Posts Tagged ‘talk radio’

Facebook Factions

Monday, June 28th, 2010

As I am forming impressions, there seem to be certain trends on Facebook.  There seems to be a grouping into those who support the status quo versus those who want to restore the US Constitution.  What is alarming are the open expressions of endorsement of violence by both sides.


Those supporting the Constitution seem to divide into the severely naïve with a touch of jingoism and those who are painfully consciously aware of the difficulties in returning to Constitutional rule.  Many of those who regard themselves as “conservative” are oblivious to their own tendencies towards control and over control.  They endorse all kinds of social legislation oblivious to the fact they are endorsing further enlargement of government.  Furthermore, they accept the entitlements offered them regardless of the fact that the growth of entitlements enslaves them further AND increases the instability of the system.


Those supporting the “status quo” are growing more boisterous and posting more in-your-face comments.  They appear on a continuum of anti-God from agnosticism to overt denigration of God.  On the other hand “constitutionalists” seem to attract more who believe in God but few demonstrate any “fear of The LORD.”


The most alarming trend is the open endorsement of violence.  Yet, when seen in the context of the prevailing culture and the mainstream media and even talk-radio, the clamors to open rebellion and calls to revolution and war become more understandable and, sadly, more acceptable.


Current trends in advertising depict more law enforcement scenarios and more confrontational scenarios.  Overall, there is an alarming trend towards desensitization of assaults upon the human body (gory crimes scenes on television in fantasy morgues) and an acceptance of the violations of basic human and Constitutional rights of “others” (police reality shows).  It’s all perfectly acceptable when it involves “others,” especially in a voyeuristic manner with


It is scary in that there are many precipitating factors towards disorder and violence.  With the sheer ignominy of those elected to represent US failing to represent US properly and acting apposite the will of the people, it appears we may be headed for a show down in the near future.


It saddens me because few seem to realize how much they are being manipulated and as the mechanisms of that manipulation are pointed out to them, they seem eager to “deny” the reality of that manipulation thus increasing the mass of insanity.  The mass delusion of the “leftists” that ‘someone will give me something for nothing’ has played well into the encroaching slavery imposed by BOTH the right (Neo-cons) and the left (Progressives) from followers of Plato to those involved in outright Satan worship and the old religions of the Old Testament (Babylon, Canaan).


Facebook appears to be producing factions mirroring those which will propagate the coming second American Revolution.

Facebook Face Offs

Friday, June 25th, 2010

A couple of days ago I was lambasted on Facebook.  While I went with it posting candidly, it got rather insulting.  Still, I kept my comments honest.  Sadly, they were not appreciated.  Moreover, my expertise and credibility were challenged.

Part of that challenge was because I was employing or had “invented” “new terms”  that “had not been accepted,” yet.  Actually, I have been inventive.  I use the term “Positive Projective Psychology” and the terms “Negative Projective Process” and “Negative Projective Psychology” to differentiate my perspective from the common clinical practises of the day–which I consider sub-par treatment!  So, I am guilty as charged.  Those are new concepts and they are mine.

Also, I use advanced concepts which have not been heard much.  In part, this is because I am ahead of the curve.  An example of this is Bipolar Disorder Type III.  While this is not is use yet, you’ll hear about it if it makes it past the hurdles in committee formulating the new DSM-V.  I heard about Bipolar Disorder Type III three years ago.  It is a significant development in that it is a bold-faced admission that psychiatric medications cause permanent mental illness!

It bothers me that I was attacked but then those who attacked me, don’t know me.  In fact, they don’t know anything!  I was called a “narcissistic.”  I guess everyone thinks they are a psychologist or they can practise psychology.  I wish I had a little more narcissism in me but I am the way I am, as God intended me.

My middle initial should be “G” because I have been gullible.  It took me years believing in what I was taught in school to realize what a farce my field was (and is) and how much damage clinical psychology (as practised today) is doing to our society.  I owe the people of Mississippi a lot but that debt has been discharged fully in my service to those wonderful folks at low pay for several years and that was time well spent. 

It was inside the walls of Arizona’s maximum security prisons that I honed my craft and developed quick and concise skills of intervention with those who needed my services most.  They may not have been deserving but I was saving lives–the lives of those on the outside as my murderers, rapists and thieves were released back to society. 

Had I been more narcissistic, I might have not worked there and gone into private practise and still have a license and a practise today.  Maybe I would have published and become better known but I would never have developed the razor sharp skills of intervention and the insights in psychology I have.

I regard my contributions to the field of psychology and the body of scientific knowledge as minor, but I know the best psychology and psychologists.  The most significant contributor of our time is Steven Hayes, Ph.D. and his “Acceptance & Commitment Therapy,” the most advanced form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), also known as ACT.  Dr. Hayes has answered most of the questions B.F. Skinner asked in 1952.  I am proud to have had Steven as a guest on my Talk Radio Show “Giving Psychology Away.”

These days I am struggling.  When you get to the level of consciousness I have, you see clearly what is going on and the trends are alarming.  However, there is solace for me in knowing that I am in the latter half of my life.  I have seen some incredible inventions.  I remember the invention of the ball point pen.  What a breakthrough that was!  The computer had already been invented but transistors came on the scene shortly after I was born.

But I have also seen the rise of the audacity of man.  A puny little man who challenges God!  And the foolishness grows.

I was born into a private family that was going military.  Because of the shelter that provided, I saw our country as it was during its Golden Days and the Golden Age of the United States of America has passed so long ago that few remain alive to tell of it and no one wants to hear about it. 

Still, what we saw, witnessed and lived were not our best days.  We were not at out best.  A simple reading of the newspapers of colonial times reveals a far more educated population.  The average colonial citizen was a genius compared to those our institutions of higher learning of today produce with doctorates.  I have seen “inflation” and “degradation” in our educational system. 

It is all corrupt, controlled by an elite we do not see.  We do not know.  And we are complacent to let the status quo go on unimpeded while it slowly destroys US and plans our further enslavement.  They already have our minds but this captivity is not that different from the exiles of the Jews to Babylon. 

Moreover, we are beholden to the same group of repugnant worshippers of power.  Power given from the following of Lucifer and making deals with the devil.  The fight between Good & evil (sic).

Is Attorney General Terrance Goddard Concealing a Past Party Gay Lifestyle?

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

According to a retired Phoenix police officer, he remembers quite well answering calls for police assistance many times to Arizona Attorney General Terrance Goddard’s residence.   As an eye witness he reported that it was obvious that those were gay sex parties and that Goddard was living a homosexual lifestyle.   The parties at Goddard’s home were so wild that often the Phoenix police were called to quell disorderly conduct and assist Terry Goddard and his friends.  He believes Terry Goddard may have married in order to put on a public front for political purposes and conceal his lurid past from voters.

When you vote in and hire “perverts,” you get “justice perverted,” especially in Arizona.  Homosexuals do their best bending over backwards, not merely to cover their asses, but to aid & abet other homosexuals in the commission and cover up of heinous crimes.  The result has been an economic crisis for the State of Arizona resulting in harsh oppression as the people are suppressed and courts used unconstitutionally to collect “taxes” in the form of photo radar tickets.

Due to years of fraud & malfeasance by the former governor, the State of Arizona has been forced to drastically curtain essential services of government.  The result is Arizona is no longer a safe place to live. 

News, in both print and on television and on radio, even so-called “conservative” talk radio, has been filtered and the violence is under reported.  When the news on KFYI gets censored across a period of merely four hours and that gun battle involving automatic weapons fire on the west side of Phoenix that occurred before noon is no longer reported by the evening news during drive time, you know there is an organized effort by a well-oiled machine.  And it matters not which party is in power.

The American Dream has Become the American Nightmare

Saturday, August 15th, 2009


Those outside this country need to know that things are not so rosy in America.  Life has changed drastically inside our borders.


We are no longer a free country.  We are no longer a country of the free.


True, we have the “form” of freedom but it has become an empty shell.  With every passing law, rule and regulation we are legislating ourselves out of existence.


We might “think” we are free but we have the most controlled media and that’s not just the “mainstream media” but so-called conservative Talk Radio as well!  It is all propaganda and “programming” designed to control our thinking and even our spiritual lives.


We, America is at an all time low.  We are divided.  We are ripe for invasion.  Of course, those behind the scenes who rule US secretly know they don’t have to cart us off and deport us because they have US enslaved right where we are inside our own borders.


I know you’re going to say, “Dr. Kent, if you don’t love the country, why don’t you leave it?”


Quite simply, I’ve already done that.  How do you think I became educated abroad?


Having tried that experiment, I couldn’t wait to get “home.”  But that was back when we had a fairly intact culture in the 70’s.


Today, we are not allowed a culture of our own.  The policies of “psychologically divide and conquer” are being used to great effectiveness in humbling and destroying America from within.


You want to invade?  You want a piece of US?


Please, bring it on.  At least then we could unite against a seen enemy but these Secret Societies, The New World Order and the old nobility hidden behind the scenes (with its stranglehold on the money system) and controlling all of America and the rest of the world are sucking us dry.


Should we not awake and arise soon, there will be nothing left


Am I the only one left who can see what is going on?








Earthquakes Rock Mexico’s Gulf of California Felt in Phoenix

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Yesterday 460 miles south of Phoenix four earthquakes magnitudes 5.8, 6.9, 5.0 and 6.2 hit in the California Gulf off the coast of Mexico.  The big one peaking at almost 7.0 on The Richter Scale shook several high rise buildings in downtown Phoenix  about midday.  Some of those office buildings were “voluntarily” evacuated.

My neighbor who recently “escaped” from California reminded this morning as I was running my dog about my earlier prediction.  I claim no such ability.  A friend apprised me first of the possibility and I just couldn’t sleep one night and listened to talk radio.

Still, 😉 those earthquakes occurred on the fault extensions of the San Andreas Fault and are part of the larger geological structure known as “The Ring of Fire.”

Those earthquakes circumnavigated a large island in the Gulf known as Isla Angel de la Guarda.

The earthquakes began on the south end of the island and progressed to the north end.  The initial release occurred south of the island followed by the big one which occurred further off shore southeast.  That was followed by a smaller aftershock slightly further south of the island.  Those three occurred in close proximity, and they were followed by another stiff jolt.  The  fourth occurred significantly deeper off the north and western tip closer to the island.

Isla Angel de la Guarda is also called Archangel Island.

The Definitive Article on Swine Flu

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Folks, two days ago I posted the Definitive Article on the Flu including the swine flu.  I posted the entire article written by Dr. Jerry Tennant under his title:

Swine Flu–What Should I do?

But, I should have labeled my post of Dr. Tennant’s excellent article:

“The Definitive Article on Swine Flu”

Which should now be known as either:

“The Mexican Flu”

Because of its origins and unique DNA foot print.  A DNA footprint which indicates:

The Mexican strain of the Swine Flu could have only originated in a Laboratory!

Or as it ought to become known as the:

“The Swine Napolitano Flu”

Because of the manner in which the media (including Talk radio) was manipulated in a fashion to creat mass hysteria and possibly desensitize the public to mandatory vaccination.

Draw your own conclusions, but READ the article as posted:

My take?

This hand was played as a part of the war in which we are involved.  It make look like peace.  It may even look like Paradise!  But believe me, we are in a war, and we don’t even know it!

This is

None other than

Nothing less than

Psychosociopolitical Warfare

Has “Talk Radio” Become the Mainstream Media?

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

Has “Talk Radio” Carried the Water for Mainstream Media? 

Is “Talk Radio” all that Independent?  Has “Talk Radio” Perpetuated the Anxiety & Hysteria our Masters Seek? 

Think About the Mass Hysteria Surrounding the Flu!

Earlier this morning I had to laugh at myself as I realized all we who think we are “conservative” and against the Mainstream Media Complex might have bought into another twist in psychosociopolitical warfare and actually done the bidding of the leftists, the “collectivists.”

Think about all the attention we’ve given on Talk Radio and in the blogs on this “non-pandemic” plague otherwise known as the Swine Flu.

Have we not brought undue attention to the situation?

Is this a distraction?

Might this distraction be purposeful?

What might the purpose of such a distraction be?

What important thing might we be missing?

Have we, including myself, bought into carrying the distracting message and inadvertently carried the water of those who lord their power over US?  The collectivists?

Don’t feel bad: 

I bought into it and blogged it myself.  I did not want to be left out and I must laugh at the situation and myself. 

We need to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated and deceived.

Have we allowed ourselves to be played right into their hands?

RedFlex Photo Radar Van Technician Doug Georgianni Killed

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009


Please—Feel free to post you comments. 


While I cannot condone manslaughter, it is understandable in the current environment.  Sadly, this incident feeds right into Napolitano’s recent admonitions concerning “domestic” terrorism.


This morning I heard Ankarlo utter some absolute rubbish!  When & if KTAR and Ankarlo are sued because of Ankarlo’s irresponsible statements encouraging marginally stable persons to commit suicide necessitates pulling him from the air!  Perhaps that is the real reason why Ankarlo Mornings changed hosts during the past hour?


Certainly there is support to the idea that photo radar cameras and the inordinate amount of surveillance violate our Constitutional rights.  And we can thank the last administration, the Bush Administration for this.


Nonetheless, the irresponsible talk continues this very hour on KTAR and I am just tired of Barely-Famous Barry Young’s histrionics.  KFYI’s “Barely-Man-Enough Barry Young” is generally irritating and insulting.  Certainly, I wish there was someone else besides those two to listen to in the morning on Talk Radio.


But allow me to come to my point:  Let’s apply one principle to this matter and be done with it.


DPS Director Roger Vanderpool listen up.  You’ve made a lot of mistakes, serious mistakes—which will come to light in my blog.  But, I hope you as the man in charge of those cameras will agree with me. 


Governor Jan Brewer give me your attention.  You’ve inherited a lot of mistakes, which you have been loath to denounce and change.  But, I hope you as the woman in charge of DPS Director Vanderpool and most everything in the State will see the wisdom in my recommendations.


Let’s end this insane spying on one another and undue stress and anxiety on our roads.  Let’s apply the principle that has been so often exploited to invoke law after law in the name of saving the children.  How many times have we heard?


If it saves only one life . . .


If it saves only one child . . .


It will be worth it.


Put an end to this insanity and end these off-the-wall discussions by pulling those cameras, admitting it was a bad idea and

do it now!




Because I guarantee it will save at least one life.


It will save at least one more life.


And to insist upon being stiff necked and keeping those draconian cameras in place and continuing the stress & anxiety on the roadways and on us all, will render you, Brewer & Vanderpool et al., complicit in the next murder(s)!


What’s your opinion on this? 


Is the alleged Thomas Patrick Destories a hero or a victim?


How responsible should KTAR be if any one commits suicide because of irresponsible utterances encouraging them to kill themselves?



What’s your opinion?

Advertise on The Dr. Kent Show

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008


KFNX News Talk Radio 1100 AM

2001 North 3rd Street

Suite 102

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone: (602) 277-1100

Fax: (602) 248-1478


Dear Prospective Advertiser,

Allow me to invite you and your company or organization to sponsor The Dr. Kent ShowGiving Psychology Away” on Saturdays from 2-3 PM or advertise on any of our programs on KFNX.

The Dr. Kent Show audience is adept and affluent. While The Dr. Kent Show focuses upon providing generic psychological advice from the literature & the cutting edge of mental health and substance abuse treatment, our audience is also interested in the applications of psychology to current world situations. Accordingly, Dr. Kent and his guests share their insight & information candidly.


Having five degrees including a doctorate in psychology, educated in Europe, Dr. Kent wishes he could say ‘my education hasn’t hurt me none’ but the sad fact remains today we live in an age in which people experience issues & seek answers. They want reasons why the world is as it is today. Accordingly, I invite you to become part of The Dr. Kent Show as we seek to grow & expand our fields of influence. Let us help you take your organization & your products to the top. Do you want to grow your business?

Radio advertising on KFNX ‘NEWS-TALK RADIO’ 1100, is one of the most affordable and cost effective ways (3 times more cost effective than music stations) to do so. Radio reaches 93% of all adults each week – or – 260 million people listen to the radio each week. The average person spends 1,000 hours per year listening to the radio, second only to television at 1,500 hours. KFNX reaches your potential customers; upscale listeners who are older, more educated and more affluent. KFNX listeners hear more ads because of their loyalty to our talk hosts, greater time spent listening, and ads being less of an interruption. I work with you personally as the owner of the station. I monitor your responses and adjust the schedule accordingly to maximize your return on investment.


KFNX was voted one of the Top Ten Radio Stations in Arizona by Ranking Arizona and has over 89,000 weekly listeners. KFNX has one of the largest signals of any Phoenix Radio Station with 50,000 watts reaching almost 5 million people throughout Arizona from Sedona to Tucson and Yuma to Globe. KFNX has the best dial position at 1100 in the middle of the A.M. dial. KFNX’s featured shows include – ‘Imus In The Morning’, mornings 6–9 A.M., ‘The Dr. Laura Program’ midday’s 1-3 P.M. ‘The Radio Factor’ with Bill O’Reilly, afternoons 5-7 P.M., and ‘The Lou Dobbs Show’, nights 10P.M.-1 A.M. KFNX is the Phoenix radio broadcast home of the University of Arizona Men’s Football and Basketball games. KFNX has a wide variety of informative and entertaining programming from politics to business to health. KFNX offers CNN national news as well as local news, weather and traffic around the clock. You can listen to KFNX at 1100 on your AM dial, or go to our website to listen worldwide and for more information on the station.

As I am currently scheduling our advertising, please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss further details of advertising on these and other shows to cost effectively reach your target demographic.


If you do not wish to advertise your business, please contact me to discuss hosting your own radio talk show.


Let me know how you heard about advertising on The Dr. Kent Show (Dr. Kent’s Blog) or starting your own radio talk show. I look forward to hearing from you.




Francis Battaglia
KFNX 1100 AM
602 277-1100 x 1463
