Archive for the ‘Family Therapy’ Category

Casualties of War in the United States of America

Friday, June 18th, 2010


Recently in my life there was significant confusion over what I meant by a family loss being a “casualty of war.”  I have been intending to review Murray Bowen’s book for some time and now is not the time to do so–in a rush.  But some matters are more pressing than others.


Our society has deteriorated and continues to deteriorate.  The greatest loss to the foundations of our country is in the family structure prevalent today.


Today’s families are run by females.  While it is oft referred to as “a man’s world” that is a myth.  In fact, females often say that the world is a mess because men run it.  Hogwash! 



I’ve got news for you:  The person running the world from behind the scenes is a female!  We’ll get back to that slip someday. 


Most of the wealth is held by females, not males.  Note:  There is a difference, a fine discrimination between “female” and “woman.”  Likwise, there are differences between what a “male” is and what a “man” is.  But, we’ll have to cover that another time.  But, I digress.



The importance of Murray Bowen’s contributions to the body of scientific knowledge have been grossly underestimated, undervalued and one might even regard this as “suppressed knowledge.”  Much like students in economics never read “The Wealth of Nations” because the elite have suppressed it from our institutions of “higher” education, psychologists never hear of Murray Bowen!



In the 1950’s sociologist Murray Bowen and his team conducted research at the National Institutes of Mental Health in which they followed families of identified patients with schizophrenia; mother, father and child.  You may have heard the term “schizophrenogenic mother,” but that was an inferior concept.  Bowen discovered that it took BOTH mother AND father to produce a schizophrenic, a mentally ill child.  Bowen’s team got so good at understanding the family systems they were able to predict psychotic episodes!


In short, if one wants to understand mental illness and how to treat it, even successfully cure it, one needs to study Bowen.  If one wants to be a competent psychologist or organizational consult or systems analyst, Bowen’s work holds much of the key.  This is foundational material.



Bowen never published a book himself.  Rather, he published papers and most of the chapters in the “Family Therapy” were collected and edited by Bowen’s students.  Bowen never earned a doctorate.  He had only a master’s degree.  However, he was originally trained in medicine before he began his research in psychology.  Because he was not a psychologist but a sociologist, psychology has ignored one of its greatest minds!



This book represents a rather comprehensive collection of Bowen’s conceptions and work.  It would behoove the country for professionals to study Bowen’s work and realize how important the family structure is and how much the family structure has been damaged in the United States as males became passive and submit to their over-active wives.  Rather than help their wives learn how to modulate their anxiety, males have surrendered to the pressure of the ongoing cultural psychosociopolitical warfare.  As a result, their children and future generations suffer–seriously–needlessly.



The United States can only survive when balance is restored in the American family.  Until that time, we will suffer from an ongoing exacerbation of sociopathy, addictions, increased suicides and a whole lot of other unnecessary suffering.  Haven’t the losses been great enough?

Bibliotherapy: “AD/HD: Ritalin Is Not The Answer: A Drug-Free, Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD”

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

by David B. Stein

Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1 edition (January 29, 1999)

Check back soon for my review of this handy little handbook on how to rear children. It is the manual my mother they always said they never made, “You didn’t come with a manual!”

Bibliotherapy for Couples & Marriage Counseling

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Hendrix (2007), Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples, 20th Anniversary Edition (Paperback), Holt Paperbacks.


Harville Hendrix’s seminal work from 1985 upon which he has written approximately 30 titles stands as his best book of the series. The exercises in the appendix are highly recommended as engaging in such allows a couple to explore their conscious and subconscious values and images.

Hendrix put forth the idea that we choose partners who simultaneously have “the best qualities” and “the worst qualities” for us. He said consciously we choose those with the best qualities but subconsciously we choose those with the worst qualities in order to work out formerly unresolved issues from parenting and our families of origin. Review
When Harville Hendrix writes about relationships, he discusses them not just as an educator and a therapist, but as a man who has himself been through a failed marriage. Hendrix felt the sting of his divorce intensely because he believed it signaled not only his failure as a husband but also his failure as a couples counselor. Investigating why his marriage dissolved led him to start looking into the psychology of love. Marriage, he ultimately discovered, is the “practice of becoming passionate friends.”
As a result of his research, Hendrix created a therapy he calls Imago Relationship Therapy. In it, he combines what he’s learned in a number of disciplines, including the behavioral sciences, depth psychology, cognitive therapy, and Gestalt therapy, to name just a few. He expounds upon this approach in Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples. His purpose in writing the book, he says, is “to share with you what I have learned about the psychology of love relationships, and to help you transform your relationship into a lasting source of love and companionship.”
Divided into three sections, the book covers “The Unconscious Marriage,” which details a marriage in which the remaining desires and behavior of childhood interfere with the current relationship; “The Conscious Marriage,” which shows a marriage that fulfils those childhood needs in a positive manner; and a 10-week “course in relationship therapy, ” which gives detailed exercises for you and your partner to follow in order to learn how to “replace confrontation and criticism … with a healing process of mutual growth and support.” The text is occasionally dry and technical; however, the information provided is valuable, the case studies are interesting, and the exercises are revealing and helpful. By utilizing his program, Hendrix hopes you too will be able to solve your marital difficulties without the expense of a therapist.

“Hendrix provides much insight into how spouses can mature through one another.” — — Booklist

“I know of no better guide for couples who genuinely desire a maturing relationship.” — — M. Scott Peck, author of The Road Less Traveled

Beck (1988), Love is Never Enough: How Couples can Overcome Misunderstandings, Resolve Conflicts, and Solve Relationships Problems Through Cognitive Therapy, Harper & Row, Publishers.


Aaron T. Beck, M.D., is University Professor Emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and president of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research. Dr. Beck is the author of thirteen books. He lives with his wife, Judge Phyllis Beck, in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, and has four children and eight grandchildren.

The Dr. Kent Show ~ January 31, 2009 — The Sermon

Sunday, February 1st, 2009




We celebrate this day as ADOC Director Dora Schriro’s last day on the job.  Now, Schriro gets to grow & talk to her plants in Washington, DC!


It will take years to correct the damage “the Dynamic Duo” [Schriro & Napolitano] have inflicted upon ADOC and The State of Arizona.  But, YOU voted for her!


I call this show “The Sermon” because in one segment I read most of chapter 11 of Zechariah.  Certainly, your comments & feedback on this show and any of my shows is appreciated.


Thank you!

How the Left Skews Public Perception of Divorce

Friday, January 30th, 2009


Like most over the years I have been subjected to the flood of information about the prevalence of divorce.  It appears to have been a misinformation campaign designed to make divorce more common, not merely more acceptable.  It appears to have been a campaign designed to reduce the stability of marriage, the family, and hence the stability of American society.


The truth is “first time marriages” ending in divorce never exceeded the 50% threshold.  While at one time it may have approached 50%, the way the statistics were presented by the media was a bunch of lies!  They reported the stats in a manner to obscure the truth and I believe induce the US towards becoming a more unstable society.


How did they do this?  Lie with statistics?  They aggregated the data in a manner to deceive and mislead the public.  While there were people who remarried and divorced multiple times, those were reported in a fashion that allowed one to draw erroneous conclusions.  It is indeed true that there are many who marry & divorce multiple times, and those marriages & divorces were throwing the statistics off.


In October 2006 at the Arizona Psychological Association a young psychologist out of Tucson whose specialty is divorce and marriage presented his data.  He really knew his stuff and I would like to get him on my show.  At that time this young doctor told us that the divorce rate for first time marriages was falling so fast that they (he and others studying marriage and divorce statistics) did not want to put a number on it!


What he did say is first time marriages ending in divorce rates were plummeting and no one knew why.  Divorce among first time marriages dropped below 40% and was continuing to drop at such a rapid pace no one knew what the current rate was.  The best guess we could get him to commit to was “about 33 to 34 %.”  There was speculation that first time marriages ending in divorce would stabilize at about 30%. 




There is hope for life time marriage.  Marriage can last a lifetime!