Dear Dr. LM—
While I do not know you, I attended the Complaint Screening Committee hearing Wednesday, December 17, 2008 and I attested upon the behalf of the merits of your complaint RFI 08-23 John Trezise, Ph.D. before the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners not knowing what exactly your complaint was about. Nonetheless, as the case was discussed, it became apparent that your complaint compliments previous complaints I have filed against John Trezise, Ph.D.
Apparently, Trezise has a history of treating subordinates harshly way back to 1995 when he harassed Enos into leaving ADOC after only three weeks. Trezise has a history of “making people suffer” and when Public Board Member (and politician) Joseph Donaldson referenced the threat of “progressive discipline” you became the member of a rather large crowd—that includes me.
Half of those Trezise pursues are below the doctoral psychologist level. Half are older than he. Half perhaps more are female. Trezise makes it impossible to succeed and makes life miserable for his victim. He always has a victim. He is unstable and should never be allowed to supervise anyone.
It is such a long standing pattern that it has become a way of life for Dr. Trezise; he couldn’t function if he wasn’t shoring himself up on the back of another vulnerable subordinate. So, your complaint that you don’t want to see this happen ever again to anybody else is appropriate. You are the 5th female target. There have been at least five males.
Sadly, with age people’s flaws tend to become more pronounced. It must have been particularly hard for you to file, but I am curious about you. He might be getting worse with time. More sadistic. Here’s the rub:
When one complains about the internship upon which obtains a license, it taints one’s postdoctoral training. It makes one question your training and even your licensure as a psychologist. Indeed, had you complained before successful completion of your internship, it would have assured starting over elsewhere and setbacks. But that is what we do when it gets bad. We vote with our feet. We toughen up, sacrifice more and become better. Sadly, in this case it appears you cheated yourself.
You cheated yourself out of an opportunity to grow even more and become a far better psychologist. Don’t tell me “I don’t understand.” I was fired from my first site because I filed a report with law enforcement as required by law when a male health aid molested his 13 year old female patient. Unfortunately for me, the man in question’s mother was the sister of my boss’s superior.
Chuck fired me and they fired Chuck to cover it all up. (ADOC has done the same thing in one of their more notorious cover-ups.) Thereafter I spent four years under the supervision of two very fine psychologists. Having given so much time at such meager wages was only possible because I did not have a family to support.
Back to your currently open RFI: I have filed several complaints against John Trezise; however, one Board member, I believe Dr. Karp, a forensic psychologist member, mentioned that she only knew of one other complaint—even though I had filed at least four personally against Trezise this year! I shall post those here for you and apparently for the benefit of other Board members!!!
The Board processes are problematic and I suggest you attend each meeting concerning your RFI. However, if you are out of State at the least order the CD copy and listen to the proceedings. In particular you need to hear Public Member Joseph Donaldson’s continual efforts to get your complaint dismissed. I believe RFI No. 08-23 only remained under investigation because of my presence and my presentation. I posted my address before the Board earlier in my blog.
While we were educated that the purpose of licensure is “to protect the public” the reality is that “this Board functions to protect the State.” Trezise did not appear at the CSC hearing and I am certain he knows from experience that as “a member” of the State, the Board’s members will bend over backwards to protect the State and him.
However, you may have another problem. If you work in any capacity for ADOC you definitely will have a problem. Donaldson repeatedly stated that you failed to file a complaint with ADOC while you were employed at ADOC. Actually, I think you were working for the private prison but still, it comes under ADOC. In my opinion, no internships should be allowed to be conducted at any ADOC facility.
Donaldson holds to the idiotic idea the ADOC are a bunch of angels and can do nothing wrong. He said they are a large organization explaining that they would have handled any complaint you filed efficiently. Donaldson cannot think straight. You see, Michael has it right: “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.” At the very least, liberal thinking causes Mental Disorders. We have become such a Savage Nation.
I see “old Joe” has been promoted from City Councilman to Mayor since I’ve become acquainted with him:
The fact is after I filed my first RFI (see my blog) for a treating psychologist marrying her hospitalized (psychiatrically!) inmate patient (She had treated him as her patient for approximately two years.), I was targeted for inordinate doses of harassment. There is no way for one person to file anything with ADOC brass without risk of severe retaliation, extreme damage even if failing to file puts your license at risk or even your freedom because failure to report can be a felony for a psychologist.
Let me give you one example (previously unpublished):
An inmate had died at the Supermax. At SMU-I they found a dozen uneaten sack lunches in his cell. Had the guards alerted my physician friend about his failure to eat, he could have prevented the death, but as it was, there was nothing he could do.
ADOC Director Dora Schriro wasn’t satisfied with the outcome of the investigation of that inmate’s death. So Schriro had a second investigation done to get it “right.” When the results of the second investigation into that inmate’s death came in, Dora still wasn’t satisfied. The Director had it investigated for a third time. You see, rather than admit she has an understaffing problem with officers; she wanted to put the blame on the physician!
And what did my friend do? He quit! He quit even though he didn’t have another job lined up. Why? He valued his medical license too much to risk it. Even though ADOC brass wooed him incessantly and pleaded with him to return, that fraudulent investigation of Dora’s frosted him. He never went back. And after what’s happened to me, many people won’t even go to work for ADOC.
God luck with your complaint. You have my support but I’m concerned for you because if you have continued working in corrections in sex offender treatment, your future remains at risk–unless you can drive this one home and nail Trezise with RFI no. 08-23.
Having heard that Dr. Arnold agreed to provide possible hours for you, I have a question for you:
Do you know the circumstances under
which Dr. Arnold abruptly left her position
as Head of the Sex Offender Treatment
Program at Florence—West
and Dr. Trezise succeeded her?
Neither in my opinion is qualified to head such a specialized program in sex offender treatment. Over a period of five years I worked closely with each and know them well.
Feel free to contact me or post comments in my blog. Listen to my talk radio show if you want a real education in psychology. I hope to hear from you soon.
You are responsible for your own education.
Dr. Kent