Archive for July, 2009

Cash for Clunkers Diabolical Program Eliminates Low End Cars for the Poor!

Friday, July 31st, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

otherwise known as the

Gas Guzzler Program

is eliminating highly affordable cars

otherwise available for poor people and those down on their luck.

In the near future, you will only be able to buy a new car and have to take on a large debt

Or have to pay more for a used vehicle and have to take on more debt


Assuming you can get the loan!

Update on Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, July 31st, 2009

Obviously, he’s dead but what else can be new?

My opinion of him, of course.  😉

I have enjoyed President Theodore’s “Bullyisms” and larger than life presence.

My impression of him is that he ran on the hypomanic side,

that is, just short of manic.

As I read through and try to grasp concepts in another book by Cleon Skousen,

Skousen has brought to my attention the fact Teddy Roosevelt

did so many ‘end runs’ around Congress and the separation of powers

that I must reevaluate my bullish stance on, well, The Bully!

For sometime I have known the Spanish-American War and Roosevelt’s Rough Riders

were parts of a long public brain washing campaign by certain American Media mogul types,

namely William Randolf Hurst!

And that the sinking of The Maine was another in a long series of Red Flag historic events in our country’s history

designed and fabricated in order to get US into war (again).

But, I must acknowledge the fact that Teddy issued 90,000 executive orders during his time in the White House!

While he was no where near The New World Order lackey that “Colonel” Edward Mandel House manipulated,

Theodore Roosevelt set some pretty terrible precedents when he sought to usurp the power & the role of the US Congress in enacting legislation.

Indeed, TR was our last President before the banking industry and The New World Order and the Queen of England got their clutches upon our electoral throats.

Moreover, clearly the electorate has not been in charge of the US since then!

But, one must be reminded that our last duly elected non-New World Order secret-society-bastard was President William McKinley–

A man whose running of the country was so smooth that he is remembered primarily for the fact he was assassinated.

Perhaps our best Presidents were those who were neither flamboyant nor well remembered.

Guzzler Program is Corporate Welfare

Friday, July 31st, 2009

All the Cash for Clunkers Program has done is put us deeper in debt.

And it’s proven what greedy bastards we’ve become!

Not only is it unconstitutional,

But it is seducing folks to buy and go into debt

When they would otherwise have saved their money.

This is “Corporate Welfare” designed to

A.  Keep prices up and

B.  Stimulate auto sales and debt in a stalled economy.

Boycott GMC — Government Motors Corporation

Friday, July 31st, 2009

Let’s face it.

The “American Dream” has become a Nightmare.

But the Worst is yet to come!

Don’t buy from the Big Three auto makers.



Government Motors

Government Motors Corporation

Vote with your feet and your pocketbooks.

Understanding Dr. Kent’s Three Levels of Fluoride Poisoning

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

My three level of fluoride poisoning need some explaining.

This is not the progress in an individual. 

These are the levels of progression across time that a population experiences  longitudinally–across time.

This is the framework.

We have seen a significant increase in heart disease & heart attacks in the 50’s,  60’s and 70’s.

Then the US has seen epidemic proportions of type II diabetes & obesity in the 80’s, 90’s and this decade.

We are now entering the tertiary period in which we seeing a raise in epidemic proportions of tumors, especially in our children–even pre-natalty!

However, there is a lot more to this.  For instance, these three levels do not take into account the immediate and most times permanent effects of fluoride upon mental health, upon emotions and intellectual functioning.  These happen much more instantly and are insipidus across the entire time a population is unnecessarily exposed to fluoridated water.

Come to think of it–

Might there be some necessity in the minds of someone or some group to use fluoride upon us so widely?

Mainstream Media Mercurial Propaganda?

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Mercury is good for you! – US Mainstream Media Report

Three Levels of Fluoride Poisoning

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Over time a society experiences three levels of disease from fluoridated water:

Level I

Increased Heart Disease and Heart Attacks

Level II

Increase in Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity

Level III

Increase in Tumors

The Cause of Heart Disease and Heart Attacks (Updated & Corrected)

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

While the AMA has been chasing after the wind by claiming and perpetually changing it’s mind about the cause(s) of heart disease and heart attacks, IMHO the cause of heart disease and heart attacks is fluoridated water!

The American Medical Association has claimed all sorts of things and targeted cholesterol and recently histamines as the cause of heart disease and heart attack but currently the prevailing opinion among Medical Doctors of Homoeopathy is that “inflammation” is the cause of most such ailments.

What causes inflammation?

According to Mark Starr, MD and MD(H) in his seminal book “Hypothyroidism Type II” the culprit of “inflammation” might be better known as “Myxedema” which has been known to be associated with thyroid deficiencies since approximately the 1880’s!

According to Jerry Tennant, MD and MD(H) in his public presentation he pointed to the swelling near the heart and aorta on a slide and announced that he suspected the answer to the cause of heart attack and heart disease lays there.

What has taken the medical establishment so long to address this problem?

Today’s thyroid deficiencies may be traced directly to our current practices of fluoridating our water in a manner that doesn’t reduce dental cavities in our children at all!

Allow me to explain:

At the risk of over-simplification, fluorine in our drinking water effects every cell in the body.

Fluorine is highly energized and knocks iodine off from its natural four poles or valences on a thyroid hormone.

Modern blood tests cannot detect these alterations!

Lab tests can’t tell how much “functional” thyroid hormone one has.

While labs test for T4 & T3, their tests do NOT measure T1 & T2.



Therefore, no one knows how much EFFECTIVE thyroid hormone anyone has!

If you’ve stayed with me this far, understanding the rest is easy.

The thyroid regulates many things. In particular it effects metabolism.

Decreased metabolism has typically shows up as a lower basal body temperature and swelling in the face & body.

You know that double chin or loss of that graceful curve under one’s chin where the neck should be?

Most adults begin showing signs of the loss of graceful neck definition under their chins in the late 20’s!



Buy Mark Starr’s book and find out for yourself:

Boycott Chase

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Boycott Chase Bank and especially Chase credit cards for two reasons:

Historically, Chase-Manhattan financed the Soviet missile arsenal by lending the money necessary to build their nuclear carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Chase-Manhattan Bank loaned money to the USSR at a preferred rate of 5%.

Might one consider that activity of the Chase-Manhattan Bank treason?

Certainly it was not in our best interests to build up our enemy’s war chest!

Talk about “playing both sides!”

That was during the “Cold War” and it definitely cost the American tax payers dearly to counter fund the effort to keep the communists in check.

Currently, Chase is the worst of the credit cards out there because Chase in the bottom of the pit.  Chase’s services are terrible.

While most have come to think of the credit card companies as “protectors” in case they are swindled or something, Chase protects no one but themselves.

When my credit card account was sold and taken over by Chase, Chase handed me over to the shannanighans of Great Expectations in Scottsdale who defrauded me and breached their own contract!


Save yourself the headache of being further betrayed by Chase.


Tuesday, July 28th, 2009


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being swayed by the Congressional Hispanic Congress (CHC) to include illegal aliens in the attempt to overhaul our nation’s health care. CHC leaders told Pelosi she wouldn’t have to change a single thing in the current version of the House bill for illegal aliens to be covered!

Send a fax to your members of Congress.  You may follow this template:*


80% of Americans oppose giving free health care to illegal aliens and it is time that the Congress supports the will of the people!

Section 242 of the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 prohibits “undocumented aliens” from receiving health care, but does not prescribe a method for preventing illegal aliens from receiving health care.

Please require each recipient of the affordability credit created under the bill to also have their eligibility verified by the Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) and Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) systems. This would ensure that illegal aliens who buy private insurance could not receive taxpayer-funded handouts to help offset (or, perhaps, completely pay for) the cost of their insurance premiums.

Please do all you can to rectify the pro-illegal alien aspects of this bill. American taxpayers should not have to spend untold billions providing non-essential health care to illegal aliens.


*Courtesy of NumbersUSA