Posts Tagged ‘forced innoculation’

Do Vaccines Increase Your Risk of Disability and Dying?

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

By Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), DNM

Here’s the full PDF version:


Please right click and down load.

The Definitive Article on Swine Flu

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Folks, two days ago I posted the Definitive Article on the Flu including the swine flu.  I posted the entire article written by Dr. Jerry Tennant under his title:

Swine Flu–What Should I do?

But, I should have labeled my post of Dr. Tennant’s excellent article:

“The Definitive Article on Swine Flu”

Which should now be known as either:

“The Mexican Flu”

Because of its origins and unique DNA foot print.  A DNA footprint which indicates:

The Mexican strain of the Swine Flu could have only originated in a Laboratory!

Or as it ought to become known as the:

“The Swine Napolitano Flu”

Because of the manner in which the media (including Talk radio) was manipulated in a fashion to creat mass hysteria and possibly desensitize the public to mandatory vaccination.

Draw your own conclusions, but READ the article as posted:

My take?

This hand was played as a part of the war in which we are involved.  It make look like peace.  It may even look like Paradise!  But believe me, we are in a war, and we don’t even know it!

This is

None other than

Nothing less than

Psychosociopolitical Warfare