Archive for the ‘RFI No. 06-09’ Category

RFI No. 06-09 KENT/3

Sunday, January 18th, 2009


Request for Investigation Number 06-09 was filed against me on February 15, 2006.  It contained several pages of attachments.  Again, while this was filed in retaliation against me, because it is a fully privileged communication I am unable to make it public at this time. 


Actually, it was more than merely “retaliation;” however, I am not at liberty to discuss it further least I inadvertently reveal something salient regarding the nature of the complaint.  Allow me to say it was a crime.  Let it suffice to say it was crafted quite effectively and appeared to involve the help of another psychologist who shall also remain unnamed at this time.  More importantly, the organization of the complaint letter and the documentation indicate a coordinated effort to harm me.


While these are extremely sensitive matters and, quite frankly, embarrassing, once I am at liberty to do so, I shall publish this in full.  Complaints before the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners are “fully privileged.”  What this means is the party/parties filling such complaints are held completely harmless even though their complaint(s) is obviously frivolous, libelous, slanderous and intentionally damaging.  In other words, there are no protections for psychologists such as exists for physicians.


Complaints before the Arizona Board of Medical Examiners (BOMAX) are “partially privileged.”  What this means is that when a party files a complaint merely to harass and damage the license holder, the license holder may pursue that party for damages.  This is not the case with complaints before the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners and it would take suing my own Board in the Arizona Supreme Court to secure that right to protect myself.