Posts Tagged ‘cancer’
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010
Don't be surprised by the small footprint of this video; it can expand to full screen. Nor be dismayed by its poor image quality. This video may be the most powerful moment in your day .
Watch this and realize how dire our circumstances are.
The enemy of this country (and The LORD) is much more real than you think and may be larger than any mortal man is able to fully comprehend!
Visit this man's website.
Buy his books [I make NOTHING off the sale or referral.]
and learn the real history of the US and why there will be no relief come this election in November 2010.
Study his books
--Dr. Kent
Tags:1898 , 1932 , 5-step declaration of war , abortion , Abraham Lincoln , Africa , AIDS , are never going to get their jobs back , Aspen , assassination , assault rifle ban , Bertrand Russell , biological warfare , black , Black Guelphs , Black Plague , black population , Black Venetian Nobility , blacks , Blair House , bonds , Brazil , British , CAB experiment , cancer , character , chemical warfare , CIA , Ciaro , Clinton , collapse of our economic system , Colonel Mandell House , Colonel North , Commander in Chief , Committee of 300 , communism , Confederated Republic , Congress , Constitution of the United States , Constitutional Republic , crafted virus , Dean Rusk , decimate the world , Declaration of War , defensive weapon , dementia , Democratic Party , destabilize our country , destroy the middle class , Diane Feinstein , Diane Fienstien , dissolve the federal government , Division 5 of the FBI Counterintelligence , dollar , Dr. John Coleman , drug trade , dump their product , economy , ELF , evil , evilness of their deeds , Extrenely Low Frequency Radiation , Fabian Society , Federal Reserve Bank , five step declaration of war , foreign aid , foreign endeavor , Fort Detrick , Fourth Amendment , Francis Perkins , fraud , Ft. Detrick , GATT , General Douglas MacArthur , General Douglas McArthur , Genoa , George Washington , Global 2000 , global genocide , gold , Graham Wallace , green monkey , Gulf War , gun control , H.G. Wells , habeus corpus , Haiti , Harvard University , HIV , homosexuals , illegal immigration , illuminati , IMF , Immigration and Naturalization Service , Immigration Reform Act of 1965 , India , Indian Reservations , INS , International Monetary Fund , Iran , Iraq , IRS number , John Maynard Keynes , Jordan , Justice Ginsberg , Kennedy , Kenya , Kuwait , liberal , liberals , Liberia , limit income earned from bonds , malaria , maleria , malfeasance , Margaret Thatcher , mass genocide , Massad , MI6 , Mortimer Bloomfield , mouse droppings , NAFTA , NARL , New Mexico , New World Order , no transfer of power between the three branches , NOW , oil , Pamela Harriman , Peace Accord in the Middle East , Police Actions , population control , President Bush , President Monroe , Psychosociopolitical Warfare , publically executed , put our people out of work , Queen of England , RCA Building , Reagan , Republicans , RIIA , Robert McNamara , Roosevelt , Royal Institute for International Affairs , secretary of state , separation of powers , shoe industry , Sierra Leone , Sir Willaim Stevenson , Sir Willam Beverage , Sir William Wiseman , small pox , Social Security , socialism , socialist new world order , socialize America , Soicalism the Road to Slavery , Somalia , South Africa , steel industry , Stewart Chase , strong middle class , subverted , suspension of habeus corpus , Tenth Amendment , the Beverage Plan , The Committee of 300 , the enemy in Moscow , the enemy in Washington , the enemy within , The Great Society , The House of Guelp , The House of Windsor , The New Deal , The New Frontier , The New world Order One World Government , trade war , trade wars , treason , treasonable manner , trojan horse , Uganda , UN , United Nations , United States of America , Unprofessional Conduct , vaccinations , Venice , virus , viruses , wake up America , war to the death for the USA , we are 50 individual nations , will never work again , Woodrow Wilson , World Health Organization , WTO , Zebra 19 Chollera Virus Posted in brain washing , Corruption of Elected Public Officials , Illegal Immigration , New World Order , Philosophy , Psychosociopolitical Warfare , Social Security , State's Rights , Take Back America , The Race War , The Revolution of Virtue , The Second Amendment , War on America | No Comments »
Thursday, May 27th, 2010
The fact is most
Eustace Mullins (1988) first explained this in his book Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz documented this in several books including (2001) Death in the Air: Global Terrorism & Toxic Warfare in which he presented photocopies of actual ccontracts, mostly government contracts, proving these pathogens were manufactured.
Now, we have web sites dedicated to helping those suffering from the contaminated immunizations. Here is one. It is beyond “interesting.” It is proof of the vast conspiracy against America and the undeclared war which is currently being waged against my country!
Types of SV40 Cancers
Tags:cancer , cancers , contaminated immunizations , Death in the Air , Dr. Leonard Horowitz , Global Terrorism & Toxic Warfare , Horowitz , Murder by Injection , The Dirty History of Immunizations , The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America , Types of SV40 Cancers , undeclared war , vast conspiracy against America Posted in Book Review(s) , brain washing , FDA: Federal Death Administration , New World Order , Take Back America , Vaccines , War on America | No Comments »
Sunday, July 19th, 2009
Listen to this critical information:
<Right click and save the MP3 above>
Alex Jones interviews Major General Albert Stubblebine and his wife Rima Laibow, MD
Inform your Congressman that you want to be able to (a) not take their vaccine and (b) not be quarantined in a mass camp and (c) be able to seclude with your family.
Raise your voices now and be heard.
Tags:3 person coffin , adjuvent , adjuvents , Alex Jones , cancer , CDC , coming the fall , crime , detention , Don't Take the Shot! Not the Swine Flu Forced Innoculation , Dr. Laibow , Dr. Rima Laibow , Ecoscience , eugenics , false positive , false positives , fear mongering , FEMA , FEMA camp , forced vaccination , fraud , Gardasil , genocide , globalist , government surviellance , GPS doors , Gulf War Syndrome , H1N1 , , kills a decade later , main attack , mandatory vaccination , martial law , mass , mass graves , Medical Model , murder , New World Order , pandemic , primary attack , principles of war , Prison Planet , Psychosociopolitical Warfare , push back , quarantine , Rima Laibow , sci-op , secondary attack , soft kill weapon , soft kill weapons , state funded vaccine teams to go into homes and force vaccinate , state vaccine teams , sterilization , targeted children first , the plan to kill everybody , United States of America , Unprofessional Conduct , Posted in Autism , Centers for Disease Control (CDC) , Childhood Autism , Corruption of Elected Public Officials , FDA: Federal Death Administration , Fluoridation , New World Order , Psychosociopolitical Warfare , Take Back America , Vaccines | No Comments »
Sunday, January 25th, 2009
Drew Zahn writes for WorldNetDaily:
“Policy guru says global upheaval presents ‘great opportunity'”
“Conflicts across the globe and an international respect for Barack Obama have created the perfect setting for establishment of “a New World Order,” according to Henry Kissinger, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former secretary of state under President Nixon.”
If anybody would know, Kissinger would! Henry Kissinger was the bureaucrat who almost single-handedly brought over the bulk of the Nazi science war machine to the US! Kissinger oversaw “Operation Paperclip.” Not merely the rocket scientists but the biological guys who setup house at Ft. Detrick, Maryland and are still there !
Tags:AIDS , biological warfare , cancer , Fort Detrick , Henry Kissinger , Kissinger , Maryland , Nazi , New World Order , Nixon , Nobel Peace Prize , Obama , Operation Paperclip , policy , President Nixon , rocket scientists , secretary of state Posted in New World Order , Obama | 1 Comment »
Sunday, January 25th, 2009
Tags:Add new tag , Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners , bias , bipolar disorders , cancer , depression , diabetes type I , diabetes type II , Dr. Mark Starr , Dr. Miki Paul , Dr. Paul , duty to report , false positive , false positives , heart disease , homeopathic , homeopathy , hyperthyroid , hypomania , hypothyroid , impaired psychologist , malpractise , Medical Model , Miki Paul , mood disorder , mood disorders , Ph.D. , Psychologist , psychologists , psychosis , spousal abuse , Spouse abuse , suppressed technology , supressed technologies , thyroid , unlimited liability , Unprofessional Conduct Posted in Archived Shows (MP3) , Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses , Hypothyroidism Type II , KFNX , Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness) | 4 Comments »