Archive for the ‘Coming Shows’ Category
Tuesday, February 17th, 2009
Having been notified by email that our new Governor can not or will not meet with me, I called NW in the Governor’s office. We are at an impasse after it was suggested I meet with the new Director of ADOC. Therefore,
Tune in.
Frankly, I think our new Governor is in over her head. While I had hoped to be restored and employed correcting the messes within ADOC, the revelations during this next show are likely to result in major financial losses for the State of Arizona at a time when it can ill afford it. Nevertheless, these people (ADOC and the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners) have damaged me and done their best to destroy me.
Be advised:
We are talking about several frauds & malfeasance, sexual battery, rape of a patient and MURDER.
Many will come forward, rightfully so, seeking justice from an unjust system. Expect the State of Arizona to pay Big Bucks in damages and costly fighting in the United States Supreme Court. Why? Because there is no Sex Offender Treatment Program in ADOC, especially since ADOC and the private prison fired Dr. Susanne Arnold!
Then there are those who were brutally murdered!
By ADOC guards.
By Medical Health Services.
By medically induced leukemia because of the ignorance & negligence of contract psychiatry AND the supervising psychologists (Arnold & McCauley & company) who covered it up, literally burying the evidence, and allowing the culprit to continue practising for more than another year during which he killed more inmate patients.
They weren’t sentenced to DEATH!
They weren’t given sentences of EXECUTION!
Nonetheless, they died. Some horribly, miserably.
Let the State of Arizona pay the price. I am tired of being the brunt of their terror.
Folks, this is “bureaucratic tyranny.”
We have become a communist country.
Wake up!
Wake up! America.
Before it’s too late!
“America, America, where are you now?
Don’t you care about your sons and daughters?”
Tags:ADC, ADOC, Arizoan Department of Corrections, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, communism, communist.ommunists, Complaint Screening Committee, crime, crimes, death sentence, death sentences, Democrat, Dora Schriro, Dr. Arnold, duty to report, economy, execution, FBI, fraud, Govenor Jan Brewer, Governor Brewer, Jan Brewer, Janet Napolitano, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, malpractise, murder, nepotism, Ph.D., psychiatry, Psychologist, Psychologist III, psychologist sex with a patient, psychologists, psychology, rape, retaliation, Sex Offender Treatment Program, sex with a client, sex with a patient, sexual assault, sexual battery, Susan Arnold, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in ADC (Arizona Department of "Corruption" aka Arizona Department of Corrections), ADOC Director Dora SCHRIRO, Anne Middaugh, Arizona Board of Homeopathy & Integrated Medical Examiners, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Attorney General Terry Goddard, Coming Shows, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Jeffrey Golde, John Trezise, Pamela McCauley, Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP), Susan Arnold | 1 Comment »
Sunday, February 8th, 2009
The nice thing about a blog is that I can correct my typing & spelling errors, edit and <delete> whatever I want, whenever I want.
However, it takes some staying on top of it and a lot of time in order to reach the level of recognition Dr. Kent’s Blog has achieved in such short order. For instance, while I was informed at the end of November that it would take at least six (6) months before my blog would be picked up by the search engines, two weeks ago not only was my blog picked up but Google picked up my Website!
After only two (2) months, you found the topics of Dr. Kent’s Blog and my show, The Dr. Kent Show Giving Psychology Away so hot and interesting that you assured my early success!
Well, sex, murder and mayhem tend to draw our attention. While corruption of elected public officials & their appointees and corruption of our public insitutions (particularly law enforcement) and the “perversion” of justice never cease to garner attention.
Thank you for reading. That has made all the difference.
Also, I need to credit my web designer SAM and her advice. A lot of folks at the radio station, KFNX, have given me some great advice and I thank Robert Baumbach & Michael O’Connor for their never ending helping. Well . . . Robert was beginning to get a little impatient with me for leaning on him so much but I eagerly followed all of his advice. This success would not have been possible without Robert.
Now, if I could only get a time slot that wouldn’t be prone to being preempted! A lot of you, my audience, have complained about missing my show and I apologize to you, but it has been beyond my control. But stay tuned, particularly to my blog because I will make it all up to you, especially those from ADOC–on staff and held in the system. And those wanting to know what goes on “back stage” in the profession of “psychology” are really going to get an eyeful! A sore eye for the profession and the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners. Things are going to get real hot from here, and the size of Dr. Kent’s Blog is going to mushroom.
Already there have been so many hits and so much bandwidth as folks discover that they can readily download accurate .pdf documents, scanned .tiff files, and edited commercial free shows in MP3 form that can be played readily on almost anything, I may soon have to upgrade my server services. Aw shucks! 😉 If it didn’t cost me so much, I’d argue against the success of The Dr. Kent Show Giving Psychology Away and Dr. Kent’s Blog.
Stay tuned. It’ll only get hotter and heavier from here.
I speak the truth. While the truth shall set you (me) free, others will not be able to stand the heat. I did not ask for this position but I am stuck here.
So, might as well make the most of it.
Tags:ADOC, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, blog, blogs, character, crime, Democrat, Dora Schriro, Dr. Arnold, duty to report, FBI, fraud, Google, Janet Napolitano, KFNX, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, malpractise, murder, nepotism, Ph.D., psychiatry, Psychologist, Psychologist III, psychologists, psychology, public acknowledgment, retaliation, SAM, search engine optimization, search engines, Sex Offender Treatment Program, sex with a patient, success, Susan Arnold, thank you, thank yous, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Coming Shows, Negative Projective Psychology, Positive Projective Psychology | No Comments »
Saturday, February 7th, 2009
While you may tune in today, rather than me, you’re going to get college basketball. May I suggest downloading and listening to my commercial free MP3 of the January 24th show featuring my guest Dr. Mark Starr?
This will “prepare” you for my next show on Valentine’s Day February 14th as Dr. Jerry Tennant has tentatively agreed to be on my show. It is my honor & pleasure to bring you Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H) as Dr. Tennant knows more about the literature & the research behind today’s medical practices than anyone else I have met.
Listen as Dr. Tennant’s wisdom challenges most of today’s medical practices. Learn what Integrative Medicine is about.
Be advised Dr. Tennant’s critical analysis of the literature will blow your mind—and, admittedly, mine!
Dr. Jerry Tennant is the inventor of the Tennant Biomodulator®.
Let me describe Jerry Tennant, MD this way:
Dr. Tennant is to medicine what Franklin, Edison & Tesla are to electricity!
Dr. Tennant’s genius and contributions are that great!
But, that is just my humble opinion. What’s yours?
Tags:Dr. Jerry Tennant, Dr. Mark Starr, Dr. Starr, Dr. Tennant, Edison, electricity, Franklin, genius, Integrative Medicine, Jerry Tennant, medical literature, medical research, Tennant Biomodulator, Tesla, Valentine's Day
Posted in Archived Shows (MP3), Arizona Board of Homeopathy & Integrated Medical Examiners, Autism, Bipolar Disorder Type I, Coming Shows, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), Guests, Iatrogenesis, KFNX, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), Negative Projective Psychology, New World Order, Positive Projective Psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare | No Comments »
Monday, February 2nd, 2009
The Dr. Kent Show for February 7, 2009 is going to be pre-empted but
The Dr. Kent Show returns on Saturday February 14, 2009 for a
Valentine’s Day Massacre!
Tags:Valentine, Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Massacre
Posted in ADOC Director Dora SCHRIRO, Arizona Board of Homeopathy & Integrated Medical Examiners, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Attorney General Terry Goddard, Coming Shows, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, Democratic Party, Iatrogenesis, KFNX, Marriage & Couples Therapy, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), Mental Health Records, Negative Projective Psychology, New World Order, Positive Projective Psychology | No Comments »
Sunday, February 1st, 2009
Most dating agencies and services are modeled after the methods utilized to exploit lonely singles by the biggest dating service of them all—“Great Expectations.” Even the “Equally Yoked” dating service for Christians is modeled tightly after the exploitative methods of “Great Expectations.”
If you’ve been “exploited” by any dating agency, please contact me and consider being part of my Valentine’s Day show, especially if you’ve been bitten and stung by “Great Expectations” or, as I affectionately call them, “Great Exploitations.”
Tune in as I share how “Great Exploitations” in Scottsdale breeched their own sorry contract and why you should stay away from GE, and how you can really meet people and more effectively meet others without being soaked, like I was, for more than $4,000 with nothing to show for it but the bill and a few photos, photos which GE never gave back to me. That was another $400 wasted on top of the $4 grand!
As I said, “I am a bit retarded, but let that be our little secret. My middle initial really should be “G” for “Gullible.
Tags:"Great Exploitations", breech of contract, Christians, con artist, con artists, couples, couples therapy, dating, dating agencies, dating services, Equally Yoked, exploitative, exploiting lonely singles, exploiting others, exploiting singles, Family Therapy, GE, Great Expectations, gullible, mariage, marital, match makers, Scottsdale, Scottsdale GE, Valentine, Valentine's Day
Posted in Coming Shows, Guests, Marriage & Couples Therapy | No Comments »
Saturday, January 31st, 2009
Today’s show will feature me—solo. Many folks prefer when I am on by myself. For one, I am less inhibited and I drop a ton more information. For another, there are times when the flow achieved on air solo is very good. And because the hour is so short, many prefer to hear just from me.
Oddly enough when I “prepare” the show tends to fall flat. Nonetheless, when solo I can get derailed and fail to connect the dots. Therefore, feel free to call in about anything on my blog or to get me on the track you want me on.
Once I take off in a direction, if I sense that it is not garnering much interest (no phone calls or e-mail) then I am apt to change direction before finishing that subject. However, today I have enough information for about four hours and we’ll see how I cram some part of that in a way that makes sense.
Expect me to speak on several levels at once and to change from “micro” to “macro” levels, from small personal examples to the Big Picture, not merely in juxtaposition but to demonstrate parallelism and attempt to get across some subtle yet profound points of truth.
Enjoy these days my friends. These may be the best that we have left. Invest in yourself and your health first & foremost because the roller coaster ride I see coming in June is beyond my ability to express in words.
Tags:Big Picture, health, The Big Picture
Posted in Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Coming Shows, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), Joseph Donaldson, Obama | No Comments »
Thursday, January 22nd, 2009
My guest this weekend is Mark Starr, MD and we’ll be getting into the more sordid details of his book Hypothyroidism Type 2. Dr. Starr’s book is not “sordid” in & of itself; nonetheless, the unwritten implications of this thorough study on the history of thyroid disorder & treatment is a real eye opener. Some of the photos have not been published for years (suppressed?). While it is indeed technical and comprehensive, it is accessible to the average lay reader. Dr. Starr may have his finger on the cause of diabetes type 2 and heart disease and other diseases.
While we are going beyond what Dr. Starr has written in his 2007 Second Printing, Dr. Starr and I seem in agreement on certain things. Namely, the major contributions of thyroid dysfunction to mental illness; moreover, the fact that fluoride in our water has been the major culprit in the major degenerative diseases we suffer in our “advanced” society. Why is it third world country populations do not see anything like the degenerative diseases in the United States?
Moreover, why has the United States insisted upon fluoridating the public drinking water despite all the evidence to the contrary—showing for more than six decades that fluoride is the major cause of mental illness, mental retardation and almost every degenerative disease in the United States?
Learn why I refer affectionately to the FDA as the:
(Quote me)
Tags:degenerative disease, degenerative diseases, Dr. Mark Starr, FDA, Federal Death Administration, Federal Drug administration, flouride, fluoridating, hypothyroidism, Hypothyroidism Type 2, Hypothyroidism Type II, mental illness, mental retardation, public drinking water, thyroid, thyroid disease, thyroid dysfunction, United States
Posted in Coming Shows, Guests | 1 Comment »
Saturday, December 27th, 2008
Guest Appearances
The Dr. Kent Show
Giving Psychology Away
The mission of The Dr. Kent Show in Giving Psychology Away brings the best expertise in psychology to the public at large pro bono, that is, for free. The Dr. Kent Show confers a critical awareness of practices in mental health to assist those in need to choose the best treatment modalities available.
If you have something significant to contribute to the public at large, you may qualify as a guest on The Dr. Kent Show. Contact me using my contacts page and let’s discuss soon the possibility of your guest appearance on my show.
Tags:guest, guest appearance, Guests
Posted in Advertising on the Dr. Kent Show, Coming Shows, Guests | No Comments »
Tuesday, December 9th, 2008
KFNX News Talk Radio 1100 AM
2001 North 3rd Street
Suite 102
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: (602) 277-1100
Fax: (602) 248-1478
Dear Prospective Advertiser,
Allow me to invite you and your company or organization to sponsor The Dr. Kent Show “Giving Psychology Away” on Saturdays from 2-3 PM or advertise on any of our programs on KFNX.
The Dr. Kent Show audience is adept and affluent. While The Dr. Kent Show focuses upon providing generic psychological advice from the literature & the cutting edge of mental health and substance abuse treatment, our audience is also interested in the applications of psychology to current world situations. Accordingly, Dr. Kent and his guests share their insight & information candidly.
Having five degrees including a doctorate in psychology, educated in Europe, Dr. Kent wishes he could say ‘my education hasn’t hurt me none’ but the sad fact remains today we live in an age in which people experience issues & seek answers. They want reasons why the world is as it is today. Accordingly, I invite you to become part of The Dr. Kent Show as we seek to grow & expand our fields of influence. Let us help you take your organization & your products to the top. Do you want to grow your business?
Radio advertising on KFNX ‘NEWS-TALK RADIO’ 1100, is one of the most affordable and cost effective ways (3 times more cost effective than music stations) to do so. Radio reaches 93% of all adults each week – or – 260 million people listen to the radio each week. The average person spends 1,000 hours per year listening to the radio, second only to television at 1,500 hours. KFNX reaches your potential customers; upscale listeners who are older, more educated and more affluent. KFNX listeners hear more ads because of their loyalty to our talk hosts, greater time spent listening, and ads being less of an interruption. I work with you personally as the owner of the station. I monitor your responses and adjust the schedule accordingly to maximize your return on investment.
KFNX was voted one of the Top Ten Radio Stations in Arizona by Ranking Arizona and has over 89,000 weekly listeners. KFNX has one of the largest signals of any Phoenix Radio Station with 50,000 watts reaching almost 5 million people throughout Arizona from Sedona to Tucson and Yuma to Globe. KFNX has the best dial position at 1100 in the middle of the A.M. dial. KFNX’s featured shows include – ‘Imus In The Morning’, mornings 6–9 A.M., ‘The Dr. Laura Program’ midday’s 1-3 P.M. ‘The Radio Factor’ with Bill O’Reilly, afternoons 5-7 P.M., and ‘The Lou Dobbs Show’, nights 10P.M.-1 A.M. KFNX is the Phoenix radio broadcast home of the University of Arizona Men’s Football and Basketball games. KFNX has a wide variety of informative and entertaining programming from politics to business to health. KFNX offers CNN national news as well as local news, weather and traffic around the clock. You can listen to KFNX at 1100 on your AM dial, or go to our website to listen worldwide and for more information on the station.
As I am currently scheduling our advertising, please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss further details of advertising on these and other shows to cost effectively reach your target demographic.
If you do not wish to advertise your business, please contact me to discuss hosting your own radio talk show.
Let me know how you heard about advertising on The Dr. Kent Show (Dr. Kent’s Blog) or starting your own radio talk show. I look forward to hearing from you.
Francis Battaglia
KFNX 1100 AM
602 277-1100 x 1463
Tags:1100 AM, ads, advertise, advertising, advice, affluent, answers, Arizona, Bill O'Reilly, demographic, generic psychological advice, hosting, hosting your own talk radio show, Imus in the Morning, issues, KFNX, mental health, mental health treatment, news talk radio, news talkradio, newstalk radio, Phoenix radio, Phoenix radio station, psychological advice, radio advertising, radio sponsorship, return on investment, sponsor, sponsoring, starting your own talk radio show, substance abuse, substance abuse treatment, talk radio, talk radio show host, talk radio show hosting, talkradio, The Dr. Laura Program, The Dr. Laura Show, The Lou Dobbs Show, The Radio Factor, Top 10 radio stations, UA, University of Arizona, University of Arizona Basketball, University of Arizona Men's Football
Posted in Advertising on the Dr. Kent Show, Coming Shows, Guests | 1 Comment »