Posts Tagged ‘Aluminum Causes Alzheimer’s Dementia’

Fluorides’s Role In Alzheimer’s

Friday, July 24th, 2009

While it is not technically correct per se to say that fluoride is the culprit and

It is more techically correct to say “fluoridated water,”

The purpose of Dr Kent’s Blog is to put it into the vernacular,

into common English.

According to two medical doctors who happen to be medical doctors of homeopathy:

Fluroidated water allows aluminum to cross the blood brain barrier

that would otherwise keep aluminum out of the brain.

Aluminum Causes Alzheimer’s Dementia

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

This is such old information I am amazed it caught your attention.

Aluminum plaques (tangles) in the brain occur at the ion level.

No, I do not understand it entirely.

Yes, this knowledge has been suppressed.

No, I do not know of any way to remove aluminum from the body.

There is no use for any aluminum in the body.

There is no FDA minimum daily requirement for aluminum.

Part of the difficulty in this conversation is that the field of psychology has been down-graded and dumbed-down just like the rest of American society, especially our schools.

For instance, while we in medicine and in psychology used to differentially diagnose approximately six different types of dementia’s, since 1983 there has been a tendency to diagnose any dementia as Alzheimer’s Disease.  This is unfortunate because many types of dementias can be treated successfully.

For example, I have treated alcohol induced dementia* and successfully reversed one case with massive B vitamin supplementation.  However, not all alcohol induced dementia’s respond to treatment.  We got lucky that time but as I said motivationally to the patient upon recovery:

“You got lucky.  We didn’t think you were going to make it.  Do you remember how you were when you came in here?  How disoriented you were?

“Do you like being independent?  Do you want someone changing your diapers . . .

“We were able to get you back this time.  But I don’t think you have many more drunks left in you.  If you continue drinking, that fog and stupor could reoccur.  It could become irreversible.

“Next time we might not be able to bring you back .”

You can imagine how motivational that session was.  The risk in front of that gentleman was that he might not be able to return from another fog of alcohol induced dementia.

*Certainly I am aware of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome.