Archive for the ‘Book Review(s)’ Category
Friday, July 2nd, 2010
John Coleman, Ph.D. must the bravest man alive. It takes courage to publish about those seeking to enslave US!
Actually, reading this one book should allay the misgivings and fears and all doubts you have had about the Great Conspiracy because by 1966 the Committee of 300 was so confident that we could do nothing to stop them, they allowed their inside man Carroll Quigley to publish his account documenting, confirming and giving full credit to his (OUR!) masters who he fully revered. See my book reviews on Quigley’s (1966) “Tragedy & Hope” and its accompaniment analysis by former FBI Agent Cleon Skousen (1974) “The Naked Capitalist.”
This is THE book to buy to get the most info on our secret US government. It names individuals & institutions. This is the latest and most thorough historical accounting of our new masters I have seen. By the way, their work is mostly done—they are only waiting to launch their finishing touches.
Having just finished my first read through today, on my vacation on Koh Samui – whenever I stay on Samui this is where I rent a villa for relaxing and reading. I must urge every citizen who is concerned for our country to buy and study this book. I plan upon at least two more readings.
WARNING: Reading Dr. Coleman’s masterpiece is like trying to take a drink of water from a roaring fire hydrant. There is an overwhelming amount of material here.
But this book now—while you can still get it! Buy all three and be fully informed.
Tags:book reviews, Carroll Quigley, character, Cleon Skousen, cover-up, crime, Dr. John Coleman, economy, fraud, God, Great Conspiracy, like trying to take a drink of water from a roaring fire hydrant, malfeasance, New World Order, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, secret US government, The Committee of 300, The Conspirator's Hierarchy, The Naked Capitalist, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in Advertising, Book Review(s), brain washing, Christianity, Constitution, Constitution, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, FDA: Federal Death Administration, Federal Income Tax, Federal Reserve, First Amendment, God, Gun Kontrol (Gun Control), Home School Curicula, Jesus, Muslim, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Red Flag Event, State's Rights, Take Back America, Terrorism, The Revolution of Virtue, War on America | No Comments »
Friday, June 18th, 2010
Recently in my life there was significant confusion over what I meant by a family loss being a “casualty of war.” I have been intending to review Murray Bowen’s book for some time and now is not the time to do so–in a rush. But some matters are more pressing than others.
Our society has deteriorated and continues to deteriorate. The greatest loss to the foundations of our country is in the family structure prevalent today.
Today’s families are run by females. While it is oft referred to as “a man’s world” that is a myth. In fact, females often say that the world is a mess because men run it. Hogwash!
I’ve got news for you: The person running the world from behind the scenes is a female! We’ll get back to that slip someday.
Most of the wealth is held by females, not males. Note: There is a difference, a fine discrimination between “female” and “woman.” Likwise, there are differences between what a “male” is and what a “man” is. But, we’ll have to cover that another time. But, I digress.
The importance of Murray Bowen’s contributions to the body of scientific knowledge have been grossly underestimated, undervalued and one might even regard this as “suppressed knowledge.” Much like students in economics never read “The Wealth of Nations” because the elite have suppressed it from our institutions of “higher” education, psychologists never hear of Murray Bowen!
In the 1950’s sociologist Murray Bowen and his team conducted research at the National Institutes of Mental Health in which they followed families of identified patients with schizophrenia; mother, father and child. You may have heard the term “schizophrenogenic mother,” but that was an inferior concept. Bowen discovered that it took BOTH mother AND father to produce a schizophrenic, a mentally ill child. Bowen’s team got so good at understanding the family systems they were able to predict psychotic episodes!
In short, if one wants to understand mental illness and how to treat it, even successfully cure it, one needs to study Bowen. If one wants to be a competent psychologist or organizational consult or systems analyst, Bowen’s work holds much of the key. This is foundational material.
Bowen never published a book himself. Rather, he published papers and most of the chapters in the “Family Therapy” were collected and edited by Bowen’s students. Bowen never earned a doctorate. He had only a master’s degree. However, he was originally trained in medicine before he began his research in psychology. Because he was not a psychologist but a sociologist, psychology has ignored one of its greatest minds!
This book represents a rather comprehensive collection of Bowen’s conceptions and work. It would behoove the country for professionals to study Bowen’s work and realize how important the family structure is and how much the family structure has been damaged in the United States as males became passive and submit to their over-active wives. Rather than help their wives learn how to modulate their anxiety, males have surrendered to the pressure of the ongoing cultural psychosociopolitical warfare. As a result, their children and future generations suffer–seriously–needlessly.
The United States can only survive when balance is restored in the American family. Until that time, we will suffer from an ongoing exacerbation of sociopathy, addictions, increased suicides and a whole lot of other unnecessary suffering. Haven’t the losses been great enough?
Tags:Casualties of War in the United States of America, economics, ego fusion mass, family structure, Family Systems, Family Therapy, identified patient, identified patients, Murray Bowen, National Institutes of Mental Health, New World Order, psychiatry, Psychologist, psychologists, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, psychotic episodes, Schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenogenic mother, sociologist, sociopathy, Suicide, suppressed knowledge, The Wealth of Nations, triangulation
Posted in Book Review(s), Family Therapy, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Suicide, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Friday, June 11th, 2010
The Tavistock Institute exposé by Dr. John Coleman may be ground breaking and a necessary read for all psychologists but it left me wanting. What I expected was more about psychological technique and method than it covers. Nonetheless, Coleman’s historical focus brings this dastardly institute to the forefront and it is a must read for anyone in the businesses of advertising and psychology.
Years ago I heard of the Tavistock Institute of psychological warfare in relation to H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. Then at the Arizona Department of Corrections I met a former psychologist educated at Stanford after returning from the Viet Nam War. He was as a sniper. He had given up the practice of psychology because he was so disenchanted with the broad sweeping damages our profession is inflicting upon our country and he mentioned that it all started with this little known entity.
The fact is Coleman’s book really should be subtitled “The War Against America.” This is the group that brought us World War I and all the other conflicts of the last century with their vast human sacrifice.
The first forth of Coleman’s brief book was intriguing; however, the second quarter was a bit repetitive and the sentence structure made me wonder if those pages were from an earlier file that had not been proof read. Nonetheless, the last half Dr. Coleman’s book had me wanting more. As Dr. Coleman wrote, this is meant as a companion book to his earlier book The Committee of 300, and I have ordered that book.
Perhaps the greatest contribution of this particular work is its mention of many references and the new perspective it offers on many previously misunderstood writings. Prepare for a journey into the unknown and your world being turned inside out. Read The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America with an open mind and keep this book handy for future reference as the insanity of the world unfolds and you find yourself wanting to make sense of it all. I recommend this read for all who wish for liberty and a restoration of our nation. Truly, the enemy is larger than we ever thought.

The Tavistock Institute
Tags:advertising, Aldous Huxley, Arizona Department of Corrections, book review, character, Coleman, conflicts, cultural decline, Dr. John Coleman, Economic Decline, exposé, George Orwell, human sacrifice, liberty, method, Moral decline, new perspective, New World Order, political, Political decline, psychological technique, psychological warfare, psychologists, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, references, restoration of our nation, shaping, sniper, Spiritual decline, Stanford, Tavistock Institute, The Committee of 300, the enemy, the insanity of the world, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the United States of America, The War Against America, Viet Nam War, World War I
Posted in Advertising, Book Review(s), brain washing, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, Negative Projective Psychology, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, War on America | 1 Comment »
Thursday, May 27th, 2010
The fact is most
Eustace Mullins (1988) first explained this in his book Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz documented this in several books including (2001) Death in the Air: Global Terrorism & Toxic Warfare in which he presented photocopies of actual ccontracts, mostly government contracts, proving these pathogens were manufactured.
Now, we have web sites dedicated to helping those suffering from the contaminated immunizations. Here is one. It is beyond “interesting.” It is proof of the vast conspiracy against America and the undeclared war which is currently being waged against my country!
Types of SV40 Cancers
Tags:cancer, cancers, contaminated immunizations, Death in the Air, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Global Terrorism & Toxic Warfare, Horowitz, Murder by Injection, The Dirty History of Immunizations, The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America, Types of SV40 Cancers, undeclared war, vast conspiracy against America
Posted in Book Review(s), brain washing, FDA: Federal Death Administration, New World Order, Take Back America, Vaccines, War on America | No Comments »
Monday, April 5th, 2010
The Hippie era of “Flower Power” and rampant drug use and all of the 1960’s was part of the ongoing British assault on America. This covert psychosociopolitical warfare was planned and launched from the Tavistock institute. It has been part of a long series of overt and covert war in attempt to regain the American colonies Great Britain lost during the American Revolutionary War.
This was not the first time Great Britain waged war against a population using drugs. The Brits have a history of it and they waged two wars on the Chinese in the mid-1800’s called the Chinese Opium Wars.

The Tavistock Institute
I must admit I have not read Coleman's book yet but I expect it to outline the most significant and effective secret ongoing psychosociopolitical warfare waged against the United States of America--Dr. Kent
Tags:1960's, American Revolutionary War, Chinese Opium Wars, covert operations, drug, drugs, flower power, Hippie, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, the Tavistock Institute, the war on America
Posted in Book Review(s), New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, War on America | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 4th, 2009
Book Review: Griffin (1994) (2008) The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. American Media. Westlake Village, California.
The 600 page book is the most comprehensive review of the history of money, banking and economics in a form that may be digested by the common man. Admittedly a lengthy tome, it is best read as the author G. Edward Griffin recommends—in order. All previous chapters lay the foundation for subsequent chapters. It is indeed a push to get through the first half of the book but by the time the reader gets to the middle, he has an understanding of the profound effects of money and economics on politics, history and war!
This is a must-read for every citizen and no student should graduate high school without having thoroughly digested Griffin’s seminal work on economics, the development of money and the history of banking. It is well-written and engaging. A seventh-grade student should be able to understand Griffin’s clear and concise writing.
Perhaps most importantly, the author offers a solution to the problem of money, more accurately the problem of fiat money. Griffin accurately and simply defines all of the terms and concepts he puts forward in his book. Beginning on approximately page 570 he offers a plausible solution in scarcely a dozen pages. His case against the Federal Reserve System is a walk back in history to the beginnings of money and banking encompassing the elements of war, revolution, oppression and fraud.
Griffin offers seven reasons to abolish the Federal Reserve System. On an extremely positive note, Griffin proposes a 16 step recovery plan to restore our country to a constitutional currency, putting the beast, the monster to sleep before the creature forever destroys our sovereignty and before The New World Order enslaves all of mankind, especially the little guy beyond our borders who has no hope for freedom and prosperity should our country fall.
While earlier editions can now be had at a bargain discount (center), due to its popularity it was recently out-of-print and only available at a premium. Griffin finally released a new edition of The Creature from Jekyll Island for 2008 (left). The author also offers an audio CD (right).
Tags:Book Review: Griffin (1994) (2008) "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve", economy, fraud, Griffin, malfeasance, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, United States of America
Posted in Book Review(s), Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dr Kent's Lists, End the Fed, Federal Income Tax, Federal Reserve, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, War on America | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 4th, 2009
by David B. Stein
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1 edition (January 29, 1999)
Check back soon for my review of this handy little handbook on how to rear children. It is the manual my mother they always said they never made, “You didn’t come with a manual!”
Tags:Bibliotherapy: "AD/HD: Ritalin Is Not The Answer: A Drug-Free, Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD", Stein
Posted in Behavioral Therapy, Bibliotherapy (Self-Help), Book Review(s), Dr Kent's Lists, Family Therapy, Positive Projective Psychology | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 4th, 2009
Hendrix (2007), Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples, 20th Anniversary Edition (Paperback), Holt Paperbacks.
Harville Hendrix’s seminal work from 1985 upon which he has written approximately 30 titles stands as his best book of the series. The exercises in the appendix are highly recommended as engaging in such allows a couple to explore their conscious and subconscious values and images.
Hendrix put forth the idea that we choose partners who simultaneously have “the best qualities” and “the worst qualities” for us. He said consciously we choose those with the best qualities but subconsciously we choose those with the worst qualities in order to work out formerly unresolved issues from parenting and our families of origin. Review
When Harville Hendrix writes about relationships, he discusses them not just as an educator and a therapist, but as a man who has himself been through a failed marriage. Hendrix felt the sting of his divorce intensely because he believed it signaled not only his failure as a husband but also his failure as a couples counselor. Investigating why his marriage dissolved led him to start looking into the psychology of love. Marriage, he ultimately discovered, is the “practice of becoming passionate friends.”
As a result of his research, Hendrix created a therapy he calls Imago Relationship Therapy. In it, he combines what he’s learned in a number of disciplines, including the behavioral sciences, depth psychology, cognitive therapy, and Gestalt therapy, to name just a few. He expounds upon this approach in Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples. His purpose in writing the book, he says, is “to share with you what I have learned about the psychology of love relationships, and to help you transform your relationship into a lasting source of love and companionship.”
Divided into three sections, the book covers “The Unconscious Marriage,” which details a marriage in which the remaining desires and behavior of childhood interfere with the current relationship; “The Conscious Marriage,” which shows a marriage that fulfils those childhood needs in a positive manner; and a 10-week “course in relationship therapy, ” which gives detailed exercises for you and your partner to follow in order to learn how to “replace confrontation and criticism … with a healing process of mutual growth and support.” The text is occasionally dry and technical; however, the information provided is valuable, the case studies are interesting, and the exercises are revealing and helpful. By utilizing his program, Hendrix hopes you too will be able to solve your marital difficulties without the expense of a therapist.
“Hendrix provides much insight into how spouses can mature through one another.” — — Booklist
“I know of no better guide for couples who genuinely desire a maturing relationship.” — — M. Scott Peck, author of The Road Less Traveled
Beck (1988), Love is Never Enough: How Couples can Overcome Misunderstandings, Resolve Conflicts, and Solve Relationships Problems Through Cognitive Therapy, Harper & Row, Publishers.
Aaron T. Beck, M.D., is University Professor Emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and president of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research. Dr. Beck is the author of thirteen books. He lives with his wife, Judge Phyllis Beck, in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, and has four children and eight grandchildren.
Tags:and Solve Relationships Problems Through Cognitive Therapy, Beck, Bibliotherapy for Couples & Marriage Counseling, Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples, Hendrix, Love is Never Enough: How Couples can Overcome Misunderstandings, Resolve Conflicts
Posted in Behavioral Therapy, Bibliotherapy (Self-Help), Book Review(s), Dr Kent's Lists, Family Therapy, Marriage & Couples Therapy, Positive Projective Psychology | 9 Comments »
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
While the AMA has been chasing after the wind by claiming and perpetually changing it’s mind about the cause(s) of heart disease and heart attacks, IMHO the cause of heart disease and heart attacks is fluoridated water!
The American Medical Association has claimed all sorts of things and targeted cholesterol and recently histamines as the cause of heart disease and heart attack but currently the prevailing opinion among Medical Doctors of Homoeopathy is that “inflammation” is the cause of most such ailments.
What causes inflammation?
According to Mark Starr, MD and MD(H) in his seminal book “Hypothyroidism Type II” the culprit of “inflammation” might be better known as “Myxedema” which has been known to be associated with thyroid deficiencies since approximately the 1880’s!
According to Jerry Tennant, MD and MD(H) in his public presentation he pointed to the swelling near the heart and aorta on a slide and announced that he suspected the answer to the cause of heart attack and heart disease lays there.
What has taken the medical establishment so long to address this problem?
Today’s thyroid deficiencies may be traced directly to our current practices of fluoridating our water in a manner that doesn’t reduce dental cavities in our children at all!
Allow me to explain:
At the risk of over-simplification, fluorine in our drinking water effects every cell in the body.
Fluorine is highly energized and knocks iodine off from its natural four poles or valences on a thyroid hormone.
Modern blood tests cannot detect these alterations!
Lab tests can’t tell how much “functional” thyroid hormone one has.
While labs test for T4 & T3, their tests do NOT measure T1 & T2.
Therefore, no one knows how much EFFECTIVE thyroid hormone anyone has!
If you’ve stayed with me this far, understanding the rest is easy.
The thyroid regulates many things. In particular it effects metabolism.
Decreased metabolism has typically shows up as a lower basal body temperature and swelling in the face & body.
You know that double chin or loss of that graceful curve under one’s chin where the neck should be?
Most adults begin showing signs of the loss of graceful neck definition under their chins in the late 20’s!
Buy Mark Starr’s book and find out for yourself:
Tags:AMA, American Medical Association, cholesterol, dental cavities, dental cavities in our children, drinking water, fluoridating our water, fluorine, heart attack, heart disease, histamines, iodine, Jerry Tennant, Mark Starr, MD, MD(H), Medical Doctors, Medical Doctors of Homoeopathy, T1, T2, T3, T4, The Cause of Heart Disease and Heart Attacks, thyroid deficiencies, thyroid hormones, What causes inflammation?
Posted in Bibliotherapy (Self-Help), Book Review(s), FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Hypothyroidism Type II | No Comments »
Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

My father showed this photo when I visited last month. I told him we didn’t commit suicide. We were murdered!
Read these three books. They make the case for murder:
Griffin (2008) “The Creature from Jekyll Island,”
Skousen (1970) “The Naked Capitalist,” and
Mullins (2007) “The Curse of Canaan.”
As Jesus called Lazarus from his sleep,
I call my beloved country:
Rise from your slumber
Before you are rent
See my recent book reviews:
Tags:book reviews, Griffin, Jekyll Island, Mullins, murder, Skousen, Suicide, United States of America
Posted in Bibliotherapy (Self-Help), Book Review(s), Corruption of Elected Public Officials, New World Order, Obama, Psychosociopolitical Warfare | 2 Comments »