(Streaming 65.5MB)
A Must See
For Your Health
In January 2009 I hawked one of my shows, actually it was supposed to be my last on-air show at KFNX on Valentine’s Day as “the Valentine’s Day Massacre.” It was, as is the case in entertainment, all marketing bravado, but the stupid Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners took a step further–they always do.
In September 2009 my attorney informed me that the Board members felt threatened by my utterances–even though those comments were made months earlier! Talk about being paranoid!
I had planned to reveal in detail the abuses of my Board and the crimes my Board worked hard to cover up, but a wonderful man was available to be my guest for my last show. Dr. Jerry Tennant knows more about the medical literature than any man I have ever met. I’d been trying to get him to go on-air for weeks.
When it became possible to have a constructive and informative show bringing his expertise to my audience, I embraced that opportunity.
First, let me say that I never threatened and I never intended to threaten anybody. Moreover, I do not threaten: I deliver. However, never anything violent. The awareness alone of what those bastards did to me and allowed others to get away with is enough. That public humiliation and the possible investigation by the Arizona State Legislature and the FBI and the increased restraint imposed upon the Board and its (previous) members suffices.
Second, as a trained man of God educated in psychology, I do not always understand the depth & wisdom of what I speak. Now, with the election of that fraud, the Kenyan Bastard and his policies destroying the very fabric of our nation, I post to warn you about the undoing of our civilization this coming February. All hell will break loose and it will be a bloody Valentine’s.
First, stop doing anything that could make the situation worse.
Suspend vaccinations.
Stop using soy based baby formula.
Stop feeding her Cherrios and other processed cereals.
Avoid manganese.
Second, call Dr. Jerry Tennant at:
(972) 580-1156
toll free
(866) 612-4461
Tell Dr. Tennant that I, Dr. Kent, sent you.
And if you really want help, go to The Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine in Irving, Texas.
First, stop doing anything that could make the situation worse.
Suspend vaccinations.
Stop using soy based baby formula.
Stop feeding him Cherrios and other processed cereals.
Avoid manganese.
Second, call Dr. Jerry Tennant at:
(972) 580-1156
toll free
(866) 612-4461
Tell Dr. Tennant Dr. Kent sent you.
And if you really want help, go to The Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine in Irving, Texas.
Folks, two days ago I posted the Definitive Article on the Flu including the swine flu. I posted the entire article written by Dr. Jerry Tennant under his title:
Swine Flu–What Should I do?
But, I should have labeled my post of Dr. Tennant’s excellent article:
“The Definitive Article on Swine Flu”
Which should now be known as either:
“The Mexican Flu”
Because of its origins and unique DNA foot print. A DNA footprint which indicates:
The Mexican strain of the Swine Flu could have only originated in a Laboratory!
Or as it ought to become known as the:
“The Swine Napolitano Flu”
Because of the manner in which the media (including Talk radio) was manipulated in a fashion to creat mass hysteria and possibly desensitize the public to mandatory vaccination.
Draw your own conclusions, but READ the article as posted:
My take?
This hand was played as a part of the war in which we are involved. It make look like peace. It may even look like Paradise! But believe me, we are in a war, and we don’t even know it!
This is
None other than
Nothing less than
Psychosociopolitical Warfare
While you may tune in today, rather than me, you’re going to get college basketball. May I suggest downloading and listening to my commercial free MP3 of the January 24th show featuring my guest Dr. Mark Starr?
This will “prepare” you for my next show on Valentine’s Day February 14th as Dr. Jerry Tennant has tentatively agreed to be on my show. It is my honor & pleasure to bring you Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H) as Dr. Tennant knows more about the literature & the research behind today’s medical practices than anyone else I have met.
Listen as Dr. Tennant’s wisdom challenges most of today’s medical practices. Learn what Integrative Medicine is about.
Be advised Dr. Tennant’s critical analysis of the literature will blow your mind—and, admittedly, mine!
Dr. Jerry Tennant is the inventor of the Tennant Biomodulator®.
Let me describe Jerry Tennant, MD this way:
Dr. Tennant is to medicine what Franklin, Edison & Tesla are to electricity!
Dr. Tennant’s genius and contributions are that great!
But, that is just my humble opinion. What’s yours?