Eustace Mullens in his crowning work "The Curse of Canaan" (see my book review ) wrote that there has been a long standing and poorly recognized race war against white peoples. With the head of The New World Order being from the Venetian Black Nobility, the House of Guelph, it is fast becoming apparent that this Race War is real!
“Over the past three decades, over 6 million White Africans have been displaced from their birthlands, OVER 40,000 HAVE BEEN MURDERED ! some of them having been rooted in Southern Africa for over 500 years and knowing no other fatherland. The last group currently being targeted by the radical ANC government in South Africa are the Afrikaners, victims of both a murder campaign and a range of devastating race laws which limit their access to jobs, education and capital. not to mention their farms being SEIZED by the goverment !”
John Coleman, Ph.D. must the bravest man alive.It takes courage to publish about those seeking to enslave US!
Actually, reading this one book should allay the misgivings and fears and all doubts you have had about the Great Conspiracy because by 1966 the Committee of 300 was so confident that we could do nothing to stop them, they allowed their inside man Carroll Quigley to publish his account documenting, confirming and giving full credit to his (OUR!) masters who he fully revered.See my book reviews on Quigley’s (1966) “Tragedy & Hope” and its accompaniment analysis by former FBI Agent Cleon Skousen (1974) “The Naked Capitalist.”
This is THE book to buy to get the most info on our secret US government.It names individuals & institutions.This is the latest and most thorough historical accounting of our new masters I have seen.By the way, their work is mostly done—they are only waiting to launch their finishing touches.
Having just finished my first read through today, on my vacation on Koh Samui – whenever I stay on Samui this is where I rent a villa for relaxing and reading. I must urge every citizen who is concerned for our country to buy and study this book.I plan upon at least two more readings.
WARNING:Reading Dr. Coleman’s masterpiece is like trying to take a drink of water from a roaring fire hydrant.There is an overwhelming amount of material here.
But this book now—while you can still get it!Buy all three and be fully informed.
Part of the purpose of my website and blog is to enhance mental flexibility. The idea to to achieve mental health and since we are so brainwashed and mind controlled, it is necessary to introduce seemingly contradictory concepts in order that the public many better accept truths that seem remote. This is necessary for US to reclaim our heritage and restore our Constitution. Alas, between now and then the damage to our country is likely be significant.
911 was never formally and properly investigated like Waco and Oklahoma City.
You decide what you believe.
As for me, I don’t know who did 911 but I’ll keep an open mind.
There’s troubling legislation in the U.S. Senate – a bill that would actually give President Obama emergency control of the Internet. Not surprisingly, this move is triggering constitutional concerns.
Our Office of Government Affairs has determined that a revamped version of the ”Cybersecurity Act of 2009” has now emerged on Capitol Hill – months after an initial version authored by Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) was blasted in Silicon Valley as dangerous government intrusion.