While I have seen the videos and heard various explanations, it was not until I rode past the Pentagon personally in the summer of 2004 that I came fully to this conclusion.
How did that happen?
That summer I was in Washington DC attending a Department of Human Health Services (HHS) Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Conference at tax payer expense, of course.And during my time in DC I took a buss tour of the area.
During my bus tour, I sat up front on the right hand side in the first passenger row because my hearing is somewhat impaired and I wanted to hear what our bus driving tour guide had to say.Our black bus driver—Almost everyone in DC is black if you’ve not been there.After all only minorities can get decent jobs due to Affirmative Action programs.—explained in well chosen words as we entered the turn which would empty us out right in front the side of the Pentagon that got hit:
“As we round the next corner the Pentagon is going to come up very fast.I want you to imagine how much skill it had to have taken to be able to fly an airliner at low altitude over that parking lot, missing all those trees, the cars, telephone poles, telephone lines and wires, hitting the Pentagon without leaving so much as a mark on the grass!”
Our bus driver did not believe 9/11 as reported.He was telling us it was impossible for the reports of an airplane hitting the Pentagon without so much as touching any of the many telephone poles and telephone wires and other obstacles in its course without disturbing the grass because . . .
We are and have been fighting on all fronts.Because the enemy has penetrated us so deeply and thoroughly, it doesn’t have the appearance of war, but, believe me, we are fighting on ALL FRONTS!
Call me paranoid.I don’t care but my job is to warn you that America is about to go under and I don’t think we can survive one more emersion in the depths of war.Not just any war, but World War.
America and the hope of a recovered United States are all that stands between the evil ones and the little guy around the world outside of our borders.But, we are the target.
Once they take US down, there will be nothing in between them and the little fellow around the world.It’ll be a cake walk for them to wreak havoc on any & all around the globe.
The problem is we are losing and sinking fast inside our own borders.We are the most naïve people on the planet and we are dumb.
It’s time to wake up and it is much too late.There is no way to avoid the fate of an invasion.I write from Ground Zero in Phoenix, Arizona.Only instead of 9/11, it will be 11/9.
We are fighting on all fronts and let me give you merely two examples:
(1)The old wives’ tales about the FLUORIDE in our water?They are all true and we don’t even have the power to stop them from poisoning our drinking water!
That type of fluoridation of our water is THE MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO:
Heart Disease
Heart Attack
Diabetes Type II
Mood Disorders
(2)The main cause of autism and Bipolar Type I Disorders?
It’s in the food!
Somehow corporate America has been adding MANGANESE to infant formula and to cereals we feed our children.One (1) out of every forty-nine (49) boys has autism today.
How?An infant’s liver can only process approximately 400 mg of manganese a day but his soy formula is spiked with 8 grams of MANGANESE.
{8 grams = 8,000 mg –or– approximately twenty times (20X) what a baby’s liver can detoxify across a day!}
Even General Mills’ Cheerios has enough MANGANESE in two & a half bowls to give a toxic dose of MANGANESE to a 250 pound man!Yet, the Federal Drug Administration allows General Mills not to disclose how much MANGANESE is in Cheerios!{Communicated to Dr. Young}
MANGANESE accumulates in the basal ganglia in the brain where it causes all kinds of misfires.Listen to my archived radio shows to hear other experts & their opinions.What’s yours?
Now, you know in part why I affectionately call the FDA:
Did you see DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s address to the Congress this past week?
If her position weren’t so serious, it was almost comical!
Her body language, in particular, her involuntary shaking (even her eyes were wobbling [“Nystagmus” is often observed in schizophrenics!]) and quivering indicate:
Something is seriously wrong–with this woman and/or her position!
Napolitano’s “sales pitch” was so flagrant and insulting it appeared none of of the Congress whom she was addressing were “buying” it. It was all show & tell. Her presentation and the obvious lack of mention of the word “terrorism” further reinforce the idea that 9/11 may have been an inside job, at least in part.
Folks, this is the woman who is going to take your guns away–as soon as she has the next opportunity–like they confiscated firearms during Hurricane Katrina.
Remember: Napolitano said her department was not focusing upon terror, terrorism or the deterence of terrorism. Rather, DHS is getting ready for another “national emergency.”
And many times we get the real story from those outside our borders. I’ll let you decide whether or not the events on 9/11 were interior or exterior conspiracies.
As for me, I ask:
Why can not BOTH be true?
This is often how things are hidden “in plain sight.”
Here, the Italians let us know how controlled our media is. So much for a “Free Press!”
A new report by the U.S. Army War College talks about the possibility of Pentagon resources and troops being used . . .
“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” said the War College report.
The study says economic collapse, terrorism and loss of legal order are among possible domestic shocks that might require military action within the U.S.
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned Wednesday of economy-related riots and unrest . . .
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson . . . former Goldman Sachs CEO, said that might even require a declaration of martial law . . .
As governor, Napolitano sent National Guard troops to Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in 2003 in response to terrorism threats.{Emphasis Added}
The fact is a Maricopa Sheriff’s Deputy stopped what he thought were four Mexicans carrying a trunk on a dirt road near the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant. The four were headed towards the Palo Verde Nuclear facility.That young Sheriff’s Deputy just happened upon them serendipitously.However, when he shouted at them in Spanish that they should empty the trunk and carry the load on their backs, they couldn’t understand him.
You see, they were Iraqi’s!And the four Iraqi’s came into the US across our open border between Arizona and Mexico.Those Iraqi’s were carrying a dirty nuclear bomb!
Apparently, their plan was to get their dirty nuclear device as close to Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant as they could and then detonate it.They wanted to make it look like a nuclear melt down had occurred at Palo Verde to cause a panic that would result in chaos and all sorts of damage as folks tried to evacuate the Greater Phoenix Area or they wanted to use the prevailing easterly winds to irradiate the bulk of the population in The Valley of the Sun, or, most likely, both!
The radiation poisoning would have taken years to manifest its toll as it wiped out the thyroids of all those exposed downwind who were not prepared with potassium iodide.Incredible and terrible carnage!Cancers, miscarriages, tumors and all!
This was reported in part on the KFYI JD Hayworth show in 2008 via an anonymous email from a former employee at Palo Verde.Furthermore, in early 2005 it was reported to me by three adults who claimed they were eye witnesses.The three reside on a ranch in the vicinity of Palo Verde.
Folks that attack on American Soil really occurred!Yet, our “keepers,” our “masters” claim there has never been another terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11!Our overlords chose NOT to disclose this to us! Who do you trust?