Archive for the ‘David McPhee’ Category

My Presentation 17 Dec 2008 Before the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners RFI No. 08-19 MCPHEE

Monday, December 29th, 2008

Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners


Complaint Screening Committee


17 December 2008


Re:     RFI No. 08-19, DAVID MCPHEE, PH.D.



In addition to what the Board already has in writing, the Board needs to know this.  It was not until our third 90-minute session Dr. McPhee failed to mention a possible conflict of interest.  During that next to last meeting, Dr. McPhee revealed he had previously hired and supervised Mary M. Desch, MD and in the past had worked closely with Dr. Desch. 


In spite of the fact it became apparent earlier during the assessment that I had had a terrible experience with Dr. Desch and there was a possible conflict of interest because of Dr.  McPhee’s prior relationship with Dr. Desch, rather than recuse himself from the case, a forensic assessment, and consider refunding my monies, Dr. McPhee continued to press on with his assessment emphasizing he thought he could help me with the Board.  “I think I can help you,” he said over and over until . . .


It was not until Dr. McPhee heard about the history of inmates’ deaths due to malpractice, other crimes and cover ups at ADOC that Dr. McPhee demonstrated a complete change in demeanor & attitude.  There was a significant transformation in his presence & presentation and it was readily observable.  It occurred right at and after the moment of that particularly sensitive & succinct disclosure.


Finally, I am not so certain Dr. McPhee did his own work and worked independently.  That is, rather than provide an independent workup and assessment, it appears Dr. McPhee may have relied upon the work of others, namely Dr. Desch.


However, let’s put this in context.  In contrast to Dr. Desch, Dr. McPhee’s conflicts of interest and Dr. McPhee’s conflicted nature (fear of involvement in a case of corruption of elected State officials and appointees) pales in comparison.  At the outset of the assessment Dr. McPhee answered my query and assured me he did not know my former wife Maria Kleine, whereas, Dr. Desch refused to answer my question in spite of the fact she had treated my former wife from October 2005 until approximately May 2006.


During her assessment Dr. Desch demonstrated gross counter transference often grimacing and she appeared deeply disturbed.  Desch repeatedly answered her own questions without giving me a chance to open my mouth, to respond.  Desch “fabricated” my “self-report” in order to support her erroneous conclusions and harsh recommendations.