Archive for the ‘Suicide’ Category

Casualties of War in the United States of America

Friday, June 18th, 2010


Recently in my life there was significant confusion over what I meant by a family loss being a “casualty of war.”  I have been intending to review Murray Bowen’s book for some time and now is not the time to do so–in a rush.  But some matters are more pressing than others.


Our society has deteriorated and continues to deteriorate.  The greatest loss to the foundations of our country is in the family structure prevalent today.


Today’s families are run by females.  While it is oft referred to as “a man’s world” that is a myth.  In fact, females often say that the world is a mess because men run it.  Hogwash! 



I’ve got news for you:  The person running the world from behind the scenes is a female!  We’ll get back to that slip someday. 


Most of the wealth is held by females, not males.  Note:  There is a difference, a fine discrimination between “female” and “woman.”  Likwise, there are differences between what a “male” is and what a “man” is.  But, we’ll have to cover that another time.  But, I digress.



The importance of Murray Bowen’s contributions to the body of scientific knowledge have been grossly underestimated, undervalued and one might even regard this as “suppressed knowledge.”  Much like students in economics never read “The Wealth of Nations” because the elite have suppressed it from our institutions of “higher” education, psychologists never hear of Murray Bowen!



In the 1950’s sociologist Murray Bowen and his team conducted research at the National Institutes of Mental Health in which they followed families of identified patients with schizophrenia; mother, father and child.  You may have heard the term “schizophrenogenic mother,” but that was an inferior concept.  Bowen discovered that it took BOTH mother AND father to produce a schizophrenic, a mentally ill child.  Bowen’s team got so good at understanding the family systems they were able to predict psychotic episodes!


In short, if one wants to understand mental illness and how to treat it, even successfully cure it, one needs to study Bowen.  If one wants to be a competent psychologist or organizational consult or systems analyst, Bowen’s work holds much of the key.  This is foundational material.



Bowen never published a book himself.  Rather, he published papers and most of the chapters in the “Family Therapy” were collected and edited by Bowen’s students.  Bowen never earned a doctorate.  He had only a master’s degree.  However, he was originally trained in medicine before he began his research in psychology.  Because he was not a psychologist but a sociologist, psychology has ignored one of its greatest minds!



This book represents a rather comprehensive collection of Bowen’s conceptions and work.  It would behoove the country for professionals to study Bowen’s work and realize how important the family structure is and how much the family structure has been damaged in the United States as males became passive and submit to their over-active wives.  Rather than help their wives learn how to modulate their anxiety, males have surrendered to the pressure of the ongoing cultural psychosociopolitical warfare.  As a result, their children and future generations suffer–seriously–needlessly.



The United States can only survive when balance is restored in the American family.  Until that time, we will suffer from an ongoing exacerbation of sociopathy, addictions, increased suicides and a whole lot of other unnecessary suffering.  Haven’t the losses been great enough?

Rising Unemployment Means More Suicides & Homocides

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

Generally speaking, during a good economy, in the United States there are slightly more than 20,000 suicides and approximately 10,000 homicides annually.

In the vernacular, “we kill ourselves twice as often as we kill the other son of a bitch.”

For each 1% increase in unemployment there is an increase of approxminately 5,000 suicides.*

Accepting an unemployment rate of slightly under 5% before the Obama Administration was seated, it may be conservatively estimated the US will experience 25,000 to 35,000 MORE suicides annually.

Accordingly, we should expected between 12,500 to 17,500 more homocides annually.

In annual terms this means:

45,000 to 55,000 SUICIDES


22,500 to 27,500 MURDERS

However, should unemployment increase as expected, we will see more homicides & more suicides.

None dare call it:

“War on America”

Nonetheless, the casualities are there.

“Illiberalism” kills

*Presentation by Marsha Linnehan

AABT Convention New Orleans 1999

Freddie Mac CFO David Kellermann Murdered?

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009


Your comments are welcome—


Freddie Mac Acting Chief Financial Officer (CFO) David Kellermann aged 41 was found dead.


While the mainstream media is touting Kellermann’s death as an apparent suicide perhaps associated with the ongoing regulatory inquiries by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), might Kellermann have been murdered?


Which politicians in office and in power might Kellermann have fingered during the ongoing regulatory investigations of the SEC?


What does Kellermann’s death conveniently cover up?


What did those in office fear from Kellermann?


What do those in office fear from an investigation?


What are your ideas?


What are your thoughts?