Archive for the ‘Vaccines’ Category

The Dirty History of Immunizations

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

The fact is most


Eustace Mullins (1988) first explained this in his book Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz documented this in several books including (2001) Death in the Air: Global Terrorism & Toxic Warfare  in which he presented photocopies of actual ccontracts, mostly government contracts, proving these pathogens were manufactured.

Now, we have web sites dedicated to helping those suffering from the contaminated immunizations.  Here is one.  It is beyond “interesting.”  It is proof of the vast conspiracy against America and the undeclared war which is currently being waged against my country!

Types of SV40 Cancers

Do Vaccines Increase Your Risk of Disability and Dying?

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

By Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), DNM

Here’s the full PDF version:


Please right click and down load.

Mainstream Media Mercurial Propaganda?

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Mercury is good for you! – US Mainstream Media Report

Just What the Doctor Ordered: 20 Minutes Direct Sunlight Daily for Vitamin D to Prevent Swine Flu

Monday, July 27th, 2009

Earlier in Dr. Tennant’s contribution “Swine Flu –What Do I Do?” he recommended 20 minutes of sunning daily to build up Vitamin D and prevent the Swine Flu.

Well, here’s a video detailing the paradigm change coming from “rediscovering” Vitamin D and a down to earth explanation of how Vitamin D works in fighting disease.

Get vitamin D not the flu shot


How to Stop Injesting Aluminum (Preventing Alzheimer’s)

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

As I began typing the title of this particular Blog post, I mistakenly typed “How to Stop Injecting Aluminum.”

Well, it is tantamount to a Freudian slip and likewise it is not far fetched.


Certain immunizations in the past have contained aluminum.

The flu vaccination has typically delivered a wallop of aluminum among other substances including a little mercury in the form of Thimerosal as a “preservative.”

Some injections may still contain aluminum.

Certainly injection has been one mode of putting aluminum into the body.

And there was a plan proposed nationally in approximately 1974 to seed the atmosphere with aluminum

Under the guise of putting up a reflective layer to send solar radiation

Into outer space and reduce Global Warming.

And there has been evidence that we are being dusted like crops

From jets spreading white layers of barium and aluminum and only God knows what!

We call those “chemtrails” in contrast & comparison to “contrails.”

Then there is aluminum in most anti-persperants.


One needs to stop and check the contents of each proposed injection.

One can not stop breathing but one should question the massive seeding of our sky’s with pasty clouds of unknown materials.

Certainly, one can read the label and cease applying aluminum compunds to one’s sensitive arm pit areas

Thereby reducing absorption through the skin.

But checking oral injestion of aluminum in our world today, especially the “civilized” world

Is tantamount to impossible!

My Daughter has Asperger’s, What Do I Do?

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

First, stop doing anything that could make the situation worse.

Suspend vaccinations.

Stop using soy based baby formula.

Stop feeding her Cherrios and other processed cereals.

Avoid manganese.

Second, call Dr. Jerry Tennant at:

(972) 580-1156


toll free

(866) 612-4461

Tell Dr. Tennant that I, Dr. Kent, sent you.

And if you really want help, go to The Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine in Irving, Texas.

My Son has Autism, What Do I Do?

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

First, stop doing anything that could make the situation worse.

Suspend vaccinations.

Stop using soy based baby formula.

Stop feeding him Cherrios and other processed cereals.

Avoid manganese.

Second, call Dr. Jerry Tennant at:

(972) 580-1156


toll free

(866) 612-4461

Tell Dr. Tennant Dr. Kent sent you.

And if you really want help, go to The Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine in Irving, Texas.

BE ADVISED: Don’t Take the Shot! Not the Swine Flu Forced Innoculation

Sunday, July 19th, 2009

 Listen to this critical information:


<Right click and save the MP3 above>

Alex Jones interviews Major General Albert Stubblebine and his wife Rima Laibow, MD


Inform your Congressman that you want to be able to (a) not take their vaccine and (b) not be quarantined in a mass camp and (c) be able to seclude with your family.

Raise your voices now and be heard.


The Dangers of Vaccines – Part 2 (Autism, Mercury, HPV, MMR, Thimerosal, Aluminium, Vaccinations)

Saturday, July 4th, 2009

How Mercury Kills the Brain ~ Autism

Saturday, July 4th, 2009