While I really do not like having to post this publically about Al Silberman, the story really would be incomplete without it. Dr. Silberman is a moral and ethical psychologist and should not be cast in with the lot. And Al is likeable. However, Silberman’s contributions were significant.
Above is the scanned accurate .pdf file giving notice of what is cut and pasted below:
March 25, 2008
John Kent, Ph.D. 933 W. Azalea Place Chandler, AZ 85248
Re: RFI No. -08-07
Dear Dr. Kent:
The Board of Psychologist Examiners has received your Request for Investigation regarding Adolph Silberman, Ed.D., and an investigation has been initiated. A copy of your complaint has been sent to the psychologist who will be required to respond to the Board, in writing. The psychologist’s response is confidential by law and will not be provided to you.
Please note that if you submit additional complaint information or documents, the Board is required to provide copies of that additional information to the psychologist for a response, which may cause a delay in the resolution of the case. Audio tapes, video tapes or compact discs submitted as part of your complaint must be accompanied by a certified transcript of the entire (not excerpted) proceeding or conversation.
Please be aware that once this case has been scheduled to be heard by the Board’s Complaint Screening Committee (CSC), the Board will be unable to accept additional information regarding this matter. Therefore, no supplemental documents or information will be accepted within ten (10) days prior to the scheduled CSC meeting date.
Please be advised of the following information regarding the Board’s investigative procedures: All investigative materials are reviewed by the Board’s investigator who may then contact the psychologist, the complainant and others to obtain additional information or clarify specific issues. The investigator then writes a report and provides the report and documentation to the Complaint Screening Committee at a regularly scheduled meeting. This is the CSC’s initial review of the case and is not a hearing. Please note that witness testimony is not taken unless the case proceeds to a formal hearing. Each and every time that a case appears on the CSC’s agenda, the complainant and the licensee (or their representative) who are present at the CSC meeting, and who wish to address the CSC regarding the complaint may do so by filling out a “Request to Speak” form (which is available at the CSC meeting) and providing it to Board’s staff. Presentations are limited to five minutes and there is no question/answer interaction with the Committee members at this time. An audiotape or CD of the Board’s discussion of the case may be purchased for a charge of $10.00 per audiotape/CD. Copies of the CSC Minutes may also be purchased at $0.25 per page; however, the Minutes often do not contain the details of the audio recordings.
RFI No. 08-07 Page Two
The CSC can vote to dismiss the case if it determines that the complaint is without merit, or refer the complaint to the full Board for further review and action. You will be notified in writing of the CSC’s decision. Enclosed is a schedule of the CSC’s meeting dates. You will receive a written copy of the CSC’s agenda indicating the date of the meeting in which the complaint will be reviewed.
The Board’s mission is to protect the public; however, the Board can only take action against a licensee when it has been determined that there is a violation of the Board’s statutes or rules. The Board cannot remove a psychologist from a particular case, overturn opinions or decisions made by a psychologist, or influence a court of law or a judge to disregard the opinion of a psychologist who has been appointed by the court.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (602) 542-3018. Sincerely,
Victoria Kamm, CI Board Investigator
Rev 1/08