Tags:Add new tag, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, bias, bipolar disorders, cancer, depression, diabetes type I, diabetes type II, Dr. Mark Starr, Dr. Miki Paul, Dr. Paul, duty to report, false positive, false positives, heart disease, homeopathic, homeopathy, hyperthyroid, hypomania, hypothyroid, impaired psychologist, malpractise, Medical Model, Miki Paul, mood disorder, mood disorders, Ph.D., Psychologist, psychologists, psychosis, spousal abuse, Spouse abuse, suppressed technology, supressed technologies, thyroid, unlimited liability, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in Archived Shows (MP3), Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Hypothyroidism Type II, KFNX, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness) | 4 Comments »
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