Archive for the ‘Department of Homeland Security’ Category

Exclusive: Gov. Jan Brewer

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Sen. Kyl at townhall meet-shortened and audio boosted

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

IMHO it appears Senator Kyl did not know he was being recorded.

FYI, Senator Kyl sponsored President Bush's Amnesty Bill early in 2007 right after he was re-elected.  I worked diligently on his fall 2006 campaign and I felt betrayed.

Jon Kyl could redeem himself if he would lead a successful effort to (a) close the borders, (b) cease ALL immigration (legal and illegal) until (c) we can sort out exactly who is in our borders.

President Obama: Working Together for Immigration Reform

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Courtesy of Jill Arizona on Facebook

Video from almost one year ago

“I want to especially commend John McCain, who is here with me today, because along with folks like Lindsey Graham, he has already paid a signifigant political cost for doing the right thing. I stand with him, I stand with Nydia Velazquez, and others who have taken leadership on this issue.” – Obama.

Let the Public Trial Begin

Sunday, June 20th, 2010

We are about to begin a new path on Dr Kent’s Blog. Actually, this is the old path, the old issues I sought to make public. However, there is a lot to the story. It is very involved and it is much harder to understand it in it’s entirely than it is to convey it. Even trying to covey it is difficult.

For one, it is emotionally charged for me. It not only involves my professional life but my personal life. This includes my failed attempt at marriage; I tried to marry what turned out to be a sociopath, a scam artist whose only interest was in predating upon men. This is rather involved but we are going to get into it all. Well, most of it.

I am still recovering from the whole ordeal. Ultimately, it resulted in severely compromising my health and it may yet kill me. Nonetheless, I shall be posting as much of the hard evidence and documentation as I can publically. Please bear with me as I try to organize my presentation. My purpose is in merely getting this info out there. Others may organize it into a story or stories or a play or a movie later.

My purposes in this are (1) to make the story and the evidence available so that those who lost their loved ones to wrongful death may pursue justice. However, there is fat chance of this in Arizona! The courts and State bureaucracy are loaded with self-protecting fools who now suffer because of their dereliction of duty at the fate of the invading horde (illegal alien Mexicans and all) and ultimately nuclear annihilation.

Also, (2) I publish these matters to clear my name and reputation. I am merely a man, a sinner, a work I progress like all of you.

Finally, (3) I want to get this behind me and move on with my life. You see, the best revenge is to live a good life. Let the LORD Our God have all the vengeance.

About that nuclear annihilation, this (future) will not be the first time use of a nuclear device has been attempted on the Greater Phoenix Area. I blogged about the (past) first attempt years ago. It was a “dirty bomb” hauled in a foot locker by four Iraqi’s who were trying to get close to Palo Verde (the nuclear plant) to detonate it—only a sheriff’s deputy (one of Arpaio’s men) stumbled upon them.

The sheriff’s deputy was astounded that the four “Mexicans” did not respond when he told them in clear Spanish that they should unload the trunk and carry the load on their backs. That’s how close we came to getting “nuked” on our own soil!

Napolitano was Governor at the time and you never heard about it. I heard about it because people talk to me and tell me everything; moreover, God guides my steps and places me where He wants me—to hear from others and to help others—to receive His messages and, more importantly, to deliver His messages.

Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans

Friday, June 18th, 2010

Deep inside our country NOT on the border, President Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and her lover Dora Shriro have posted THREE COUNTIES north of the border near Interstate 8 as unsafe for Americans to travel in! 

You stupid bastards in Arizona would not give me justice and now the Lord, "most of our" God, is bringing judgement upon you.

Mexican drug cartels now control large ares of Arizona all the way to Phoenix!  Three counties deep into the heart of Arizona.

3,000 US Troops Needed to Secure Arizona Counties from Mexican control NOW!

Live from Fox (Faux) News yesterday, Thursday June 17, 2010

An Open Letter to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

By my estimate in 2006 there were 30 Million illegal Mexican aliens living inside our borders.  Now, however, in 2010 their leaders boast about 40 Million criminal invaders seeking citizenship and demanding amnesty by “adverse possession.”


When Phoenix passed Philadelphia becoming the 5th largest metropolitan area in the United States, I knew it was a sham.  How did I know?  Because I took the stats published in our otherwise severely liberal newspaper, The Arizona Republic, and I did the numbers.  Had they not counted the illegal aliens, Phoenix would not be as large.


That newspaper claimed that 85% of Mexicans in Phoenix were here illegally.  From the figures available, in 2006 I estimated there were more than 1,000,000 illegal Mexican nationals in the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area!


Then, the bottom started falling out of our economy and the rats started leaving in droves, abandoning ship because they were only here for the jobs and the entitlements we lavish upon them.  Almost overnight the streets around Phoenix experienced reduced traffic and we could drive freely most of the day.  When the illegal’s were here en masse, it was “rush hour” all day long, but once they started going home, we could drive freely again between rush hours.  Now, I estimate there are approximately 500,000 illegal Mexican nationals remaining in Phoenix.


Now is the time for the Governor of Arizona to step up and make it State Law that all law enforcement agents shall first confirm the legal status of all persons they come in contact with before they proceed with any other business.  This completely eliminates any (false) claims of “racial profiling” because we are doing it to all, to everyone.


Then the State of Arizona needs to make it a crime punishable by fine and imprisonment to hire an illegal alien.  It shall be a misdemeanor to employ an illegal alien and it shall be a felony to knowingly employ an illegal alien.


Governor Jan Brewer took a courageous step in signing into Arizona State law a mirror image of the Federal law.  It was an ingenuous leap.  I applaud Jan Brewer for her courage and fortitude.  And at least her detractors have used a flattering photo of her in their “Nazi” posters.


Nevertheless, Govern Brewer’s biggest failing(s) was not taking her complaints to the citizens of Arizona when she saw how badly the former governor, Janet Napolitano had mismanaged the State and the illegal manner in which Napolitano cooked the books and violated the law fiscal ruining Arizona.  It would have saved US a lot of trouble not to have Napolitano’s incompetency in DC.  Perhaps it’s not too late.


Governor Brewer,  Are you listening?

Was it Eco-Terrorism in the Gulf?

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Why is it the catastrophe in the Gulf plays right into the hands of those who want to shut down America’s economy?

More importantly, when BP succeeds in recovering 85% of that oil spilling into the bottom of the Gulf, why is it there is no applause?

Here is a major victory in mitigating the damages, yet no one gives BP an “atta boy,” no one gives PB credit.

Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan a Lesbian?

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

In my opinion, President Obama’s recent Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is a lesbian.

Likewise, Secretary of Homeland Security and former Governor of Arizona Janet Napolitano is most definitely a practicing lesbian who is in a long-term relationship with her former cabinet level appointee, the former Director of the Arizona Department of Corrections Dora Schriro.  However, Schriro may be bi-sexual.

But, not Elena Kagan.  After all my years of experience as a psychologist (retired due to the harassment of Napolitano’s hacks on the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners) in my opinion Kagan is a pure lesbian.

Far more importantly, in my opinion, Elena Kagan is NOT qualified to be appointed to the United States Supreme Court!  In fact, I do not think Kagan should be a judge in ANY court.  However, I would not be averse to some jurisdiction appointing Ms. Kagan to preside over some Small Claims Court occasionally on a substitute basis so that Ms. Elena Kagan, Esquire might get relevant experience and so that we might see how she might perform.

Being a lesbian, in my opinion, does not necessarily disqualify a woman from being in public service; nonetheless, failing to acknowledge one’s sexuality IS a reason to disqualify a woman from public office, especially when that woman appoints her lesbian lover to a sensitive position underneath her such as a cabinet level appointee.  That would be evidence of boundary issues and very poor judgement.

Should the REPUBLICAN SENATORS FAIL TO FILIBUSTER AND DENY PRESIDENT OBAMA’S SECOND SUPREME COURT NOMINEE, that will be evidence that there is no Republican Party and the situation for our country is HOPELESS.

Think of the working environment that would create to appoint this unqualified person to the United States Supreme Court:  It would be a nightmare for the truly qualified justices and we may lose them due to the hostile environment Kagan would push upon them!  We need to make sure that only well-qualified judges with experience are appointed to the Supreme Court least we risk alienating those Honorable Justices already serving!

Furthermore, it is in President Obama’s best interest* that this unqualified liberal who has already demonstrated her willingness to wrongly use her position to push her radial political agenda is not confirmed by the US Senate.  Kagan did it at Harvard and she will do it on the Supreme Court if she is appointed.

The best judge of future behavior is past behavior.

If we had a Constitutional Legislature, this would not happen.  In fact, had our Senate the structure originally written by our founders, it would never happen.  In my opinion, the Seventeenth Amendment is unconstitutional and would not survive a Supreme Court challenge.  It would be thrown out!

Any sitting REPUBLICAN SENATOR who fails to take an active role in the filibuster to block Kagan’s appointment needs to be recalled and needs to be unseated by any means at the earliest opportunity–especially those up for re-election this year 2010 and thereafter.

*Obama is too narcissistic to realize this.  But, then, Stalin-like sociopathy overrules everything about the man.

Democrats Introduced SAVE Act in House & Senate! (Wonderful!)

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Folks, this is great news

No, it is


Jump on this!


Call your Congressmen, Congresswomen & Senators

Tell them to Support SAVE

“Don’t strip SAVE Act provisons from the Homeland Security Bill!


Don’t come home

Because we will NOT re-elect you!!!”



The SAVE Act requires all jobs to be cycled and checked within four years.

The SAVE Act is the only way to take care of the mass invasion of the horde in the War on America known as illegal immigration.

Certainly it won’t fix everything but without the SAVE Act there will be no hope for resolving our illegal alien problems or budget deficits.


Monday, July 20th, 2009


Put This Number in Your Phone

for Future Use



Dr. Kent


Keep Calling

Keep Dialing

Keep the Pressure on Them

Keep Up

Keep Up

Keep Up

From Roy Beck NumbersUSA an Emergency Message

Help small states with pro-E-Verify Dem. Senators on SAVE Act

Sen. Pryor (D-Ark.) is expected to re-introduce the SAVE Act later this week. This is great news. Passage and implementation of the SAVE Act would put more Americans back to work than any other act of the federal government this year.

It will be an uphill battle to get this passed.

But the fact that it is a Democratic bill is a big plus. What we need, though, is for Sen. Pryor not to be standing alone. He needs a bunch of other Democrats co-sponsoring his bill.

The following 11 Democratic Senators ought to sign the bill because they joined Pryor two weeks ago in supporting Sen. Sessions’ fantastic E-Verify amendment for the Homeland Security spending bill:

Arkansas: LINCOLN
Louisiana: LANDRIEU
Minnesota: KLOBUCHAR
Missouri: MC CASKILL
Nebraska: NELSON
North Carolina: HAGAN
North Dakota: CONRAD & DORGAN
West Virginia: ROCKEFELLER

Every one of these Senators ought to be co-sponsoring SAVE before it is introduced. Please push them to do what is right.


The most important states for you to call are North Dakota, Montana and West Virginia because we have the fewest members there.


As you know (and can see on the top of our home page), we have a major petition and faxing campaign to keep the Sessions amendment in the Homeland Security bill which is currently in the joint House/Senate negotiating committee. We are most worried that Democratic Party Leaders will strip the amendment from the bill before it goes to the President.

If the strong E-Verify provisions are stripped from the Homeland Security bill, it is imperative that we come right back and have the Senate pass the Pryor bill.

I still hope the nation’s pressure on keeping the Sessions amendment will save it.

If it does, however, there still is a lot more that is needed in terms of E-Verify.

The Sessions amendment mandates all federal contractors to run all new hires through e-Verify. It also requires all employees actually working on a federal contract to be run through E-Verify, even if they have been working for the company for years. (Current law forbids a company to use E-Verify to check veteran employees.)

The Pryor SAVE Act extends the requirement of running new hires through E-Verify to every employer in America, whether or not they have federal contracts.

It would phase this in over four years, with the largest employers going first.

And in the fourth year, it would require all employers to run all of their workforce through E-Verify.

Imagine the millions of jobs that will open up!

