Archive for the ‘Social Security’ Category

The Black Venetian Nobility — Wake Up America! – Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of 300)

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Don't be surprised by the small footprint of this video; it can expand to full screen.  Nor be dismayed by its poor image quality.  This video may be the most powerful moment in your day.

Watch this and realize how dire our circumstances are.

The enemy of this country (and The LORD) is much more real than you think and may be larger than any mortal man is able to fully comprehend!

Visit this man's website.

Buy his books [I make NOTHING off the sale or referral.] and learn the real history of the US and why there will be no relief come this election in November 2010.

Study his books

 --Dr. Kent

Obama’s Waterloo?

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Obama’s Waterloo


in violation of law:

(audio only)

The Obama Deception

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


This is a must see:

by Alex Jones

Be sure to hit <full screen>

And turn your speakers up.

This is long.

Obama Budget Cuts Visualization

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

-Enabled Delayed Cookies-

For Your Secrity

on Dr. Kent's Blog

view in confidence


You Stupid People!

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Forget about asking for more government regulation.  You are buried in government regulation and it is killing you.  Insist upon a return to Constitutional Law.  The only way out of this mess is to return to Constitutional Rule.


Did you know that the Sixteenth Amendment was NEVER ratified by the states?  Did you know that the Federal income tax is illegal?


It is unconstitutional.  The Federal government was meant to be funded by tariffs & duties but instead they’ve taxed us and enslaved us.  They throw open our borders and insist upon “free trade” while enslaving US!


Did you know that the Federal Reserve is neither?  It is neither “Federal” nor is it a “reserve!” 


Do you realize Federal Reserve notes are NOT Constitutional money?  Do you know that the Federal Reserve notes we are forced to accept are unconstitutional?


It’s time to throw off the yoke and stop the madness of the United States Congress and the United States Senate!


You want freedom?  You want liberty?


Insist upon Constitutional Law and limit the Federal government before it is too late! 


Stop asking for more government regulation.


Stop asking for more government programs.


Stop asking the Federal government to help in any way.




Because it is all enslaving.



“Comparative Effectiveness Review”

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

“Comparative Effectiveness Review”

Folks, I wasn’t kidding about the rationing of health care and the slated early demise of anyone deemed by “the board” or “the committee” unworthy of medical care.  Those with a chronic illness such as diabetes need to pay close attention here because after you turn 62 under this draconian enactment, it will be against the law for any physician to continue to treat you!

Here’s the first bullet from Tim Phillips:

Just what is wrong with this bill?

  • Under the auspices of a “Comparative Effectiveness Review” the package heavily funds the first steps towards the government-mandated rationing of health care and tramples your right to medical privacy.

Courtesy of:


Tim Phillips
President, Americans for Prosperity



Medical Community Terrified by Hidden Measures within Obama’s “Stimulus Bill”

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009


While Bloomberg covers part of this, one must be a member of the Medical Community to get full access to these proposals.  Moreover, the Medical Community will “shut up” in short order and “go along” to “get along” because in order to survive professionally they will soon be forced to knuckle under.


Folks, this is The New World Order and the FDA:


The “Federal Death Administration.”


What is being rushed through unopposed by either party, including so-called “Republicans,” is:


Physicians will NOT be allowed to treat any “chronic” condition in anyone age 62 & over.


Age 62 is critical because that is the age for Social Security.  They don’t want us to draw it unless you’re an illegal alien.  Then they’ll make any illegal “disabled.”


Neither Drudge nor Bloomberg report this, but here is the flash through the Medical Community via physicians who subscribe and are members to medical databases which spell out the sordid details of how the new administration, Obama and “Change,” are going to target older people in the United States for termination.  Some will die more slowly and more painful deaths than others according to medical experts consulted.


Sadly, three (3) so-called Republicans (and this time it’s not John McCain) who are females have jumped sides and there’s no stopping Obama’s Stimulus Package. 


God save us and open the eyes of these three Republican “Death Angels” and the Democrats.