Dr. Kent Show Suspended — Indefinitely
Due to a complex set of difficulties, I have suspended my show and I have no definitive plans to recommence The Dr. Kent Show Giving Psychology Away.
However, Dr Kent’s Blog will continue. Please forgive me for not changing my WebPages as I conserve expenses in this hard economic environment. I may be available on a limited basis for guest appearances. Your continued support & prayers are appreciated. Check back here often for developing news.
–Update 26 May 2009-corrected August 2009!
Since I have been contacted by others seeking to make their way on Talk Radio, I want to clear up any misunderstandings.
First, of the radio stations I have been on, KFNX treated me the best. I recommend them. Contact me and I’ll be glad to help your develop your approach over lunch:
That said, I find the “Corporate Broadcast Clock”that prevails in The Valley not to be very conducive. It does not assure good programming and makes survival for new shows trepidatious. I was warned about it and I do not encourage participation because it seems to be an unfair system.
Health permitting, I would only return to the air if the model changes. Or if I was paid according for my time & expertise. Or if the entire time block were mine without interruptions and, moreover, without the conflicts of interest inherent when two different seemingly cooperating but competing parties are vying to sell the same advertising time.
Second, I should have left the air sooner than I did in order to attend to personal health matters. Moreover, I realize that I went about starting on Talk Radio wrong. While one learns from experience the fact remains, and I have had the help of dear ones, close friends in realizing that I was not and I am not ready for air time.
For those who seek my advice about starting in Talk Radio, I am not an expert in this realm. Nonetheless, I recommend starting your own WebSite and blogging at least six months before airing. Then, use a free program like Audacity and set up your own Internet Broadcasting Station without any of the overhead.
I highly recommend my web designer and graphical artist. SAM has done an excellent job and she can do the same or better for you. More importantly, SAM is very fast and extremely cost effective. Contact me and I’ll put you in touch with her directly:
If you want to go on the air live, I recommend having sponsors contracted before commencing to pay the big bucks for air time. At $400-$1000 an hour for every hour, air time is not cheap!
My health has proven complex. While I would like to report gains, the stress & strain over the years [five years active and three years post for a total of eight years] of torment & abuse at the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) and the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners have taken a terrible toll on me, not merely professionally, but health-wise.
Please visit my blog often.
While I have gotten off track and blogged all over the place, it has taken a concerted effort over time to organize & prepare for my next series of postings. Rest assured, it is going to get far more interesting as I present my case to you, to the public.
Crafting each page takes me more time than most and should you catch a typo or any error no matter how glaring or how small, please inform me. THANK YOU!
You need to know just how corrupt our government & our society have become. Share in my experience as I blog the entire story and present my case with the evidence. Evidence which will be indisputable and will prove just how thoroughly corrupt government is at both the state level in Arizona and at the federal level.