Archive for the ‘Mental Retardation’ Category

Understanding Dr. Kent’s Three Levels of Fluoride Poisoning

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

My three level of fluoride poisoning need some explaining.

This is not the progress in an individual. 

These are the levels of progression across time that a population experiences  longitudinally–across time.

This is the framework.

We have seen a significant increase in heart disease & heart attacks in the 50’s,  60’s and 70’s.

Then the US has seen epidemic proportions of type II diabetes & obesity in the 80’s, 90’s and this decade.

We are now entering the tertiary period in which we seeing a raise in epidemic proportions of tumors, especially in our children–even pre-natalty!

However, there is a lot more to this.  For instance, these three levels do not take into account the immediate and most times permanent effects of fluoride upon mental health, upon emotions and intellectual functioning.  These happen much more instantly and are insipidus across the entire time a population is unnecessarily exposed to fluoridated water.

Come to think of it–

Might there be some necessity in the minds of someone or some group to use fluoride upon us so widely?

Mainstream Media Mercurial Propaganda?

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Mercury is good for you! – US Mainstream Media Report

Three Levels of Fluoride Poisoning

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Over time a society experiences three levels of disease from fluoridated water:

Level I

Increased Heart Disease and Heart Attacks

Level II

Increase in Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity

Level III

Increase in Tumors