Posts Tagged ‘FDA’

How to Stop Injesting Aluminum Part II SALT (Preventing Alzheimer’s)

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

With this post, I am cutting to the chase.

Sure, one may ingest aluminum from carbonated beverages in aluminum cans.

And can get a wallop of aluminum cooking in aluminum pans.

Take a look at that pockmarked pan after simmering tomato sauce in it.

But nothing beats the fact


How did it get there?

Well, it’s true some of it got their naturally as aluminum is the most common metal on the face of the earth and some salt is naturally found in aluminum deposits.

But the fact is our food industry under the FDA and other international auspices allows the addition of a few aluminum compounds under the guise of

“Anti-caking Agents”

And almost all processed food has aluminized salt added to it!

Read the label on that packer of salt.

See if it doesn’t contain aluminum silicate or another alumium compound.


Using aluminized salt!

Stay tuned for proactive ways to avert Alzheimer’s.

Aluminum Causes Alzheimer’s Dementia

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

This is such old information I am amazed it caught your attention.

Aluminum plaques (tangles) in the brain occur at the ion level.

No, I do not understand it entirely.

Yes, this knowledge has been suppressed.

No, I do not know of any way to remove aluminum from the body.

There is no use for any aluminum in the body.

There is no FDA minimum daily requirement for aluminum.

Part of the difficulty in this conversation is that the field of psychology has been down-graded and dumbed-down just like the rest of American society, especially our schools.

For instance, while we in medicine and in psychology used to differentially diagnose approximately six different types of dementia’s, since 1983 there has been a tendency to diagnose any dementia as Alzheimer’s Disease.  This is unfortunate because many types of dementias can be treated successfully.

For example, I have treated alcohol induced dementia* and successfully reversed one case with massive B vitamin supplementation.  However, not all alcohol induced dementia’s respond to treatment.  We got lucky that time but as I said motivationally to the patient upon recovery:

“You got lucky.  We didn’t think you were going to make it.  Do you remember how you were when you came in here?  How disoriented you were?

“Do you like being independent?  Do you want someone changing your diapers . . .

“We were able to get you back this time.  But I don’t think you have many more drunks left in you.  If you continue drinking, that fog and stupor could reoccur.  It could become irreversible.

“Next time we might not be able to bring you back .”

You can imagine how motivational that session was.  The risk in front of that gentleman was that he might not be able to return from another fog of alcohol induced dementia.

*Certainly I am aware of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome.

WE ARE AT WAR! And We Don’t Even Realize It!!!

Friday, April 17th, 2009


We are and have been fighting on all fronts.  Because the enemy has penetrated us so deeply and thoroughly, it doesn’t have the appearance of war, but, believe me, we are fighting on ALL FRONTS!


Call me paranoid.  I don’t care but my job is to warn you that America is about to go under and I don’t think we can survive one more emersion in the depths of war.  Not just any war, but World War.


America and the hope of a recovered United States are all that stands between the evil ones and the little guy around the world outside of our borders.  But, we are the target. 


Once they take US down, there will be nothing in between them and the little fellow around the world.  It’ll be a cake walk for them to wreak havoc on any & all around the globe.


The problem is we are losing and sinking fast inside our own borders.  We are the most naïve people on the planet and we are dumb.


It’s time to wake up and it is much too late.  There is no way to avoid the fate of an invasion.  I write from Ground Zero in Phoenix, Arizona.  Only instead of 9/11, it will be 11/9.


We are fighting on all fronts and let me give you merely two examples: 


(1)  The old wives’ tales about the FLUORIDE in our water?  They are all true and we don’t even have the power to stop them from poisoning our drinking water!


That type of fluoridation of our water is THE MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO:


Heart Disease


Heart Attack


Diabetes Type II




Mood Disorders


(2)  The main cause of autism and Bipolar Type I Disorders? 


It’s in the food!


Somehow corporate America has been adding MANGANESE to infant formula and to cereals we feed our children.  One (1) out of every forty-nine (49) boys has autism today. 


How?  An infant’s liver can only process approximately 400 mg of manganese a day but his soy formula is spiked with 8 grams of MANGANESE. 


{8 grams = 8,000 mg –or– approximately twenty times (20X) what a baby’s liver can detoxify across a day!}


Even General Mills’ Cheerios has enough MANGANESE in two & a half bowls to give a toxic dose of MANGANESE to a 250 pound man!  Yet, the Federal Drug Administration allows General Mills not to disclose how much MANGANESE is in Cheerios!  {Communicated to Dr. Young}


MANGANESE accumulates in the basal ganglia in the brain where it causes all kinds of misfires.  Listen to my archived radio shows to hear other experts & their opinions.  What’s yours?


Now, you know in part why I affectionately call the FDA:


The Federal Death Administration



The Dr. Kent Show February 14, 2009 with Guest Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H)

Monday, February 16th, 2009


Medical Community Terrified by Hidden Measures within Obama’s “Stimulus Bill”

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009


While Bloomberg covers part of this, one must be a member of the Medical Community to get full access to these proposals.  Moreover, the Medical Community will “shut up” in short order and “go along” to “get along” because in order to survive professionally they will soon be forced to knuckle under.


Folks, this is The New World Order and the FDA:


The “Federal Death Administration.”


What is being rushed through unopposed by either party, including so-called “Republicans,” is:


Physicians will NOT be allowed to treat any “chronic” condition in anyone age 62 & over.


Age 62 is critical because that is the age for Social Security.  They don’t want us to draw it unless you’re an illegal alien.  Then they’ll make any illegal “disabled.”


Neither Drudge nor Bloomberg report this, but here is the flash through the Medical Community via physicians who subscribe and are members to medical databases which spell out the sordid details of how the new administration, Obama and “Change,” are going to target older people in the United States for termination.  Some will die more slowly and more painful deaths than others according to medical experts consulted.


Sadly, three (3) so-called Republicans (and this time it’s not John McCain) who are females have jumped sides and there’s no stopping Obama’s Stimulus Package. 


God save us and open the eyes of these three Republican “Death Angels” and the Democrats.

The Dr. Kent Show January 24, 2009

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009


My guest this weekend is Mark Starr, MD and we’ll be getting into the more sordid details of his book Hypothyroidism Type 2.  Dr. Starr’s book is not “sordid” in & of itself; nonetheless, the unwritten implications of this thorough study on the history of thyroid disorder & treatment is a real eye opener.  Some of the photos have not been published for years (suppressed?).  While it is indeed technical and comprehensive, it is accessible to the average lay reader.  Dr. Starr may have his finger on the cause of diabetes type 2 and heart disease and other diseases.



While we are going beyond what Dr. Starr has written in his 2007 Second Printing, Dr. Starr and I seem in agreement on certain things.  Namely, the major contributions of thyroid dysfunction to mental illness; moreover, the fact that fluoride in our water has been the major culprit in the major degenerative diseases we suffer in our “advanced” society.  Why is it third world country populations do not see anything like the degenerative diseases in the United States? 


Moreover, why has the United States insisted upon fluoridating the public drinking water despite all the evidence to the contrary—showing for more than six decades that fluoride is the major cause of mental illness, mental retardation and almost every degenerative disease in the United States?


Learn why I refer affectionately to the FDA as the:



(Quote me)