Part of the purpose of my website and blog is to enhance mental flexibility. The idea to to achieve mental health and since we are so brainwashed and mind controlled, it is necessary to introduce seemingly contradictory concepts in order that the public many better accept truths that seem remote. This is necessary for US to reclaim our heritage and restore our Constitution. Alas, between now and then the damage to our country is likely be significant.
911 was never formally and properly investigated like Waco and Oklahoma City.
You decide what you believe.
As for me, I don’t know who did 911 but I’ll keep an open mind.
A Special Report By Gary DeMar, President of American Vision
Almost anyone can be president as long as they meet three, and only three, basic requirements. They must be a natural born citizen of the United States and at least 35 years old. They must also have been a resident of this country for at least the last fourteen years. Of all the things our Founders could have required, they picked only these three.
There are no requirements concerning political philosophy and knowledge of how our government works. Y ou don’t even have to have any experience. Instead, they picked citizenship. Why? “The President of the United States was to be a citizen of this country, holding up this country’s values and ideals. He had to be loyal to this country alone.” Whether Barack Obama was born in the United States is important, but even more important is for him to demonstrate his constitutional loyalty to a nation built on Christian principles. Thomas Jefferson said it well enough:
No nation has ever existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man and I, as Chief Magistrate of this nation, am bound to give it the sanction of my example.
President Obama has been apologizing for America in every foreign country he visits, and he does it publicly. But it’s in Muslim’s nations that he has denigrated and dismissed America’s Christian heritage most forcefully. For several years, first as a Senator and now as President, Mr. Obama has repeatedly claimed that America is not a Christian nation. On a recent presidential trip to the Muslim nation of Turkey he announced to the world that Americans “do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” Did he ask American Christians? During a trip to the Muslim nation of Egypt, he declared that America is “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” The Muslim population in the United States is less than one percent while the Christian population is nearly 60 percent. What’s going on here?
Obama is a Muslim sympathizer. It’s possible that if his birth certificate is released, it might reveal a Muslim connection.
I don’t know about you, but I’m a little put off by all of this and even a little frightened. The Muslim world, even if it’s only a minority of a billion radical Muslims, is terrifying. World domination is their goal, and there is no reason why we should be helping them to achieve it. So what do we do about it? While we put pressure on this administration any way we can to stop its tyrannical policies, we need to alert more Americans about President Obama’s Muslim sympathies and refute his rejection of America’s Christian history. That’s why we are offering you the following vital resources, one of which is absolutely FREE!
‘I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.’
‘I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.’
‘There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.’
‘It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.’
‘I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.’
Obama from Audacity of Hope:
‘I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.’
Remember “Al’s lesson:” If you listen carefully a person will tell you about themselves.
Well, read carefully and not necessarily between the lines:
Obama told US about himself long ago.
Next year there will be no Obama bumper stickers, no Obama T-shirts.
People will be ashamed to admit they voted for the lying Kenyan Bastard!
Thank you this morning for President Barrack Obama.
With each passing day my people are finally awakening to what we’ve become.
The monster we are within in which we have become a wicked people and the monster we are without as our state bureaucracy acts covertly to deny justice abroad.
There is no justice within our country and no justice outside of our country.
Thank you LORD God for putting Barrack Hussein Obama in the United States President’s office.
With each passing day these people are slowly awakening and realizing in many cases for the first time to what we’ve been doing to ourselves and to the poor beyond our borders.
Truly, all are poor.No one can secure his own fate.
No one seeks justice.No one can get justice.
Indeed, we have gone astray, each in his own way.
Thank you Lord for giving US President Obama.I realize and now these people are coming to realize Obama is your agent.Your chosen one—to render your judgment upon America, to rent US apart because all have turned their backs upon you.Each goes his own way.
Yes, I know that it was on the 15th and I thought of you.
Licensee Name:
Kleine, Maria Kamilah
Profession Name:
Registered Nurse
Address Con’t:
City, State Zip:
Kimberling City, MO 65686
Practitioner DBA Name:
Certification Type:
Licensee Number:
Original Issue Date:
Expiration Date:
Licensee was employed as a nurse on the neurology unit at Barnes Hospital in St Louis, Missouri. From 11/5/97 to 12/10/97, Licensee overrode the patient profiles in the Pyxis system for at least 15 patients, withdrawing Demerol for which there were no physician’s orders, and for which no chart entries were made indicating the administration of the drug. During said period, Licensee misappropriated Demerol, a Schedule II controlled substance, and self-injected it while at work. After admitting to the aforementioned misconduct, Barnes Hospital required Licensee to enter into a “last Chance Contract,” whereby she was required to get treatment and to comply with the requirements of the Employee Assistance Program for hospital employees. In January 1998, Licensee submitted to a random urine drug screen pursuant to the requirement of the Employee Assistance Program, results of which were positive for Cocaine. At the time Licensee misappropriated Demerol, she was under the care of several dentists for the treatment of oral pain. When contacted by the State Board of Nursing investigator relative to the investigation of the acts and events alleged herein, Licensee admitted the above facts. Employment Restrictions: Licensee shall only work as a nurse at a facility where there is on-site supervision by another nurse or physician.
The latest in geopolitical developments has the Organization of the Islamic Conference soon taking control over the entire site of the Temple Mount in the City of Jerusalem.
While this site has been traditionally shared by Muslims, Catholics, Jews and Christians, once The Organization of the Islamic Conference is in control, access to the site of the Dome of the Rock, the first and second temples (Solomon’s Temple) and the site Jesus’ ministry will be lost to groups other than Islamic.
Under Israeli control access has been assured to all groups including the Vatican; however, the practices of The Organization of the Islamic Conference for the last 1500 years demonstrate that Christians will never have access to these holy sites when The Temple Mount in Jerusalem goes out of Israeli control.
Iran is steadily working on a device to use to destroy the United States. More importantly, the weapon systems the Iranians are fast developing could be used successfully to destroy the US.
An Electromagnetic Pulse weapon deployed properly could destroy almost all the infrastructure of the United States leaving the population in the lurch trying to survive. This is achievable with the current weapons already developed by North Korea.
According to guest experts on Coast-to-Coast AM Talk Radio, three nuclear devices detonated 200 miles above the earth above the atmosphere strategically placed could destroy the entire infrastructure upon which we depend for almost all functions in the US. The small nuclear warheads already tested by North Korea would suffice to power an electromagnetic pulse strong enough to fry every solid state device in North America.
Currently, the Iranians are testing launching ballistic missiles from floating barge platforms. Iran is launching the missiles straight up showing little to no concern for either reentry or targeting systems to hit land targets, neither of which is required for the deployment of an EMP weapon.
There is only one anti-missile facility in the entire US, known publicly. The meager facility in California is nothing more than a mere development & testing facility. However, Alaska is partially covered by an anti-missile defense system. This may be because the United State’s biggest and most significant and most secret weapon resides in Alaska on several acres, HAARP.