Posts Tagged ‘aluminum. Alzheimer’s’

Fluorides’s Role In Alzheimer’s

Friday, July 24th, 2009

While it is not technically correct per se to say that fluoride is the culprit and

It is more techically correct to say “fluoridated water,”

The purpose of Dr Kent’s Blog is to put it into the vernacular,

into common English.

According to two medical doctors who happen to be medical doctors of homeopathy:

Fluroidated water allows aluminum to cross the blood brain barrier

that would otherwise keep aluminum out of the brain.

My Stand on Fluoride

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

I am dead set against fluoridation of drinking water supplies.  It’s the wrong chemical.  It’s not the same chemical used in the original dental studies on caries prevention.  It’s the wrong method.

We should not use systemic fluoride; however, I am not completely against topical fluoride.  I think fluoride applied by a dentist or dental hygenist after periodic teeth cleaning may be acceptable.

But fluoride in tooth paste, in mouth wash or in our DRINKING WATER has got to stop.

It’s poison!

The fluoride in drinking water knocks iodine off the four valences on thyroid hormones and IMHO is the major cause of Heart Disease and heart attack.

Fluoridated water also causes Diabetes Type II.

Fluoridated water causes most of the obesity rampant today.

Fluoride is a major contributor to Alzheimer’s and dementia’s by opening up the blood brain barrier permitting aluminum to pass into the brain where in makes entangling plaques in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s!