A couple of days ago I was lambasted on Facebook. While I went with it posting candidly, it got rather insulting. Still, I kept my comments honest. Sadly, they were not appreciated. Moreover, my expertise and credibility were challenged.
Part of that challenge was because I was employing or had “invented” “new terms” that “had not been accepted,” yet. Actually, I have been inventive. I use the term “Positive Projective Psychology” and the terms “Negative Projective Process” and “Negative Projective Psychology” to differentiate my perspective from the common clinical practises of the day–which I consider sub-par treatment! So, I am guilty as charged. Those are new concepts and they are mine.
Also, I use advanced concepts which have not been heard much. In part, this is because I am ahead of the curve. An example of this is Bipolar Disorder Type III. While this is not is use yet, you’ll hear about it if it makes it past the hurdles in committee formulating the new DSM-V. I heard about Bipolar Disorder Type III three years ago. It is a significant development in that it is a bold-faced admission that psychiatric medications cause permanent mental illness!
It bothers me that I was attacked but then those who attacked me, don’t know me. In fact, they don’t know anything! I was called a “narcissistic.” I guess everyone thinks they are a psychologist or they can practise psychology. I wish I had a little more narcissism in me but I am the way I am, as God intended me.
My middle initial should be “G” because I have been gullible. It took me years believing in what I was taught in school to realize what a farce my field was (and is) and how much damage clinical psychology (as practised today) is doing to our society. I owe the people of Mississippi a lot but that debt has been discharged fully in my service to those wonderful folks at low pay for several years and that was time well spent.
It was inside the walls of Arizona’s maximum security prisons that I honed my craft and developed quick and concise skills of intervention with those who needed my services most. They may not have been deserving but I was saving lives–the lives of those on the outside as my murderers, rapists and thieves were released back to society.
Had I been more narcissistic, I might have not worked there and gone into private practise and still have a license and a practise today. Maybe I would have published and become better known but I would never have developed the razor sharp skills of intervention and the insights in psychology I have.
I regard my contributions to the field of psychology and the body of scientific knowledge as minor, but I know the best psychology and psychologists. The most significant contributor of our time is Steven Hayes, Ph.D. and his “Acceptance & Commitment Therapy,” the most advanced form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), also known as ACT. Dr. Hayes has answered most of the questions B.F. Skinner asked in 1952. I am proud to have had Steven as a guest on my Talk Radio Show “Giving Psychology Away.”
These days I am struggling. When you get to the level of consciousness I have, you see clearly what is going on and the trends are alarming. However, there is solace for me in knowing that I am in the latter half of my life. I have seen some incredible inventions. I remember the invention of the ball point pen. What a breakthrough that was! The computer had already been invented but transistors came on the scene shortly after I was born.
But I have also seen the rise of the audacity of man. A puny little man who challenges God! And the foolishness grows.
I was born into a private family that was going military. Because of the shelter that provided, I saw our country as it was during its Golden Days and the Golden Age of the United States of America has passed so long ago that few remain alive to tell of it and no one wants to hear about it.
Still, what we saw, witnessed and lived were not our best days. We were not at out best. A simple reading of the newspapers of colonial times reveals a far more educated population. The average colonial citizen was a genius compared to those our institutions of higher learning of today produce with doctorates. I have seen “inflation” and “degradation” in our educational system.
It is all corrupt, controlled by an elite we do not see. We do not know. And we are complacent to let the status quo go on unimpeded while it slowly destroys US and plans our further enslavement. They already have our minds but this captivity is not that different from the exiles of the Jews to Babylon.
Moreover, we are beholden to the same group of repugnant worshippers of power. Power given from the following of Lucifer and making deals with the devil. The fight between Good & evil (sic).
The Tavistock Institute exposé by Dr. John Coleman may be ground breaking and a necessary read for all psychologists but it left me wanting.What I expected was more about psychological technique and method than it covers.Nonetheless, Coleman’s historical focus brings this dastardly institute to the forefront and it is a must read for anyone in the businesses of advertising and psychology.
Years ago I heard of the Tavistock Institute of psychological warfare in relation to H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.Then at the Arizona Department of Corrections I met a former psychologist educated at Stanford after returning from the Viet Nam War. He was as a sniper.He had given up the practice of psychology because he was so disenchanted with the broad sweeping damages our profession is inflicting upon our country and he mentioned that it all started with this little known entity.
The fact is Coleman’s book really should be subtitled “The War Against America.”This is the group that brought us World War I and all the other conflicts of the last century with their vast human sacrifice.
The first forth of Coleman’s brief book was intriguing; however, the second quarter was a bit repetitive and the sentence structure made me wonder if those pages were from an earlier file that had not been proof read.Nonetheless, the last half Dr. Coleman’s book had me wanting more.As Dr. Coleman wrote, this is meant as a companion book to his earlier book The Committee of 300, and I have ordered that book.
Perhaps the greatest contribution of this particular work is its mention of many references and the new perspective it offers on many previously misunderstood writings.Prepare for a journey into the unknown and your world being turned inside out.Read The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America with an open mind and keep this book handy for future reference as the insanity of the world unfolds and you find yourself wanting to make sense of it all.I recommend this read for all who wish for liberty and a restoration of our nation.Truly, the enemy is larger than we ever thought.
Stay tuned to Dr Kent’s Blog and tell everyone you know.
There is indeed a lot more to this story!
May 10, 2008
Sonja Bolf, Executive Director
Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners 1400 West Washington, Room 235
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Re:Request for Investigation: Susanne Arnold, Ph.D.
Negligence and Neglect Leading to Unnecessary Loss of Lives and Other.
Dear Executive Director Sonja Bolf:
Attached is my completed formal Request for Investigation form. In 2005, I attempted to work closely with the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiner’s Investigator David S. Shapiro; however, rather than work with me on very serious concerns, Mr. Shapiro made some sort of report to the Board indicating that I was perhaps mentally unstable. Mr. Shapiro’s report, whatever it was, was cited by a Board member along with Dr. McCauley’s written response to the Board in a motion ordering me to undergo scrutiny at my expense. That was my second RFI generated internally by this Board.
Allow me to give you some history: After introducing myself to Mr. Shapiro in person at the Board’s office, I expressed my concerns over my duty to report to the Board in light of the overwhelming number of violations of our Rules & Regulations and Arizona Revised Statutes I observed. I asked Mr. Shapiro for advice on how I should handle these matters, and after discussing multiple concerns, Investigator Shapiro told me he thought I could not bring all of those matters to the attention of his Board. More importantly, Mr. Shapiro asked me to bring this complaint regarding the loss of life to the Board.
At that time, I was working within the Arizona Department of Corrections with other professional staff attempting to obtain identifying information regarding the victim(s). Nonetheless, due to the manner in which records are kept in ADOC, after a lot of time and effort, we were not able to obtain the information necessary to come forward with a pressing case. Notwithstanding, we knew several important things. Let me explain Dr. Susanne Arnold’s role in all of this:
Dr. Arnold hired a man who was not qualified to provide professional psychiatric services for ADOC. Dr. Arnold failed to check this applicant’s credentials. I believe, David Rupley, Jr., MD(H) worked at the Arizona State Prison Complexes in Florence and Eyman and other locations in ADOC providing psychiatric services.
Dr. Arnold knowingly signed off on this man’s hours even though she knew they were fraudulent. That is, he had not worked them and she allowed him to defraud the State of significant sums of money. This is why they retaliated against me and sought to destroy me by conspiring to bring false allegations of sexual harassment against me. See attachments. There is more, far more to the story.
Dr. Arnold refused to take necessary action to correct this man’s practice in psychiatry. Specifically, Dr. Arnold failed to correct Dr. Rupley in his failure to monitor the psychiatric medications he was prescribing. More specifically, for more than an entire year, she failed to require Rupley to follow the standard of care of the community, through Arizona and across the entire country. That is, some of these psychiatric medications have Black Box Warnings regarding the necessity to check liver profiles in order to avoid death by agranular cytosis, i.e. Depakote.
Moreover, I have reason to believe that Dr. Arnold knew about several unnecessary inmate deaths. All due to medication errors. All committed by Dr. Rupley between 2002 and 2003. YET, Dr. Arnold allowed Dr. Rupley to continue working at ADOC for at least another full year unimpeded and uncorrected! And Dr. Rupley in all likelihood was allowed to kill more men! Dr. Arnold enabled this horrible malpractice by David Rupley, Jr., MD(H)!
I also brought this to the attention of the Board’s next investigator. When she and I talked on the telephone, she became upset and yelled at me. She told me this Board was ill equipped to handle those matters. Moreover, she told me there were other agencies to which I should make my reports. I have followed her advice to no avail—other than to get myself targeted for more harassment from this Board.
Lastly, when I was notified of a fifth complaint against me before this Board (submitted by the former Director or Programs for ADOC who, by the way, resigned in lieu of termination for having committed real sexual harassment [quid pro quo]); I called the Board’s former Executive Director Mrs. Maxine McCarthy. I wanted to inquire as to the nature of the matter brought to the Board’s attention as no information was forthcoming other than an invitation to the Board’s hearing on August 18, 2006.
When I called Maxine McCarthy on approximately August 15, 2006, I was still reeling and recovering from my chemical ordeal subsequent to the improper discontinuation (under physician’s orders) of bromocriptine on March 30, 2006. In that condition, I was defenseless. Executive Director Maxine McCarthy tried to take me into her confidence. She asked me what was going on: “What’s going on? What’s been going on? You can tell me anything. It’s not going any further.”
While I was in bad shape, I still recognized that whatever I told her would be going further. I acted somewhat impulsively and I told her truthfully and candidly what was behind the efforts to retaliate against me. I told Mrs. McCarthy that there had been an unlicensed psychiatrist at ADOC. He killed several inmates with his medications, and they were trying to hide the deaths.
To which, McCarthy exclaimed and demanded: “You mean we haven’t heard the last of this yet?”
Straight forward,
Completed 2-page RFI form.
Enclosures (With One Complete Copy):
Personal Notes August 27, 2002, Personal Notes September 24, 2002 Personal Notes October 08, 2002, Personal Notes (b) October 08, 2002, Personal Notes October 24, 2002 (2p), Meeting Notes October 24, 2002 (3p hand written), Personal Notes October 24, 2002, Information Report October 24, 2002, Personal Notes November 26, 2002, Personal Notes January 14, 2003, Personal Notes February 11, 2003, Personal Notes February 24, 2003, Personal Notes February 24, 2003 (2p), Personal Notes March 03, 2003. Personal Notes (2p), Personal Mental Health Staff Meeting Notes 17 August 2004, Personal Notes August 18, 2004 (2p), Personal Notes August 18, 2004, Personal Notes August 31, 2004 (2p), Personal Notes October 26, 2004, Psychiatry Timesheet for “David Rupley Jr., MD” “Locum Tenens M.D,” 10/13 Central Unit Main Gate Sign-In Log Health Unit October 07, 2002, Personal Notes August 17, 2004 Mental Health Staff Meeting ASPC—Florence. Personal Notes November 6, 2004 Reassignment, August 24, 2005 Grievance #05-023 and #05-P-063 to ADOC Director Dora Schriro.
Senator Linda Gray, Chairwoman, Public Safety and Human Services Committee Representative Jerry Weiers, Chairman. Natural Resources and Public Safety Committee Senate Senator Carolyn S. Allen, Chairwoman, Health Committee
Representative Bob Stump, Chairman, Health Committee
Al’s lesson is very simple but it’s worth knowing because it is profoundly true and works on anyone—including on psychologists and politicians.It is extremely useful.Here it is:
‘If you listen closely, a person will always tell you about themselves.’
Let me put that in other words:
‘If you listen carefully, you’ll hear a person tell you what they are about.’
Early on when meeting someone, listen closely and you’ll hear them tell you all about themselves in their own words, from their own mouth.
Let’s apply this principle to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s recent utterances.Do you remember what Pelosi called those normal and concerned citizens who appeared at the Town Hall meetings and protested about Obamacare?
Pelosi used several words but if we apply Al’s Principle, the single word that stands out from the rest, that single descriptor that Pelosi used erroneously on others that was extremely applicable to herself was
There you have it:
The Speaker of the House telling you that she and they are Nazi’s.
So, now at least we know the spirit of the party that is in charge.
In closing I want to credit Psychologist Al Silberman with that wonderful private lesson.While Dr. Silberman is not at liberty to reveal that I was his client, I am.I saw him for support during my marital separation and annulment.This was a very valuable lesson.
Dr. Silberman is an ethical and moral psychologist.However, I did not find his attorney very likable because he did not speak accurately and truthfully.
You’ll find Al listed in my RFI section only because it is a small yet important part of my story.It needs to be there in order to understand the whole story.
While there are vast differences within these categories and there are books I will review that explain their histories and origins, in a nutshell the main differences between psychiatrists and psychologists are:
Psychiatrists prescribe medicine and their main method of treatment consists of medications and secondarily grossly disabling techniques including electroshock and lobotomy.
—All medications work upon principles of disabling and toxicity—
Psychologists use methods of behavioral treatments that operate upon principles of “sensitization” and “desensitization.”
There are many modalities of “talk therapy,” none of which may be considered “toxic” or “disabling”—except when psychologists serve to uphold The Medical Model and “reify” the diagnosis thus causing “iatrogenesis.”
Psychologists earn “real” doctoral degrees and are true scientists trained in the scientific method.In comparison psychiatrists earn “technical degrees” and are mere technicians.
Psychiatrists are “medical doctors” and are trained in understanding the risks and benefits of medications.The “medical doctor” or “MD” degree has existed for less than a century.
Psychologists are the original “doctors” and have “doctor of philosophy” degrees.The “Ph.D.” has four centuries of heritage.
“Iatrogenesis” is “physician caused illness” and is not limited to the practices of either psychiatrists or psychologists.
As I began typing the title of this particular Blog post, I mistakenly typed “How to Stop Injecting Aluminum.”
Well, it is tantamount to a Freudian slip and likewise it is not far fetched.
Certain immunizations in the past have contained aluminum.
The flu vaccination has typically delivered a wallop of aluminum among other substances including a little mercury in the form of Thimerosal as a “preservative.”
Some injections may still contain aluminum.
Certainly injection has been one mode of putting aluminum into the body.
And there was a plan proposed nationally in approximately 1974 to seed the atmosphere with aluminum
Under the guise of putting up a reflective layer to send solar radiation
Into outer space and reduce Global Warming.
And there has been evidence that we are being dusted like crops
From jets spreading white layers of barium and aluminum and only God knows what!
We call those “chemtrails” in contrast & comparison to “contrails.”
Then there is aluminum in most anti-persperants.
One needs to stop and check the contents of each proposed injection.
One can not stop breathing but one should question the massive seeding of our sky’s with pasty clouds of unknown materials.
Certainly, one can read the label and cease applying aluminum compunds to one’s sensitive arm pit areas
Thereby reducing absorption through the skin.
But checking oral injestion of aluminum in our world today, especially the “civilized” world
This is such old information I am amazed it caught your attention.
Aluminum plaques (tangles) in the brain occur at the ion level.
No, I do not understand it entirely.
Yes, this knowledge has been suppressed.
No, I do not know of any way to remove aluminum from the body.
There is no use for any aluminum in the body.
There is no FDA minimum daily requirement for aluminum.
Part of the difficulty in this conversation is that the field of psychology has been down-graded and dumbed-down just like the rest of American society, especially our schools.
For instance, while we in medicine and in psychology used to differentially diagnose approximately six different types of dementia’s, since 1983 there has been a tendency to diagnose any dementia as Alzheimer’s Disease. This is unfortunate because many types of dementias can be treated successfully.
For example, I have treated alcohol induced dementia* and successfully reversed one case with massive B vitamin supplementation. However, not all alcohol induced dementia’s respond to treatment. We got lucky that time but as I said motivationally to the patient upon recovery:
“You got lucky. We didn’t think you were going to make it. Do you remember how you were when you came in here? How disoriented you were?
“Do you like being independent? Do you want someone changing your diapers . . .
“We were able to get you back this time. But I don’t think you have many more drunks left in you. If you continue drinking, that fog and stupor could reoccur. It could become irreversible.
“Next time we might not be able to bring you back .”
You can imagine how motivational that session was. The risk in front of that gentleman was that he might not be able to return from another fog of alcohol induced dementia.
*Certainly I am aware of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome.