Long Range Penetration (psychosociopolitical warfare) regresses (brainwashes) my people to the level of nine (9) year olds!
Truly, these are dangerous times.
No one thinks. No one reasons. There is no logic. You can’t have adult conversations. Everything is about feelings and is extremely self-centered.
The level of apathy and failure to function, failure to respond in a functionally adaptive manner . . . means that America will not fight, spiritually or otherwise and the total enslavement of man is inevitable.
John Coleman, Ph.D. must the bravest man alive.It takes courage to publish about those seeking to enslave US!
Actually, reading this one book should allay the misgivings and fears and all doubts you have had about the Great Conspiracy because by 1966 the Committee of 300 was so confident that we could do nothing to stop them, they allowed their inside man Carroll Quigley to publish his account documenting, confirming and giving full credit to his (OUR!) masters who he fully revered.See my book reviews on Quigley’s (1966) “Tragedy & Hope” and its accompaniment analysis by former FBI Agent Cleon Skousen (1974) “The Naked Capitalist.”
This is THE book to buy to get the most info on our secret US government.It names individuals & institutions.This is the latest and most thorough historical accounting of our new masters I have seen.By the way, their work is mostly done—they are only waiting to launch their finishing touches.
Having just finished my first read through today, on my vacation on Koh Samui – whenever I stay on Samui this is where I rent a villa for relaxing and reading. I must urge every citizen who is concerned for our country to buy and study this book.I plan upon at least two more readings.
WARNING:Reading Dr. Coleman’s masterpiece is like trying to take a drink of water from a roaring fire hydrant.There is an overwhelming amount of material here.
But this book now—while you can still get it!Buy all three and be fully informed.
Meet George Soros, the man who pulls the puppet strings on Barack Hussein Obama. One of the world's richest men, Soros is perhaps THE driving force behind the coming New World Order.
Listen to this PBS interview as we very quietly and understatedly tells you why and how the new Global Order will soon be here.
As I am forming impressions, there seem to be certain trends on Facebook.There seems to be a grouping into those who support the status quo versus those who want to restore the US Constitution.What is alarming are the open expressions of endorsement of violence by both sides.
Those supporting the Constitution seem to divide into the severely naïve with a touch of jingoism and those who are painfully consciously aware of the difficulties in returning to Constitutional rule.Many of those who regard themselves as “conservative” are oblivious to their own tendencies towards control and over control.They endorse all kinds of social legislation oblivious to the fact they are endorsing further enlargement of government.Furthermore, they accept the entitlements offered them regardless of the fact that the growth of entitlements enslaves them further AND increases the instability of the system.
Those supporting the “status quo” are growing more boisterous and posting more in-your-face comments.They appear on a continuum of anti-God from agnosticism to overt denigration of God.On the other hand “constitutionalists” seem to attract more who believe in God but few demonstrate any “fear of The LORD.”
The most alarming trend is the open endorsement of violence.Yet, when seen in the context of the prevailing culture and the mainstream media and even talk-radio, the clamors to open rebellion and calls to revolution and war become more understandable and, sadly, more acceptable.
Current trends in advertising depict more law enforcement scenarios and more confrontational scenarios.Overall, there is an alarming trend towards desensitization of assaults upon the human body (gory crimes scenes on television in fantasy morgues) and an acceptance of the violations of basic human and Constitutional rights of “others” (police reality shows).It’s all perfectly acceptable when it involves “others,” especially in a voyeuristic manner with workerscompcalaw.com.
It is scary in that there are many precipitating factors towards disorder and violence.With the sheer ignominy of those elected to represent US failing to represent US properly and acting apposite the will of the people, it appears we may be headed for a show down in the near future.
It saddens me because few seem to realize how much they are being manipulated and as the mechanisms of that manipulation are pointed out to them, they seem eager to “deny” the reality of that manipulation thus increasing the mass of insanity.The mass delusion of the “leftists” that ‘someone will give me something for nothing’ has played well into the encroaching slavery imposed by BOTH the right (Neo-cons) and the left (Progressives) from followers of Plato to those involved in outright Satan worship and the old religions of the Old Testament (Babylon, Canaan).
Facebook appears to be producing factions mirroring those which will propagate the coming second American Revolution.
Sad to admit, I have been participating in disseminating the hogwash about there being a “New World Order” when it is really the “Old World.” They are trying to revive it and put the ancient religions of Babylon in place over all of US, enslaving all.
We, the United States, are all that is standing between the little guy beyond our borders and despots & tyrants. When we have been completely conquered, those bastards that the LORD Our God saw fit to bury under water and ordered Moses & Joshua to “consecrate” [destroy] to the LORD will reveal themselves.
That is why the target for the last century and a half has been the United States of America. However, the “democracy” established on this continent, “The New World,” has been planned and in writing since at least the time of Shakespeare. We, the USA (government, the State Department, the status quo) has been turned into a Monster serving the Beast.