While it is not technically correct per se to say that fluoride is the culprit and
It is more techically correct to say “fluoridated water,”
The purpose of Dr Kent’s Blog is to put it into the vernacular,
into common English.
According to two medical doctors who happen to be medical doctors of homeopathy:
Fluroidated water allows aluminum to cross the blood brain barrier
that would otherwise keep aluminum out of the brain.
Tags: Aluminum, Aluminum Causes Alzheimer's Dementia, Aluminum ions, Aluminum plaques, Aluminum tangles, aluminum. Alzheimer's, fluoridated water, FLuorides's Role In Alzheimer's, How to Stop Injesting Aluminum, medical doctors of homeopathy, Medical Model, New World Order, political, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, The Cause of Alzheimer's = Aluminum