Posts Tagged ‘FBI’
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010
Tags:1961, AAAN, ACORN, adopted, Andy Stern, anti-American, anti-White, Arab American Action Network, asked under oath if he has ever used any other names, attorney, Barack, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Barry Obama, Barry Soetero, Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, birth certificate, bombings, British Subject, bundler, bundler for Obama, California, California Assembly, Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, character, Chicago, CIA, citizen of Indonesia, co-founder of the Weather Underground, Colony of Kenya, Columbia, Columbia University, communism, communist, community organizer, Congress, cover-up, crime, defrauds the State Bar, delivering doctor, Democrat, Democratic Socialists of America, Dreams from My Father, DSA, Edward Said, encouraged our enemies, failed to meet his promises, false identity, FBI, feminists, first grade, first-grade class, foreign exchange student, foreign exchange student from Indonesia, foreign sources, Frank Marshall Davis, fraud, friend, Gaza, genocide against the Palestinian people, George Soros, God DAMN America!, grandparents, Hamid, Harvard Law Review, Harvard University, Hawaii, HUAC, identity fraud, IL, illegal campaign contributions, Illinois, increased our budget deficit, Indonesia, Indonesian citizen, international government, irritated our closest allies, Islam, Israel, JD, journalist, Kapi’olani, Karl Marx, Kenya, labor union activist, liberal, liberals, Lolo Soetero, Los Angeles, malfeasance, Marxist literature, Marxist professors, master of agitation, mentor, Mercer Island, Mike Kruglik, Mohammed Hassan Chandoo, moved us towards Socialism, Muslim, Neil Sankey, never released any transcripts, New Party, New World Order, New York City, New York Times Bestseller, Noam Chomsky, NYC, Obama, Obama and Hamid travel to Pakistan, OBAMA DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE THIS, OBAMA DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE THIS video, Obama has used multiple Social Security numbers, Occidental, Occidental College, On Globalization, Pakistan, Pakistanis, Palestinians, perjures, PLO, PLO advisor Edward Said, PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi, poet, political, principle US affiliate of the Socialist International, progressive, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, radical activist, Rafah refugee camp, Rashid Khalidi, redistribution of wealth, reform Chicago public schools, registered as a student from Indonesia, Renegade, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Rezko, Rules for Radicals, Russian language class, Saul Alinsky, Seattle, Secret Service, secular humanism, SEIU president Andy Stern, self-avowed communist, slum landlord, Social Security fraud, Socialist, socialist conferences, Socialist International, Soetero from Indonesia, Sohale Siddiqi, Stanley Ann Dunham, state grant, structural feminists, Suharto, Susan Daniels, terrorist, The Communist International, the largest socialist organization in the Untied States, the New Party, threatened the US Constitution, Tony Rezko, transcripts, trivialized he War on Terror, unions, United States of America, University of Hawaii, Unprofessional Conduct, US Citizen, viral, voter registration fraud, Wahid Hamid, weakened America’s defenses, weakened our economy, Workers o the World Unite
Posted in Corruption of Elected Public Officials, FBI, Obama, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, War on America | No Comments »
Sunday, June 20th, 2010
We are about to begin a new path on Dr Kent’s Blog. Actually, this is the old path, the old issues I sought to make public. However, there is a lot to the story. It is very involved and it is much harder to understand it in it’s entirely than it is to convey it. Even trying to covey it is difficult.
For one, it is emotionally charged for me. It not only involves my professional life but my personal life. This includes my failed attempt at marriage; I tried to marry what turned out to be a sociopath, a scam artist whose only interest was in predating upon men. This is rather involved but we are going to get into it all. Well, most of it.
I am still recovering from the whole ordeal. Ultimately, it resulted in severely compromising my health and it may yet kill me. Nonetheless, I shall be posting as much of the hard evidence and documentation as I can publically. Please bear with me as I try to organize my presentation. My purpose is in merely getting this info out there. Others may organize it into a story or stories or a play or a movie later.
My purposes in this are (1) to make the story and the evidence available so that those who lost their loved ones to wrongful death may pursue justice. However, there is fat chance of this in Arizona! The courts and State bureaucracy are loaded with self-protecting fools who now suffer because of their dereliction of duty at the fate of the invading horde (illegal alien Mexicans and all) and ultimately nuclear annihilation.
Also, (2) I publish these matters to clear my name and reputation. I am merely a man, a sinner, a work I progress like all of you.
Finally, (3) I want to get this behind me and move on with my life. You see, the best revenge is to live a good life. Let the LORD Our God have all the vengeance.
About that nuclear annihilation, this (future) will not be the first time use of a nuclear device has been attempted on the Greater Phoenix Area. I blogged about the (past) first attempt years ago. It was a “dirty bomb” hauled in a foot locker by four Iraqi’s who were trying to get close to Palo Verde (the nuclear plant) to detonate it—only a sheriff’s deputy (one of Arpaio’s men) stumbled upon them.
The sheriff’s deputy was astounded that the four “Mexicans” did not respond when he told them in clear Spanish that they should unload the trunk and carry the load on their backs. That’s how close we came to getting “nuked” on our own soil!
Napolitano was Governor at the time and you never heard about it. I heard about it because people talk to me and tell me everything; moreover, God guides my steps and places me where He wants me—to hear from others and to help others—to receive His messages and, more importantly, to deliver His messages.
Tags:ADOC, Arizona, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, Arpaio, character, Congress, cover ups, cover-up, crime, Democrat, dirty bomb, Dora Schriro, Dr. Arnold, duty to report, FBI, fraud, God, Greater Phoenix Area, illegal alien Mexicans, invading horde, Janet Napolitano, Let the Public Trial Begin, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, malpractise, nepotism, New World Order, nuclear, nuclear annihilation, nuclear plant, nuclear power plant, Palo Verde, political, psychiatry, Psychologist, Psychologist III, psychologists, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, retaliation, Sex Offender Treatment Program, sex with a patient, Susan Arnold, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, wrongful death
Posted in "The Trial", ADC (Arizona Department of "Corruption" aka Arizona Department of Corrections), ADOC Director Dora SCHRIRO, Anne Middaugh, Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners, Arizona Board of Homeopathy & Integrated Medical Examiners, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Attorney General Terry Goddard, Christianity, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Democratic Party, Department of Homeland Security, DPS Director Roger Vanderpool, FBI, First Amendment, Gary D. Lovejoy, Illegal Immigration, Janet Napolitano, Jeffrey Golde, John Trezise, Lt. Lisa Johnson, Maria Kleine, Maxine McCarthy, Miki Paul, New World Order, Obama, Pamela McCauley, Psychologist, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Request for Investigation (RFI), Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP), Sherry Holly-Reps, Susan Arnold, Take Back America, The Race War, The Revolution of Virtue, US Department of Justice, Victoria Kamm, War on America | 1 Comment »
Saturday, June 12th, 2010
In January 2009 I hawked one of my shows, actually it was supposed to be my last on-air show at KFNX on Valentine’s Day as “the Valentine’s Day Massacre.” It was, as is the case in entertainment, all marketing bravado, but the stupid Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners took a step further–they always do.
In September 2009 my attorney informed me that the Board members felt threatened by my utterances–even though those comments were made months earlier! Talk about being paranoid!
I had planned to reveal in detail the abuses of my Board and the crimes my Board worked hard to cover up, but a wonderful man was available to be my guest for my last show. Dr. Jerry Tennant knows more about the medical literature than any man I have ever met. I’d been trying to get him to go on-air for weeks.
When it became possible to have a constructive and informative show bringing his expertise to my audience, I embraced that opportunity.
First, let me say that I never threatened and I never intended to threaten anybody. Moreover, I do not threaten: I deliver. However, never anything violent. The awareness alone of what those bastards did to me and allowed others to get away with is enough. That public humiliation and the possible investigation by the Arizona State Legislature and the FBI and the increased restraint imposed upon the Board and its (previous) members suffices.
Second, as a trained man of God educated in psychology, I do not always understand the depth & wisdom of what I speak. Now, with the election of that fraud, the Kenyan Bastard and his policies destroying the very fabric of our nation, I post to warn you about the undoing of our civilization this coming February. All hell will break loose and it will be a bloody Valentine’s.
Tags:ADOC, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, Arizona State Legislature, character, cover-up, crime, Dora Schriro, Dr. Jerry Tennant, FBI, fraud, KFNX, malfeasance, malpractise, medical literature, paranoid, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, public humiliation, Susan Arnold, that Kenyan Bastard, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Massacre
Posted in Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Illegal Immigration, New World Order, Obama, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, State's Rights, Take Back America, The Race War, War on America | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010
Tags:ADC, ADOC, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, crime, DOC, Dora Schriro, Dr. Arnold, duty to report, FBI, fraud, Janet Napolitano, liberal, malfeasance, Medical Model, murder, nepotism, New World Order, Obama, Ph.D., political, psychiatry, Psychologist, Psychologist III, psychologists, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Sex Offender Treatment Program, sex with a patient, Susan Arnold, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in ADC (Arizona Department of "Corruption" aka Arizona Department of Corrections), Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Attorney General Terry Goddard, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, DPS Director Roger Vanderpool, First Amendment, Psychologist, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, War on America | No Comments »
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009
How do I know this?
Plain and simple.
A plane did NOT hit the Pentagon.
While I have seen the videos and heard various explanations, it was not until I rode past the Pentagon personally in the summer of 2004 that I came fully to this conclusion.
How did that happen?
That summer I was in Washington DC attending a Department of Human Health Services (HHS) Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Conference at tax payer expense, of course. And during my time in DC I took a buss tour of the area.
During my bus tour, I sat up front on the right hand side in the first passenger row because my hearing is somewhat impaired and I wanted to hear what our bus driving tour guide had to say. Our black bus driver—Almost everyone in DC is black if you’ve not been there. After all only minorities can get decent jobs due to Affirmative Action programs.—explained in well chosen words as we entered the turn which would empty us out right in front the side of the Pentagon that got hit:
“As we round the next corner the Pentagon is going to come up very fast. I want you to imagine how much skill it had to have taken to be able to fly an airliner at low altitude over that parking lot, missing all those trees, the cars, telephone poles, telephone lines and wires, hitting the Pentagon without leaving so much as a mark on the grass!”
Our bus driver did not believe 9/11 as reported. He was telling us it was impossible for the reports of an airplane hitting the Pentagon without so much as touching any of the many telephone poles and telephone wires and other obstacles in its course without disturbing the grass because . . .
Our “Free Press” Lied to US!
Tags:9-11, 9/11, A plane did NOT hit the Pentagon., Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action programs, Almost everyone in DC is black, As we round the next corner the Pentagon is going to come up very fast., at tax payer expense, black bus driver, crime, D.C., Department of Human Health Services, did not believe 9/11 as reported, false flag, false flag event, false positives, FBI, fraud, HHS, hitting the Pentagon without leaving so much as a mark on the grass!, I want you to imagine how much skill it had to have taken to have flown an airliner at low altitude over that parking lot, it was impossible for the reports of an airplane hitting the Pentagon without so much as touching any of the many telephone poles and telephone wires and other obstacles in its course, liberal, liberals, Loan Repayment Program, LRP, LRP Conference, malfeasance, missing all those trees, New World Order, only minorities can get decent jobs due to Affirmative Action programs, Our “Free Press” Lied to US!, our bus driver, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, red flag, red flag event, telephone lines and wires, telephone poles, the cars, The Press Lied About 9-11, the side of the Pentagon that got hit, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, Washington, Washington DC
Posted in 9/11, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America | No Comments »
Monday, July 6th, 2009
LORD, Hear and grant the petition of your servant:
Grant Arizona legislators WISDOM
Necessary to see through Deceptive Offerings
And the quagmire in accepting
The False “Bail Out” from the Obama Adminstration
Otherwise known as Obama’s “Stimulus Bill”
Which is a FRAUD!
It’s “Doublespeak”
That further binds & enslaves the people of Arizona
The source of the provisions for Arizona is Napolitano.
LORD, rise a Leader from among our State Legislators
To champion freedom & prosperity
With the power and the will
To grant relief from the Wrong-doings of the Napolitano Adminstration
To force transparancy in the budget of the State and
The Secret Budgeting power of the Arizona Governor’s Office
To cause “Change” making the Arizona budget processes transparent
Restoring all budgeting power to the State Legislature.
LORD, make public the secrets of the Janet Napolitano Administration and
All the wrong-doings of Napolitano’s Adminstration.
LORD, restore the State of Arizona from the damage Janet Napolitano
Has done
Has allowed
LORD, thank you for answering our petition and granting relief
From those who have and would oppress us.
–In the name of the Father, our creator, the Son, our savior, and His gift, the Holy Ghost
Tags:Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, Arizona legislators, Bail Out, champion freedom & prosperity, character, creator, crime, Democrat, Dora Schriro, enslaves, False "Bail Out", FBI, fraud, Holy Ghost, Janet Napolitano, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, New World Order, Obama, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, savior, Secret Budgeting power of the Arizona Governor's Office, Stop Napolitano from Harming Arizona Further & Reverse the Damage she has Done!, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, wisdom, Wrong-doings of the Napolitano Adminstration
Posted in Christianity, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Democratic Party, God, Janet Napolitano, Jesus, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America | No Comments »
Saturday, July 4th, 2009
Those wishing to play homage to the king and give literal tribute in the sum of $250,000 may get an audience with the United State’s President
for the purposes of “giving advice” to President Obama on Medical policy for the United State’s government.
However, you’d better act fast.
There are only 20 slots available during which one might bribe the king seeking favors.
You, too, can be one of “the chosen few,” the 20 to be exact, to serve “the Chosen One:”
Obama, the Almighty
BTW, The Chosen Few was a rather narcissistic tag a friend from adolescence decided to name a band we never started. And, no, it is not a good name for a rock band.
Now, Barack Insane Obama may be our salaried employee but who do you think gets that money?
Hey, Obama, how much for the Lincoln bedroom?
Psst, Barrack, you do know that Abraham Lincoln was our first Black President, don’t you?
Tags:20 slots, Abe Lincoln was our first Black President, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Insane Obama, bribe, character, corruption, crime, Democrat, FBI, fraud, graft, greed, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, Medical Model, Medical policy, narcissistic, nepotism, New World Order, news flash, Obama Selling Presidential Time, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, selling presidential access, the Almighty, The Chosen Few, the Chosen One, the Lincoln bedroom, tribute, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in Corruption of Elected Public Officials, New World Order, Obama, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America | No Comments »
Saturday, June 27th, 2009
LORD, hear the supplication of your servant.
Stop all road work in the State of Arizona.
Halt all construction, expansion, improvement and maintenance on all streets in the Greater Phoenix Area.
LORD, you know the heart (mind) of man.
You know our hearts.
LORD, show us your glory and shows us our own hearts.
LORD, draw us near to you.
While many think that the highways in the State of Arizona are merely where ‘the rubber hits the road’ as they make their ways to and fro,
LORD, reveal the ways of the politicians in the State of Arizona & the organized criminals they serve
And meet
On highway construction in Arizona
Where more than mere rubber hits the road
But men’s souls are tried, won and lost
Under the wheels of corrupt State government
In the City of Snakes
In the State of Arizona.
LORD, show us your glory.
LORD, show us our sin and wicked ways gently
So that everyone can see
And all recognize
How far we are from You
How far we have fallen
That we might correct ourselves and the affairs of the CONstatesMEN
Who prey upon the weak, the poor and the humble
In the State of Arizona.
–In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost
above all
In the name of Jesus Christ
Tags:character, Christ, City of Snakes, constatesmen, crime, FBI, God, heart of man, Jesus, Jesus Christ, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, men's souls, mind, murder, New World Order, organized criminals, Phoenix. Greater Phoenix Area, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Stop all road work in the State of Arizona, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in Christianity, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Jesus, Take Back America | No Comments »
Thursday, June 4th, 2009
Since I am unable to mount the mass of funds necessary to bring my case to Arizona Superior Court and eventually the Arizona Supreme Court, I will be presenting it here on Dr Kent’s Blog for you the public to decide. You, my readers, get to judge whether or not certain crimes were committed and then the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners was utilzed to damage and discredit moi thereby aiding & abetting in a series of massive cover-ups.
As I previously posted, I will now call my first witness, my star witness: Maxine McCarthy the former Executive Director for the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners for several years.
So, allow us to proceed.
Tags:ADOC, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, Arizona Superior Court, Arizona Supreme Court, character, cover ups, cover-up, crime, crimes, Democrat, Dora Schriro, Dr Kent's Blog, Executive Director, FBI, fraud, Janet Napolitano, liberal, liberals, malfeasance, malpractise, Maxine McCarthy, murder, nepotism, New World Order, Obama, political, psychiatry, Psychologist, Psychologist III, psychologists, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Republican, retaliation, Sex Offender Treatment Program, sex with a patient, Susan Arnold, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in "The Trial", Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, FBI, Janet Napolitano, Maxine McCarthy | No Comments »
Friday, May 15th, 2009
Are Mac & Gaydos child porn experts?
The reason I ask is because during the Mac & Gaydos Show yesterday afternoon I heard another horrific public utterance on KTAR 92.3 FM. It really bothers me there is so much dumb programming on KTAR.
While Ankarlo’s utterance urging possibly homicidal individuals to commit suicide may have had a remote modicum of socially redeeming value, Mac & Gaydos’ utterances yesterday utterly astounded me with their sheer stupidity.
The management of KTAR needs to start paying close attention to exactly what is going out over the air.
I thought it kind of stupid a while back when Gaydos readily admitted he voted for Barack Obama. But yesterday, Mac & Gaydos may have convicted themselves publicly during their broadcast of possible possession of child pornography!
Let me explain about yesterday’s show:
Both Mac & Gaydos agreed and emphasized a picture of a 16-year-old female published in her Florida high school yearbook was “definitely child pornography.”
And both Mac & Gaydos concurred neither felt any sympathy for this young girl who had neglected to dress appropriately.
Now, before any of you (my readers) decide to Google and search for that photograph of this adolescent female, DON’T!
Don’t do it because if what Mac & Gaydos said is accurate, then any person who has a picture of that under aged female’s private parts on his or her computer might be guilty of possessing “child pornography” under Federal law!
To the best of my knowledge it doesn’t matter what one’s intent is. All that matters is possession. Moreover, each photograph is one count. Each count gets one 10 years in prison. That’s 10 years of Federal time, hard time with no relief.
If Mac & Gaydos Goggled the Internet at work on KTAR’s computers, then the computers at KTAR may contain “child porn!”
Folks, the laws have gotten very technical and extremely punitive. Even for the purposes of making a news report, if one accesses such a photograph, then one may be guilty of federal child porn laws.
Even Joe Crummy last evening publically added to the humiliation of another minor. A 17 year old girl in Arizona had her photo published in her Tonopah high school year book with a cruel label.
KTAR really needs to monitor their programming. I just can’t believe how dumb some of the talk show hosts seem to be at KTAR.
Did you hear Mac & Gaydos became self proclaimed child pornography experts yesterday?
Post Script
During lunch I explained to my waitress my reservations about posting this. While most of the spam comments I get are from on line sales of pharmaceuticals, of drugs, I really do not want the tag “child pornography” on my blog.
My blog already has 1581 spam comments and only 160 real comments about half of which are my responses to comments. I am not looking forward to more spam from porn sites and pornographers.
But, as the waitress said, I am right.
As an adult male the last thing I would utter publically is that I looked at anything that resembled in anyway child pornography!
As adults we need to avoid adding to the burdens of any one who is under age, of any minor considering the added strain young people are already under in our current culture.
Again, just because Mac & Gaydos apparently accessed such photographs, don’t you do it because it would be a crime! Let the fools go on thinking they are free to view such photos with impunity. Maybe the FBI ought to give KTAR a call.
Tags:“child porn”, “child pornography”, 10 years, 92.3, 92.3 FM, a 17 year old girl, adolescent female, All that matters is possession., Ankarlo, Ankarlo's utterance urging possibly homicidal individuals to commit suicide, another horrific public utterance, Are Mac & Gaydos child porn experts?, Arizona, Barack Obama, Both Mac & Gaydos agreed and emphasized a picture of a 16-year-old female published in her Florida high school yearbook was "definitely child pornography.", both Mac & Gaydos concurred neither felt any sympathy for this young girl who had neglected to dress appropriately., child porn, child pornography, child pornography experts, cruel label, Crummy, Did you hear Mac & Gaydos became self proclaimed child pornography experts today?, dumb programming, Each count gets one 10 years in prison, each photograph is one count, FBI, federal child porn laws, Federal law, federal time, Florida, Gaydos, Goggled the Internet at work, Google, hard time with no relief, high school year book photograph, homicidal, I just can't believe how dumb some of the talk show hosts seem to be at KTAR., it doesn't matter what one's intent is., Joe Crummy, KTAR, KTAR 92.3 FM, KTAR 92.3 FM Mac & Gaydos Child Porn Experts?, KTAR really needs to monitor their programming much more closely., Mac & Gaydos, Mac & Gaydos may have convicted themselves publicly during their broadcast of possibly possessing child pornography!, minor, neglected to dress appropriately, on KTAR's computers, on line drug sales, on line pharmaceuticals, photograph, Porn, porn experts, porn sites, pornography, possessing child pornography, possession of child pornography, private parts, published in a school yearbook, search, self proclaimed child pornography experts, sheer stupidity, socially redeeming value, spam, suicidal, Suicide, talk show hosts, the laws have gotten very technical and extremely punitive, The management of KTAR, today, Tonopah
Posted in Humor, Uncategorized | No Comments »