way with words but I must respectfully disagree with some of her column this Tuesday.  It needs a better title for certain.  Nonetheless, the marvelous manner in which Miss Tett writes prompts deep thought with a dash of that British styled overly reserved humor.  Hopefully her audience will cue in on what I did and what I believe Gillian wants her readers to think about—deeply and seriously think about.


I find it difficult to keep up with current events daily plus I try not to keep up with certain things, especially the news because it is so disturbing and manipulative.  But I love when someone points out the sheer hypocrisy in leadership, especially “liberal leadership” which is an oxyMoron!  Plus, I enjoy when someone reminds us of our ever shortening and failing public memory.  I am speaking about the rebirth of the Resolution Corporate Trust!


So, now we have perfectly good & noble word being besmirched.  “Legacy” used to mean old standards implying well accepted industry standards that are tried & true.  But now I guess it is more politically correct than calling them what they are: “problem assets.”  More like “fraudulent assets” if you ask me! 


And “free market” used to mean something but today it is a farce.  A cruel joke has been thrust upon the common man and common woman.  There is no “market.”  There is only government and government masters. 


The purpose of government is to make money off other people’s money.


—quote me!


If I weren’t for deals with the government the richest man in the world today Warren Buffet wouldn’t be what he is today.  So, we continue to “serve” our government, our new masters.  Doublespeak certainly makes it more palatable.  The left enjoyed labeling them “toxic” assets when it suited their purposes but now that they are in power, they want to continue the theft by expanding their fraud!


Our whole system is based upon fraud and built upon deceit.  The fraud & deceit will never go away until one little card is pulled so close to the bottom again—and we have that opportunity today.  It is about time we stopped the fraud, deceit and greed by going back to our roots—the only “policy” that can cure what ills & ales us—the United States Constitution.


These are times after which the overuse of psychosociopolitcal warfare has made the overly abused child immune to any more throttling.  Rather than correct that young man, he’ll not even realize he was even being “corrected.”  He will continue on like nothing has happened.  Which is just the effect this name game is going to have on the markets—nil! 


Sadly, I predict this name change will have a slight impact of lifting the markets long enough for a few more desperate souls, suckers, to enter into the stock market which will once again eat up “wealth” and “assets” in a continuation of the disappearing act already in play.  In other words, this slight of hand will cause many to put their hard earned cash back into the game—in which more of their “wealth” will be taken away from them.


We’ll see a repeat of the Great Depression in terms of a real bottom being hit.  Caused once again by government intervention with the greatest of intentions!    Since we refuse to wake up and reclaim our Constitution & our currency, our true “property rights,” we are going to lose everything.  Then Obama and his minions will have their day, their success, in bringing the US (and the rest of the world) to its knees so that they can become masters over all.


Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said that the current crisis is an excellent opportunity for Mr. Obama to usher in The New World Order.  Gee, didn’t George Bush, Senior “invent” The New World Order?  No, probably that was Al Gore.  After all Al invented the internet.


But then you ask, “What does God have to do with this?”  OK, I am tossing in the kitchen sink.  God is in control.  Either we turn to Him and get the opportunity to reassert our property rights, reclaim our US Constitution and cease this theft and world wide murder under the Federal Reserve.  Or we might as well get ready for the bloodiest war the earth has ever seen.  My preference is we let this house of cards fall and we return to a Constitutional currency upon which to build and base true wealth that will inherently limit our government and those nasty conflicts around the world which have been foisted on the common man and common woman.


Sorry, Gillian, I must respectfully disagree with your conclusion that the ‘clock is ticking’ on Mr. Geithner—when it came out that Treasury Secretary Geithner and Senator Chris Dodd knew in advance about the $165M+ in contractually obligated bonuses at AIG, Mr. Geithner should have resigned.  As it stands, you may be absolutely correct, dear, when you say that the clock is ticking on the system.


Gillian, will you marry me?


I sense I have found my kindred soul, my soul mate.  Before you turn me down, Gillian, remember what the greatest playwright of all time, Sir Francis Bacon, wrote: 


True love is a meeting of the minds.






Changing of the Guard—Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008


“Changing of the Guard”


Christmas Eve


This morning I rushed myself out the door hair still wet not wanting to be late for church service.   I didn’t even take the time to check the schedule for Christmas services.  Surely service might be held a little earlier than usual?  Perhaps at 9:00 a.m. sharp instead of 9:15?  I waded my way through traffic and arrived just before 9:00.  As I turned into the parking lot, it felt great to be on time, but the parking lot was empty.  I was far too early; no one was there.


Two young girls rolled down the window of their car as they pulled in asking, “Sir, do know when the church service is?” 


“It’s obviously later; I don’t know when.  I’m going to walk up to the building and find out.”


A well-dressed man, dressed all in black, a little older than myself with more gray and white in his hair than I, pulled up into a handicapped spot.  He smiled as he parked and got out of his car.


Service was not until 11:15.  We laughed as I joked that if I went back home I’d probably be late for that service.  I was going to stay and read my Bible; he said there should be coffee.  And as I turned from the locked Information Center, he told me he was an usher and he would be making some hot coffee.  He invited me inside and introduced himself.


Ron or someone opened the door for us and Ron disappeared.  In front of me I saw a man sitting down wearing what appeared to be a brand-new black satin jacket with a large Marine Corps patch on the back.  The red and gold and white of the patch looked brand-new; it must have been 10 to 12 inches in diameter.


“My, that looks like a new patch,” I complimented the wearer, not considering my words very carefully I’ll admit.


“No, its 10 years old.”


Perhaps I had insulted the wearer somehow.  As I walked around him, I saw tattoos on the left side of his neck and the back of his left hand.  He was clean-shaven, even his head, but more significantly, he was leaning forward, slightly bent over.  In retrospect, he may have been praying.  His forward posture allowed me to clearly see the patch on the back of his jacket without the plush maroon seat back blocking my view.


More importantly, I thought I saw a tear in his eye; tears hanging from his eye lashes.  His eyes were bloodshot.  Rather than sit at the small table right in front of him and with him, as I feared that might be intrusive, I sat in the taller chairs and tables nearby.  Close enough so we might continue to speak.  Thus, I hoped not to impose myself upon him because I felt as if I might have interrupted him.


“How’s this Christmas going?” I asked as I opened my study Bible on the tall table.


He shrugged his shoulders fighting back another tear; this warrior was losing that battle.  I closed Psalms, walked directly over and took the seat opposite him across the small low circular table.


“These holidays are blue days.” I answered my question aloud for him rather than making him talk as I moved over towards him. 


He was in very good shape but he was not a young man.  Although much younger than myself, this was no fresh recruit.  He was a seasoned warrior and his heart was breaking.


He excused himself politely to go to the restroom but immediately doubled back placing his hat on the small dark wooden table.  Seeing the crumpled up ball cap, I knew he was coming back and he wanted to talk with me.  I accepted that invitation.


“Where you from?”


“Oregon, but it’s too cold there.  They’re deploying me to Afghanistan; I don’t want to go back,” his voice trailed off.


“How many times you been there?”


“This will be my fourth time . . . I’m a Marine scout.”  He cried, “You don’t know what it’s like.”


“No, I have no idea of what it’s like,” I agreed.


“I’ve been shot three times, stabbed twice.  I’m afraid I’m going to die over there.  But I don’t have a choice, I’ve been ordered to redeploy.”


“When do you go?”


“The 29th.”


“That’s, that’s . . . soon . . . less . . . less thanna week.  . . .  How many years you got in?”


“21, almost 22.”


            “That’s more than enough to retire.  Why don’t you retire?”


            “I have no choice; I’ve got to go back.  Besides, they want me to reenlist.”  He shrugged as he folded his ball cap, “It’s a good pension.”


            “I know . . . If you don’t go it’s a felony. . . These systems, the way they’re designed, we’re all stuck in them and we’re slaves to ‘em.  We have no choice . . . I did the right thing in the wrong place and they tried to destroy me . . . I’m waiting a couple months to see what my fate is as well,” as I fought back my own tears.


            “I’m afraid God’s going to hold me accountable for murder.”  He stammered, “. . . I was only doing what I was told   . . .”  He again fought off the compulsion to cry, “Oh, the guilt!”


            “It’s not murder.  There’s a war.  It’s not murder; it’s under the color of authority.  You’re obeying orders.”  And I emphasized slowly, “Besides, you have no choice.”


            “I’ve lost one kidney and part of my stomach . . .” He choked, “The guilt . . .”


            Just then, the door opened and in walked three men.  The lead man was finely dressed in a tweed suit jacket with a bolo tie, western style and I caught only a glimpse . . . under his chin a silver eagle with a shield clasping arrows, a US military symbol.


            “Semper Fi!” this elderly gentleman heartily greeted the younger warrior as he walked up behind the Marine scout.


            The younger warrior turned and rose to greet his senior.  They shook hands eagerly.  The tears went away . . .


            What happened during this meeting I lost track of and I cannot give a very accurate accounting, but I was witnessing one of those rare sights and rare moments:  


The Changing of the Guard. 


            The younger Marine scout recognized his senior as a fellow warrior.  There was mutual appreciation for each other’s sacrifices.  The senior decorated World War II veteran mentioned being aboard a ship.


            “Were you a squid?  Were you a squid?” his younger compatriot demanded enthusiastically while they kept shaking hands.


“No, I was in the Navy, a sailor, on board a ship.”


“Well, you fellows did a good job.  Never forget that!”


            “Forget that?  I’ll never forget; I’m still carrying around Japanese shrapnel in my body!”


“I know that.”


“And I came back without,” he removed his left hand from his walker and lifted his left arm slightly demonstrating his artificial limb hidden within his suit jacket, “my left arm.”


            Then the two embraced. 


            The elder went within the sanctuary.  The Marine scout sat back down in front of me.


            I was destined to sit with that seasoned warrior whose heart was breaking, filled with remorse and guilt.  I wasn’t early for church; I was right on time.


            It was one of those admittedly rare moments during which I kept my words to a minimum; just sitting, sharing in his grief and fighting back tears of my own was all that was necessary.  Just being present with him.


I do not know his name and I didn’t ask.  I cannot query someone who cannot talk about their work about anything that might compromise them or place them in harm’s way.  My biggest concern was that this younger man warrior might lose his edge, dropping his guard at the worst time, perhaps even resulting in injury or death.


He asked me if the office was open yet because he was going to see his sister-in-law.  She worked for the church.  He excused himself to step outside and smoke, but this time he took his hat with him.  I knew he was not going to return.


            “You’re a good man.  Thanks for talking with me,” he said as he arose and shook my hand.


“It was my honor.”


            My prayers are with this man, younger than I, a seasoned warrior returning to Afghanistan for a fourth time in less than five years.  He doesn’t know it, but I know what he does.  A Marine scout is a sniper.  He is required to maintain cover and to take lives whenever his mission might be compromised, even the very young who might alert others about the presence of his small two-man team.


This type of warrior is one of the noblest, deployed for long periods of time with minimal support.  They operate under the most horrific conditions and take no joy in killing.


It is a job.  It’s only their job.  It’s not who they are; it’s what they must do.  Snipers are derided even among regular soldiers and are never given their due, the respect they earn.  It’s a tough job and it takes special men—of extremely good character—to succeed.


            Carlos Hathcock, Marine gunnery Sergeant called White Feather by the Viet Cong put it this way.  Allow me to paraphrase the greatest shooter of the Vietnam conflict:


“I take no joy in taking life, in killing.  All I think about is for each of the enemy I kill about 5,000 of our boys will be going home.  It’s that thought that keeps me going.  For each of them I kill, more of our boys will be going home alive.”


            It’s a shame we must put such good God-fearing men into these positions.  Each day we lose 1,000 to 2,000 of our World War II veterans as they approach their 80s and 90s, and in the most twisted of ironies, we lose good men almost daily in Iraq to false charges.


            To the unknown Marine scout and seasoned warrior: 


Do not drop your guard. 


Protect yourself. 


Come home alive . . . and . . . free.




John Taylor Kent, Ph.D.

All Rights Reserved

Revised December 24, 2008