James Gottstein Legal Defense Fund
Keep up with what Jim is doing on his website:
Having spent the majority of my life in Alaska, I know James Gottstein personally.
I can attest to the powerful influence Jim Gottstein’s mother Natalie Gottstein had on the Alaska Mental Health Trust Lands Settlement and the Alaska Mental Health Association.
Were it not for the two of them and many others, Alaskan State government would have continued running roughshod over the trust promised during statehood in 1959.
Jim was admittedly born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents were grocers and founded Carr’s grocery stores in Alaska as well as other businesses. Truly, Jim is entitled to a better life than that which he is experiencing at the hands of Goliath!
Jim did a courageous thing and revealed sensitive internal documents that exposed that Eli Lilly knew in advance that Zyprexa slows down the metabolic system and renders one more vulnerable to developing adult diabetes.
We have seen the suppression of the appetite satiation mechanism (that which allows us to know when we’ve had enough to eat) in clinical practice, and Zyprexa weight gain is universal.
At the risk of assuming too much, I believe Jim has lost most of his family fortune through divorce and other misgivings. He has placed himself in harm’s way. His family has been extremely charitable.
We need people like Jim to stand up to “Big Pharma” and the “psychopharma power bloc.”
Moreover, we need him to weather this storm successfully and financially.
Jim provides all of his legal work for psychiatric survivors on a pro bono basis.
Please send whatever you are able, be it $1 or $100 towards Jim Gottstein’s legal dense fund:
Jim Gottstein Legal Defense Fund
c/o Dominick Ricco, Ph.D.
1036 Park Avenue, Suite 1B
New York, NY 10028
Make the check out to the Jim Gottstein Legal Defense Fund, ICSPP.
Your contribution is tax deductible.
Keep up with what Jim is doing on his website: