Archive for February, 2009
Saturday, February 28th, 2009
Sometime ago, I posted about this when it was being passed around as real. Here, The Onion takes credit.
Art sometimes has an uncanny way of depicting the truth and art has a long standing of being political, especially which dissidence is involved. Even great symphonies have been composed in protest, but nothing beats humor to remind us how absurd we are.
Tags:art, false positives, Humor, political, protest, symphonies, The Onion, United States of America
Posted in Humor | No Comments »
Saturday, February 28th, 2009
Did you see DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s address to the Congress this past week?
If her position weren’t so serious, it was almost comical!
Her body language, in particular, her involuntary shaking (even her eyes were wobbling [“Nystagmus” is often observed in schizophrenics!]) and quivering indicate:
Something is seriously wrong–with this woman and/or her position!
Napolitano’s “sales pitch” was so flagrant and insulting it appeared none of of the Congress whom she was addressing were “buying” it. It was all show & tell. Her presentation and the obvious lack of mention of the word “terrorism” further reinforce the idea that 9/11 may have been an inside job, at least in part.
Folks, this is the woman who is going to take your guns away–as soon as she has the next opportunity–like they confiscated firearms during Hurricane Katrina.
Remember: Napolitano said her department was not focusing upon terror, terrorism or the deterence of terrorism. Rather, DHS is getting ready for another “national emergency.”
Tags:9/11, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, character, Democrat, Dora Schriro, Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, fraud, gun confiscation, involuntary shaking, Janet Napolitano, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, national emergency, nepotism, New World Order, nystagmus, Obama, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, schizophrenic, terrorism, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, US Congress
Posted in ADOC Director Dora SCHRIRO, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Democratic Party, Department of Homeland Security, Gun Kontrol (Gun Control), Homeland Security, New World Order, Obama, The Second Amendment | No Comments »
Saturday, February 28th, 2009
Did you see Bernanke lie this past week?
The man can’t hide it.
He lied to everybody.
And it showed.
Don’t be fooled.
Liberals & liberalism are continuing to dig our hole deeper.
Tags:Bernanke, Democrat, dig our hole, digging our hole, economy, Federal Reserve Chairman, fraud, hole, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, New World Order, Obama, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Democratic Party, Federal Reserve, New World Order, Obama | No Comments »
Saturday, February 28th, 2009
Courtesy of a “fan:”
I can’t wait to get my own little set of speakers installed or embedded, whatever. Can’t you?
Tags:cameras, Humor, monitors, Onion, paranoia, Schizophrenia, speakers, symptoms, team work, The Onion, voice
Posted in Humor, Schizophrenia | No Comments »
Friday, February 27th, 2009, triple A assests45b-000077b07658.html?nclick_check=1
Folks, I have mentioned on air long ago that I’m “in love” with Gillian Tett. This woman’s mind is captivating. She is by far the best writer the Financial Times has. Certainly, she is more conservative and Gillian Tett’s insight is impeccable!
And what we have to do in order to have any semblance of confidence in investing in the markets is to establish the real capital hit to the banks and insurance groups. Until that time, how can one invest in the market, any market, with confidence?
That answer: You can’t!
We need a public sale, even an auction to establish what if anyvalue remains.
Until that time, it is mere fiat money
Tags:ABS, ABX, assest-backed securities, bank, banks, CDO, CDOs, collaterised debt obligations, conservative, Credit Debt Swap, Credit Debt Swaps, fiat money, Financial Times,, Gillian Tett, insight, international bankers, love, mortgage, mortgage-linked, securities, subprime, Tett, The Financial Times, triple A assets, triple A stamp
Posted in Federal Reserve, New World Order | 1 Comment »
Thursday, February 26th, 2009
You’re a little late. Listen to my show and especially my archived shows. I’ll have more up in due time.
Posted in ADC (Arizona Department of "Corruption" aka Arizona Department of Corrections), ADOC Director Dora SCHRIRO, Archived Shows (MP3), Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Attorney General Terry Goddard, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Internal Affairs Investigation (IAI) | No Comments »
Thursday, February 26th, 2009
Attached is an accurate .pdf copy of a letter I received today from ADOC Director Ryan. It is also copied below within my blog to enable easy searching.
Actually, I am certain this letter was penned by ADOC Counselor Susan Rogers. Apparently, this letter was sent in response to my queries requesting a meeting with ADOC Director Ryan. BTW, I copied that correspondence openly to Governor Jan brewer and I will post it all soon for your ongoing entertainment.
After opening and reading this letter (Man! What a long letter! NOT!) I called the author Attorney Susan Rogers; however, she was on the phone. I left a message directing her to my blog and informing her that any correspondence I address to ADOC would be here, in this public forum.
Likewise, I left another brief message with Mr. Ryan’s office leaving my phone number—again.
Folks, I don’t think these folks understand I am not going away and I certainly haven’t kept my mouth shut this far. What makes them think I will at this point in time?
ADOC administration has done their best to hurt and damage me since 2004. They really need to learn how to treat people better.
Lately, I’ve not published much because my conversions were not allowing me to copy information and post it openly in the body of my blog making it accessible to searches. However, I discovered the rather expensive program I bought for such chores does the job whereas the cheaper .pdf conversion program does not.
So, stay tuned. This blog will get much larger. I intend to make certain folks at ADOC and the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners very famous. Infamous!
ari3otta Department of Correction
(602) 542-5497
www.azcorrections.g ov |
February 24, 2009
Dr. John Kent
933 W. Azalea Place Chandler, AZ 85248
Dear Dr. Kent:
It is my understanding that you have information regarding the Department of Corrections that you would like to bring to my attention. Please feel free to forward your information to me for review.
Thank you for your interest in the Arizona Department of Corrections.
cc: Susan Rogers, General Counsel
Charles L. Ryan Director
Tags:ADOC, ADOC administration, ADOC Director Charles Ryan, ADOC Director Chuck Ryan, ADOC Director Ryan, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Brewer, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, Charles Ryan, Chuck Ryan, Counselor Rogers, Counselor Susan Rogers, cover your ass, CYA, Dora Schriro, Dr. Arnold, duty to report, fraud, Governor Jan Brewer, malfeasance, murder, nepotism, political, psychiatry, Psychologist, Psychologist III, psychologists, psychology, Republican, retaliation, Rogers, Ryan, sex with a patient, Susan Arnold, Susan Rogers, the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in ADC (Arizona Department of "Corruption" aka Arizona Department of Corrections), ADOC Director Dora SCHRIRO, Arizona Board of Homeopathy & Integrated Medical Examiners, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Attorney General Terry Goddard, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Internal Affairs Investigation (IAI), Susan Arnold | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, February 25th, 2009
I want to get in touch with my old neighbor from 1986 in Anchorage. “Chuck” Richards said he was moving back home to Monroe after his wife Sandy passed away. I lost track of Chuck after that. He worked as a lineman for the power company, perhaps Chugach Electric. He would be in his 70’s today and I would dearly love to get in contact with him. I’m still reading that NIV Study Bible Chuck bought me and I have thoroughly marked it up!
I’d like to get Chuck on the phone and let him know how our Lord has restored me after He’d rather thoroughly thrashed me. Heck, I needed it. As painful as it was and as long as the road has been, He corrected me with His justice.
Chuck, if you’re out there and reading this, send me your number please.
Chuck, there was a time when I was denied my ability to read, especially the Bible. The ink just seemed to melt on the page! It was very disturbing but long ago. I hope my message and appeal find you in good health!
To all my friends out there, get in touch with me!
Tags:Bible, corrected, correction, friend, friends, get in touch, God, justice, Lord, New International Version, New International Version Study Bible, NIV Study Bible, stay in touch
Posted in Christianity | No Comments »
Monday, February 23rd, 2009
As I reflect upon the past three years, there is much to complain about, yet the positives, my blessings far exceed the complaints. For one, I am alive and my health is fairly good. There were those who wished me dead and might even have tried to kill me had they realized the danger I represented to them.
Certainly, ADOC would have set me up for false charges of something like drug possession had they thought I would be cantankerous down the road. And my wife? That woman I attempted to marry? Well, one dear friend expressed concerns she thought my “wife” might have been poisoning me while we cohabitated!
Another psychologist friend expressed his concern many times warning me my estranged Maria wished me dead, destitute or imprisoned. And other close friends chimed in. I’d never have made it without their loving help.
My pets make it impossible for me to type at the moment. Curley is hugging my lap and Diesel stares at me expectantly. He has taken an insatiable interest in my computers. Earlier he tried to bite the cursor on my screen!
Both attend to me and taking them both on a year & a half ago has been one of my best decisions. For much of my life I have been delaying my life. I have always wanted a cat & a dog but delayed having pets for far too long. So, we found each other and began our household anew approximately September 19, 2007.
Since August, Curley and I met regularly at about 4:30 on the street over a period of six weeks. While I was looking for this small adolescent orange tabby each morning it never occurred to me Curley might be looking for me, that is, until one morning when I saw him running towards me from a distance over the top of the six foot high block wall. He’d seen me first!
So, I figured he was interested in me as much as I was interested in him. He certainly was a scroungy dirty cat but he came when I called, “Here Kitty Cat.”
I decided to try to take him home the next day, but rather than see him, I ran into another walker and as we walked and talked in the cool morning air about the cat I saw, he asked me, “You mean the cat that lives in the storm drain?” and we were interrupted by a little puppy under a bush started barking at him while wagging his tail.
The stranger said, “So, you want to play little fellow?” Then turned to me and declared, “Look! Somebody abandoned a little lab puppy here.”
“Nobody’d leave a little puppy,” I replied. “They just tied him up here while they went for their morning run.”
“Then what’s that bag of puppy food for?” Then I realized the tiny puppy had slipped his blue collar leash but was staying near it under the lamp post with the baggy of puppy chow partially spread out across the sidewalk.
Plenty of people passed by. I couldn’t keep track of them all. The little fellow was too small to walk on his leash, so I carried him, a bundle of dog licking face washing joy. I never saw Curley that morning and I never got to finish my morning run but I had to find the puppy’s owner.
Dang! He was cute. So, I decided to get Curley the next morning and attended to Diesel that day.
Tags:ADOC, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, cat, Curley, Democrat, Diesel, dog, Dora Schriro, Dr. Arnold, Maria, political, puppy, retaliation, Susan Arnold
Posted in ADC (Arizona Department of "Corruption" aka Arizona Department of Corrections), Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Short Story | No Comments »
Monday, February 23rd, 2009
Here is my last scheduled show at this hour (2-3 PM) on this day (Saturday) on this station (KFNX). While KFNX and staff have been great, due to financial constraints I am going off air for a while. Notwithstanding, it is not because anyone has forced me off the air, it is only because I have not sold the commercial time necessary to support my show.
Should you wish to advertise, sponsor or support my show, email me via my contact page or call the station at (602) 277-1100.
I am open to new avenues and will gladly hear any proposals.
Here, as promised and as is my practise, is my unedited final show without commercials. These are the facts, nothing but the facts. I speak the truth. If you care to disagree, feel free to comment.
During this show, we cover a lot of ground; however, there is more to be told about the crimes & cover ups inside ADOC.
I promised to post a lot more material and I will do so on an ongoing basis. It takes time to keep it organized and there is a lot of material to organize!
I promise to post all Requests For Investigations (RFI’s) and make members of the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners famous! Clearly, they have not merely damaged me but the citizens of Arizona and the profession of psychology!!!
Please don’t take my comments lightly that we have become a “communist” nation. We, the USA, are the prize and we are fighting on all fronts. We don’t even realize it! When we go down, there will be nothing standing between them and the little guy around the world. We have to wake up, demand our government back before they take it away and we can never get it back.
Folks, this is real. It is psychosociopoitical warfare. Just look at the manipulation in the news and on TV. Nothing is happening by chance. This is all planned and well engineered. What I learned from my study of music composition is that:
The more random music appears,
The more highly it is organized.
And this functional analysis holds true for life as well.
Tags:ADOC, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, ASPC-F, character, Complaint Screening Committee, crime, Democrat, Dora Schriro, Dr. Arnold, duty to report, FBI, fraud, Janet Napolitano, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, malpractise, murder, nepotism, New World Order, Obama, political, psychiatry, psychological evaluation, Psychologist, Psychologist III, psychologists, psychology, retaliation, Sex Offender Treatment Program, sex with a patient, Susan Arnold, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in ADC (Arizona Department of "Corruption" aka Arizona Department of Corrections), ADOC Director Dora SCHRIRO, Archived Shows (MP3), Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Attorney General Terry Goddard, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Democratic Party, KFNX | No Comments »