Archive for the ‘2004-1446’ Category

ADOC Internal Affairs Investigation #2004-1446 Part IV — the end

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009



ADOC Internal Affairs Investigation #2004-1446


While the investigation report is full of lies and deceit, it stands as evidence of ADOC’s concerted effort to retaliate against me. But let me address one of the complaints within that body of lies and deception:


There was an officer who signed an IR (Information Report) claiming I had greeted her one morning saying something to the effect that ‘it looked like she had “some good sex” that weekend.’ I never said that. What I did say when I greeted her Monday morning jovially was a rather innocuous and innocent expression, as best I can recall: “It looks like you got lucky.”


Part of my warning about Lisa Johnson was she forces her subordinates to write and sign false statements in Information Reports.  If they fail to write up and sign false reports against other Corrections Officers, they in turn are subject to becoming the focus of such terroristic tactics!

ADOC Internal Affairs Investigation #2004-1446 Part III (The Really JUICY STUFF!)

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009


ADOC Internal Affairs Investigation #2004-1446



Another interesting aspect is that Lt. Lisa Johnson’s participation in this matter becomes problematic, not for me but for Lieutenant Johnson and the entire administration of ADOC! You see, Lieut. Lisa Johnson has been utilized, most definitely over utilized in the past to set up officers whom ADOC administrative staff deemed “undesirable” and the administration has used the “services” of Lisa Johnson to set them up and entrap them in false allegations of sexual harassment.


In this manner ADOC is able to effectively (yet wrongfully) terminate undesirable employees.  For the most part ADOC targets employees who will not knuckle under and play their games replete with generating false allegations against other employees and inmates as well.


I first met Lisa Johnson in 2001 when I was working on North Unit at ASPC-F. At the time Ms. Johnson was a sergeant and I was impressed by her. What I found attractive in her was what I thought might have been her character. Let me tell you a story.


I arrived at work that morning to face a new nursing supervisor who was adamant I needed to see a particular inmate & back her up and her claim the inmate was “Malingering.” But in fact what was happening was the inmate was dangerously delirious.  Upon conferring on an emergency basis with the head physician, Dr. Osteen, my suspicions were confirmed: the inmate was suffering from acute liver failure due to lack of treatment for hepatitis C. The ammonia circulating in his bloodstream was overcoming him and he was at risk of dying. That particular inmate had been scheduled to be transferred inside “The Walls” to Medical to receive critically needed treatment approximately 3 hours earlier!


What drew me to Lisa Johnson was the fact that she did what was right and I mistakenly thought she might have been a woman of character and I was interested in getting to know her. Sure, I found her attractive but I am very cautious. I invited her to lunch just like I did the Warden and left it at that.


Apparently the new nursing supervisor for North Unit was trying to establish her dominance in order to impress her subordinate nurses and as a result misjudged and the inmate later died. Interestingly, I ran into that particular nurse in Wal-Mart after she had been discharged. Without revealing her name, I can tell you that she was very distraught and she explained to me how ADOC had targeted her and her family—wrongly—unfairly!


Not only had they terminated her from employment at ADOC but somehow this nurse’s 19-year-old daughter had been charged with a “sex crime” because when her daughter was under age (a minor under 18) she had engaged in sex with her boyfriend who was of the same approximate age as her. According to this nurse somehow ADOC became involved in this matter in order to retaliate against her.


But to get back to my story, I had been warned by another female corrections officer that the former sergeant and now lieutenant at South Unit was used by ADOC administration to harass fine upstanding corrections officers and run them off! But, I forgot about the warning yet according to my usual standards I heeded professional boundaries and thus Lieut. Lisa Johnson was unable to entrap me as she had so many others before me.


Perhaps more interestingly, another corrections officer on the yard at South Unit informed me that Lieut. Lisa Johnson was engaged in an unprofessional sexual affair with Warden Kleck! Johnson was the Warden’s girlfriend.


As I left on October 12, 2004 for an interview with Investigator Phillip Schonig the Padre, that is, the minister in the office next to mine joked and asked: “It wouldn’t have anything to do with Lieutenant Lisa Johnson, would it? The lieutenant has a very nice body.  The problem is more than 95% of the time she is using it to advance herself (within the ranks of ADOC).”

ADOC Internal Affairs Investigation #2004-1446 Part II

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009


ADOC Internal Affairs Investigation #2004-1446


For the most part the charges were “established” in e-mail exchanges between my superior Supervising Psychologist III Suzanne Arnold, Ph.D. and her superior Pamela C. McCauley, Ph.D.  Thus, while some may claim I could have appealed through my chain of command that was impossible.  There was no opportunity to seek relief as all in my chain of command right up to Steven Ickes and Dora Schriro were working together.


ADOC Internal Affairs Investigation #2004-1446 Part I

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009



ADOC Internal Affairs Investigation #2004-1446


My comments on this first Internal Affairs Investigation will be limited. First and foremost as the reader reads through the investigation it becomes obvious that this was a setup based upon false allegations and in apparent retaliation. It was in retaliation for turning in a contract psychiatrist for fraud.