I am not kidding:
Ask Henry Kissinger how our drinking water became fluoridated!
That may sound absurd but consider Kissinger’s past and his role in bringing the Nazi War Machine over here at the close of World War II as the head of Operation Paperclip and you’ll soon understand why.
Young Henry Kissinger was the bureaucrat in charge of Operation Paperclip bringing the German scientists over here during the close of World War II and settling them in the United States, Argentina and other places around the world.
While the focus of the public was on stories like Peenemünde in which we were spoon fed the idea that we, the United States got half of the German rocket scientists and Russia kidnapped the other half of the Nazi rocket scientists at the close of World War II, there is far more to the story. The story of Operation Paperclip remains untold because much of it is still classified.
IMHO, we got ALL of the German biological and chemical weapons scientists.
It is well documented in Leonard Horowitz’s works that those bastards were settled in Fort Detrick, Maryland where they created biological & chemical weapons of mass destruction during the Cold War. They were part of our war machine until Nixon decommissioned the US Army facility at Ft. Detrick and recommissioned it on the same day (keeping all of its personnel) as The National Cancer Institute.
But this is what is so telling:
The Nazi’s planned to control the vast population of the world in part by fluoridating the drinking water supplies and “down regulating” everyone so that control and order under the domination of such a small force might be manageable.
Is this what is going on wholesale? Might the central planners be poisoning us, albeit mildly, in order to control us? In order to create markets for their other compounds marketed as “anti-depressants?”
This begs the question:
Why has the United States federal government been so fixated upon “clean water” programs featuring sodium fluoridated water and water laced with fluorosilicic acid?
Why can we not opt out of federal government programs requiring fluoridation of our drinking water and rely upon topically applied stannous fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay?
Why are we not free to do this?