Archive for the ‘Hypothyroidism Type II’ Category
Thursday, July 30th, 2009
My three level of fluoride poisoning need some explaining.
This is not the progress in an individual.
These are the levels of progression across time that a population experiences longitudinally–across time.
This is the framework.
We have seen a significant increase in heart disease & heart attacks in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.
Then the US has seen epidemic proportions of type II diabetes & obesity in the 80’s, 90’s and this decade.
We are now entering the tertiary period in which we seeing a raise in epidemic proportions of tumors, especially in our children–even pre-natalty!
However, there is a lot more to this. For instance, these three levels do not take into account the immediate and most times permanent effects of fluoride upon mental health, upon emotions and intellectual functioning. These happen much more instantly and are insipidus across the entire time a population is unnecessarily exposed to fluoridated water.
Come to think of it–
Might there be some necessity in the minds of someone or some group to use fluoride upon us so widely?
Tags:emotions, fluoride poisoning, heart disease & heart attacks, intellectual functioning, longitudinal, longitudinally, Medical Model, New World Order, permanent effects of fluoride upon mental health, Tumors, type II diabetes & obesity, Understanding Dr. Kent's Three Levels of Fluoride Poisoning
Posted in Bioterrorism, FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Heart Disease, Hypothyroidism Type II, Mental Retardation, New World Order, Take Back America | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
Over time a society experiences three levels of disease from fluoridated water:
Level I
Increased Heart Disease and Heart Attacks
Level II
Increase in Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity
Level III
Increase in Tumors
Tags:Diabetes Mellitus, fluoridated water, obesity, Three Levels of Fluoride Poisoning, Tumors
Posted in FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Heart Disease, Hypothyroidism Type II, Mental Retardation | No Comments »
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
While the AMA has been chasing after the wind by claiming and perpetually changing it’s mind about the cause(s) of heart disease and heart attacks, IMHO the cause of heart disease and heart attacks is fluoridated water!
The American Medical Association has claimed all sorts of things and targeted cholesterol and recently histamines as the cause of heart disease and heart attack but currently the prevailing opinion among Medical Doctors of Homoeopathy is that “inflammation” is the cause of most such ailments.
What causes inflammation?
According to Mark Starr, MD and MD(H) in his seminal book “Hypothyroidism Type II” the culprit of “inflammation” might be better known as “Myxedema” which has been known to be associated with thyroid deficiencies since approximately the 1880’s!
According to Jerry Tennant, MD and MD(H) in his public presentation he pointed to the swelling near the heart and aorta on a slide and announced that he suspected the answer to the cause of heart attack and heart disease lays there.
What has taken the medical establishment so long to address this problem?
Today’s thyroid deficiencies may be traced directly to our current practices of fluoridating our water in a manner that doesn’t reduce dental cavities in our children at all!
Allow me to explain:
At the risk of over-simplification, fluorine in our drinking water effects every cell in the body.
Fluorine is highly energized and knocks iodine off from its natural four poles or valences on a thyroid hormone.
Modern blood tests cannot detect these alterations!
Lab tests can’t tell how much “functional” thyroid hormone one has.
While labs test for T4 & T3, their tests do NOT measure T1 & T2.
Therefore, no one knows how much EFFECTIVE thyroid hormone anyone has!
If you’ve stayed with me this far, understanding the rest is easy.
The thyroid regulates many things. In particular it effects metabolism.
Decreased metabolism has typically shows up as a lower basal body temperature and swelling in the face & body.
You know that double chin or loss of that graceful curve under one’s chin where the neck should be?
Most adults begin showing signs of the loss of graceful neck definition under their chins in the late 20’s!
Buy Mark Starr’s book and find out for yourself:
Tags:AMA, American Medical Association, cholesterol, dental cavities, dental cavities in our children, drinking water, fluoridating our water, fluorine, heart attack, heart disease, histamines, iodine, Jerry Tennant, Mark Starr, MD, MD(H), Medical Doctors, Medical Doctors of Homoeopathy, T1, T2, T3, T4, The Cause of Heart Disease and Heart Attacks, thyroid deficiencies, thyroid hormones, What causes inflammation?
Posted in Bibliotherapy (Self-Help), Book Review(s), FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Hypothyroidism Type II | No Comments »
Thursday, June 18th, 2009
I am not kidding:
Ask Henry Kissinger how our drinking water became fluoridated!
That may sound absurd but consider Kissinger’s past and his role in bringing the Nazi War Machine over here at the close of World War II as the head of Operation Paperclip and you’ll soon understand why.
Young Henry Kissinger was the bureaucrat in charge of Operation Paperclip bringing the German scientists over here during the close of World War II and settling them in the United States, Argentina and other places around the world.
While the focus of the public was on stories like Peenemünde in which we were spoon fed the idea that we, the United States got half of the German rocket scientists and Russia kidnapped the other half of the Nazi rocket scientists at the close of World War II, there is far more to the story. The story of Operation Paperclip remains untold because much of it is still classified.
IMHO, we got ALL of the German biological and chemical weapons scientists.
It is well documented in Leonard Horowitz’s works that those bastards were settled in Fort Detrick, Maryland where they created biological & chemical weapons of mass destruction during the Cold War. They were part of our war machine until Nixon decommissioned the US Army facility at Ft. Detrick and recommissioned it on the same day (keeping all of its personnel) as The National Cancer Institute.
But this is what is so telling:
The Nazi’s planned to control the vast population of the world in part by fluoridating the drinking water supplies and “down regulating” everyone so that control and order under the domination of such a small force might be manageable.
Is this what is going on wholesale? Might the central planners be poisoning us, albeit mildly, in order to control us? In order to create markets for their other compounds marketed as “anti-depressants?”
This begs the question:
Why has the United States federal government been so fixated upon “clean water” programs featuring sodium fluoridated water and water laced with fluorosilicic acid?
Why can we not opt out of federal government programs requiring fluoridation of our drinking water and rely upon topically applied stannous fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay?
Why are we not free to do this?
Tags:anti-depressants, Argentina, Ask Henry How US Water Became Fluoridated, at the close of World War II, bringing the Nazi War Machine over here, clean water, control and order, created biological & chemical weapons, down regulating, down regulating everyone, during the Cold War, fluoridating the drinking water supplies, fluorosilicic acid, head of Operation Paperclip, Henry Kissinger, how our drinking water became fluoridated, keeping all of its personnel, Kissinger’s, Leonard Horowitz, Leonard Horowitz’s works, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, marketed as anti-depressants, Maryland, Might the central planners be poisoning us, NCI, New World Order, Nixon, Nixon decommissioned the US Army facility at Ft. Detrick and recommissioned it on the same day, Operation Paperclip bringing the German scientists over here, Operation Paperclip remains untold because much of it is still classified, other compounds marketed as anti-depressants, Peenemünde, places around the world, political, President Nixon, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, rely upon topically applied stannous fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay, Russia kidnapped the other half of the Nazi rocket scientists, settling them in the United States, sodium fluoridated, stannous fluoride, the bureaucrat in charge of Operation Paperclip bringing the German scientists over here during the close of World War II, the close of World War II, the Cold War, the focus of the public, the German biological and chemical weapons scientists, the National Cancer Institute, The Nazi’s planned to control the vast population of the world, The Nazi’s planned to control the vast population of the world in part by fluoridating the drinking water supplies and down regulating everyone so that control and order under the domination of such a, the United States got half of the German rocket scientists, there is far more to the story, they created biological & chemical weapons of mass destruction during the Cold War, They were part of our war machine until Nixon decommissioned the US Army facility at Ft. Detrick and recommissioned it on the same day as The National Cancer Institute, those bastards were settled in Fort Detrick, to control us, to create markets, under the domination of such a small force, United States federal government, United States of America, we got ALL of the German biological and chemical weapons scientists, Weapons of Mass Destruction, well documented, Why are we not free to do this?, Why can we not opt out of federal government programs requiring fluoridation of our drinking water, Why has the United States federal government been so fixated upon “clean water” programs featuring sodium fluoridated water and water laced with fluorosilicic acid?, Young Henry Kissinger
Posted in Bioterrorism, FDA: Federal Death Administration, Hypothyroidism Type II, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 16th, 2009
Fluoride is a teratogen—meaning it causes birth defects. Fluoride is commonly used in rat poison.
Systemic fluoridation processes cause birth defects. Not gross ones such as missing limbs which are easily recognized, but subtler mutations that are not readily discerned.
According to Dr. Mark Starr, Hypothyroidism Type II is exacerbated by the prevalence of defects in the mitochondria.
Mitochondria are the metabolic engines of the cell. When mitochondria fail to produce energy cells do not function properly. The organism becomes sluggish and waste accumulates inside the cell.
Dr. Starr’s research is conclusive that years of fluoridated water have resulted in birth defects to later generations.
IMHO, this is specifically why we are witnessing so much Diabetes Type II and obesity today. It is not so much the fault of the individual as it is the accumulated sins and insults to the human body over five to six decades of constant exposure to systemic fluoride toxicity.
Stop the systemic fluoridation of our drinking water.
Stop this insanity.
Do it for the future generations and for yourself today.
Tags:birth defects, causes birth defects, defects in the mitochondria, diabetes type II, Dr. Mark Starr, Dr. Starr, Fluoride Causes Birth Defects, Fluoride is a teratogen, Fluoride is commonly used in rat poison, fraud, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, Medical Model, mitochondria, Mitochondria are the metabolic engines of the cell, New World Order, obesity, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, rat poison, Stop the systemic fluoridation of our drinking water, Stop this insanity, Systemic fluoridation processes cause birth defects, United States of America, years of fluoridated water have resulted in birth defects to later generations
Posted in Bioterrorism, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Hypothyroidism Type II, Iatrogenesis, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), New World Order, Take Back America | 1 Comment »
Monday, June 15th, 2009
For years all psychologists have had to answer one question on the EPPP, the examination one must pass in order to become a psychologist.
The EPPP is the Examination for the Professional Practice of Psychology.
That question is designed to condition future practicing psychologists to refer anyone who appears with depressive symptoms to a medical doctor.
To rule out medical causes of depression.
And what is the number one medical cause of depression?
A malfunctioning thyroid!
Now, what do you think causes thyroids to malfunction?
Especially at such rampant levels among the population that this question has become standard on all versions of the EPPP since its inception as the standard test in Canada and the United States for psychologists?
The specific type of fluoridation of our water forced on us by our wonderful Central Government!
Tags:Canada, Central Government, condition, depression, EPPP, Examination for the Professional Practice of Psychology, fluoridation of our water, Fluoride Number One Medical Cause of Mental Illness, Fluoride the Number One Major Medical Cause of Mental Illness, Fluoride the Number One Medical Cause of Mental Illness, malfunctioning thyroid, medical cause of depression, Medical Model, New World Order, political, psychologists, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, the Examination for the Professional Practice of Psychology, the medical cause of depression, the number one medical cause of depression, thyroid, thyroid malfunction, thyroid malfunctioning, To rule out medical causes. To rule out, United States
Posted in Bioterrorism, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Hypothyroidism Type II, Iatrogenesis, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), New World Order, Take Back America | 5 Comments »
Sunday, June 14th, 2009
I am dead set against fluoridation of drinking water supplies. It’s the wrong chemical. It’s not the same chemical used in the original dental studies on caries prevention. It’s the wrong method.
We should not use systemic fluoride; however, I am not completely against topical fluoride. I think fluoride applied by a dentist or dental hygenist after periodic teeth cleaning may be acceptable.
But fluoride in tooth paste, in mouth wash or in our DRINKING WATER has got to stop.
It’s poison!
The fluoride in drinking water knocks iodine off the four valences on thyroid hormones and IMHO is the major cause of Heart Disease and heart attack.
Fluoridated water also causes Diabetes Type II.
Fluoridated water causes most of the obesity rampant today.
Fluoride is a major contributor to Alzheimer’s and dementia’s by opening up the blood brain barrier permitting aluminum to pass into the brain where in makes entangling plaques in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s!
Tags:aluminum. Alzheimer's, blood brain barrier, brain, caries, caries prevention, dementia's, dental hygiene, dentistry, drinking water, entangling plaques, fluoride, heart attack, heart disease, iodine, mouth wash, obesity, systemic fluoride, thyroid hormone, tooth paste, topical fluoride
Posted in Bioterrorism, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Hypothyroidism Type II, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, State's Rights, Take Back America | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, May 27th, 2009
Tags:Dr. George Waldbott, Dr. Waldbott, Fluoride Deception Part 3, George Waldbot, Waldbott
Posted in Autism, Bioterrorism, Bipolar Disorder Type I, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Hypothyroidism Type II, Iatrogenesis, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America | No Comments »
Wednesday, May 27th, 2009
Tags:Dr. Mullinex, Dr. Phyllis Mullinex, fluoride, Fluoride - Dr. Phyllis Mullenix pt. 1, Mullenix, Mullinex, Phyllis Mullenix
Posted in Bioterrorism, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, FDA: Federal Death Administration, Fluoridation, Hypothyroidism Type II, Iatrogenesis, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America | No Comments »
Saturday, May 23rd, 2009
Theodore Roosevelt
“We cannot make the Americanization movement a success unless we approach it from the economic standpoint. It is true that governmentally Germany is an autocracy. But there has been a great deal more industrial freedom there than many of our old industrial communities. The German Government says we expect you to work out good results, to get together with the laborer, and yourselves decide what you are going to pay to the doctors who are to pass upon the health of the employes, and the amount of damages any employe merits. The Government insists upon a great amount of self-government by the people themselves.
“I feel that by insistence upon proper housing conditions we shall indirectly approach this. I want to see the immigrant know that he has got to spend a certain amount of his money in decent housing; that he will not be allowed to live on $2.50 per month board basis.
The New York Times. (February 2, 1916) “A Roosevelt Idea Made in Germany.” p. 5.
What we need to learn from this is that we were and are expected to govern ourselves when it comes to selecting medical care and medical costs. What we have done since 100 years ago is give up our responsibility and, without realizing it (yet), our freedom. Freedom to determine the best course of medical treatment for ourselves.
What we have today are the “strong arm tactics” of the insurance industry. Insurance came from the strong arm tactics of protectionism. It evolved from the Sheriff of Nottingham requiring peasants pay him for protection. Of course, there is a certain ironic element of extortion in that!
La Costa Nostra was famous for demanding “payment” in exchange for “protection.” So, today, 100 years later we have given up huge rights (and duties) in our self-government and in our health care. We are being held hostage (extorted) by the health insurance companies!
The insurance companies have spoiled everything! Their policies & procedures have ruined professional practise and limited treatments available. We have the worst health on the planet as a result of the gargantuan health care system the government has regulated into existence. The coming “change” in government rationed health care by committee is going to wreak further havoc upon our health.
Roosevelt Bears
Tags:A Roosevelt Idea Made in Germany, Americanization, Americanization movement, by the people, change, character, Costra Nostra, decent housing, economic, freedom, Germany, health, health insurance, insurance, La Costra Nostra, liberty, limited care, Medical Model, Obama, old industrial communities, political, proper housing conditions, protectionsism, Roosevelt, Roosevelt bears, self-government, self-government by the people, self-government by the people themselves, Sheriff of Nottingham, strong arm tactics, the Americanization movement, the amount of damages any employe merits, the amount of damages any employee merits, The New York Times, Theodore Roosevelt, United States of America, yourselves decide what you are going to pay to the doctors who are to pass upon the health of the employees, yourselves decide what you are going to pay to the doctors who are to pass upon the health of the employes
Posted in Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Constitution, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, Democratic Party, FDA: Federal Death Administration, Hypothyroidism Type II, Iatrogenesis, New World Order, Obama, Take Back America | 1 Comment »