Archive for May, 2010

Michelle Obama Reveals Barack Hussein Obama Was Born in Kenya!

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Michelle Obama Reveals Barack Hussein Obama Was Born in Kenya!

An Open Letter to Joe Sestak (To Inform the Public–YOU!)

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Hey Joe–

Either you fooled the people before the primary or you are trying to fool the people after the primary.  Which is it, Joe?

You can’t have it both ways: Either you lied & misrepresented Obama’s offer (aka bribe) which means the President interfered with an open election in violation of our criminal code.  Admittedly, it is merely a misdemeanor but it is still a crime.

Or you realize that the only way you can get elected this November is if you have the backing of your party and protect your Demoncratic President–by lying now after winning the Democrat Primary in Pennsylvania  for the US Senate.

I think it’s the latter: You are now trying to play the American public for fools in order to protect the Obama Administration so that you might have a hope of getting elected to the Senate.

It would be an excellent ploy IF you could pull it off!

But you will lose in November.  That’s just my opinion.

Lying sack of shit politician!

“Joe Public,” what’s yours?

Open for comments.

The Dirty History of Immunizations

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

The fact is most


Eustace Mullins (1988) first explained this in his book Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz documented this in several books including (2001) Death in the Air: Global Terrorism & Toxic Warfare  in which he presented photocopies of actual ccontracts, mostly government contracts, proving these pathogens were manufactured.

Now, we have web sites dedicated to helping those suffering from the contaminated immunizations.  Here is one.  It is beyond “interesting.”  It is proof of the vast conspiracy against America and the undeclared war which is currently being waged against my country!

Types of SV40 Cancers

Obama’s Waterloo?

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Obama’s Waterloo


in violation of law:

(audio only)

Has America Become a Vast Confederacy of Fools?

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Words of wisdom:

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

— Author Unknown

This supplied from the northland.  I am, however, unable to provide a proper attribute.  These are not my words but these words are a warning of the enemy within.

Dr. Manning Predicts Revolution

Friday, May 21st, 2010

 Yes, he is real.  Yes, Dr. Manning is right.  The Reverend is correct when he says that Obama is destroying the fabric of the USA, the foundations of our country. 

March 10, 2010

Dr. James David Manning

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

Is this guy for real?

Was it Eco-Terrorism in the Gulf?

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Why is it the catastrophe in the Gulf plays right into the hands of those who want to shut down America’s economy?

More importantly, when BP succeeds in recovering 85% of that oil spilling into the bottom of the Gulf, why is it there is no applause?

Here is a major victory in mitigating the damages, yet no one gives BP an “atta boy,” no one gives PB credit.

Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan a Lesbian?

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

In my opinion, President Obama’s recent Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is a lesbian.

Likewise, Secretary of Homeland Security and former Governor of Arizona Janet Napolitano is most definitely a practicing lesbian who is in a long-term relationship with her former cabinet level appointee, the former Director of the Arizona Department of Corrections Dora Schriro.  However, Schriro may be bi-sexual.

But, not Elena Kagan.  After all my years of experience as a psychologist (retired due to the harassment of Napolitano’s hacks on the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners) in my opinion Kagan is a pure lesbian.

Far more importantly, in my opinion, Elena Kagan is NOT qualified to be appointed to the United States Supreme Court!  In fact, I do not think Kagan should be a judge in ANY court.  However, I would not be averse to some jurisdiction appointing Ms. Kagan to preside over some Small Claims Court occasionally on a substitute basis so that Ms. Elena Kagan, Esquire might get relevant experience and so that we might see how she might perform.

Being a lesbian, in my opinion, does not necessarily disqualify a woman from being in public service; nonetheless, failing to acknowledge one’s sexuality IS a reason to disqualify a woman from public office, especially when that woman appoints her lesbian lover to a sensitive position underneath her such as a cabinet level appointee.  That would be evidence of boundary issues and very poor judgement.

Should the REPUBLICAN SENATORS FAIL TO FILIBUSTER AND DENY PRESIDENT OBAMA’S SECOND SUPREME COURT NOMINEE, that will be evidence that there is no Republican Party and the situation for our country is HOPELESS.

Think of the working environment that would create to appoint this unqualified person to the United States Supreme Court:  It would be a nightmare for the truly qualified justices and we may lose them due to the hostile environment Kagan would push upon them!  We need to make sure that only well-qualified judges with experience are appointed to the Supreme Court least we risk alienating those Honorable Justices already serving!

Furthermore, it is in President Obama’s best interest* that this unqualified liberal who has already demonstrated her willingness to wrongly use her position to push her radial political agenda is not confirmed by the US Senate.  Kagan did it at Harvard and she will do it on the Supreme Court if she is appointed.

The best judge of future behavior is past behavior.

If we had a Constitutional Legislature, this would not happen.  In fact, had our Senate the structure originally written by our founders, it would never happen.  In my opinion, the Seventeenth Amendment is unconstitutional and would not survive a Supreme Court challenge.  It would be thrown out!

Any sitting REPUBLICAN SENATOR who fails to take an active role in the filibuster to block Kagan’s appointment needs to be recalled and needs to be unseated by any means at the earliest opportunity–especially those up for re-election this year 2010 and thereafter.

*Obama is too narcissistic to realize this.  But, then, Stalin-like sociopathy overrules everything about the man.

Dear Arizona Governor Jan Brewer—

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

It’s time to take the next step.  This not only puts you on the map long term; more importantly, it is the right thing to do.


Announce: A second end to slavery in the United States of America.


Make it clear that (a) you are ending the slavery of lower wages for foreign born workers who have entered Arizona illegally AND (b) you are ending the slavery of the common Arizona man and woman forcing citizens to pay for the welfare, support and other entitlement programs for illegal aliens.


Then, make it a crime in Arizona to hire an illegal alien.  Make it a misdemeanor to unwittingly employ an illegal alien and a felony to wittingly (knowingly) hire an illegal alien.


At your service . . .




Dr. Kent