Posts Tagged ‘Washington DC’

The Press Lied About 9-11

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009



How do I know this?


Plain and simple.


A plane did NOT hit the Pentagon.


While I have seen the videos and heard various explanations, it was not until I rode past the Pentagon personally in the summer of 2004 that I came fully to this conclusion.


How did that happen?


That summer I was in Washington DC attending a Department of Human Health Services (HHS) Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Conference at tax payer expense, of course.  And during my time in DC I took a buss tour of the area.


During my bus tour, I sat up front on the right hand side in the first passenger row because my hearing is somewhat impaired and I wanted to hear what our bus driving tour guide had to say.  Our black bus driver—Almost everyone in DC is black if you’ve not been there.  After all only minorities can get decent jobs due to Affirmative Action programs.—explained in well chosen words as we entered the turn which would empty us out right in front the side of the Pentagon that got hit:


“As we round the next corner the Pentagon is going to come up very fast.  I want you to imagine how much skill it had to have taken to be able to fly an airliner at low altitude over that parking lot, missing all those trees, the cars, telephone poles, telephone lines and wires, hitting the Pentagon without leaving so much as a mark on the grass!”


Our bus driver did not believe 9/11 as reported.  He was telling us it was impossible for the reports of an airplane hitting the Pentagon without so much as touching any of the many telephone poles and telephone wires and other obstacles in its course without disturbing the grass because . . .


Our “Free Press” Lied to US!


Obama’s ASU Commencement Speech Holds Neither Water or Substance

Thursday, May 14th, 2009


Liar-in-Chief President Obama continues in his fine tradition of lying and deceiving.  Even I must admit Obama’s presentation is great.  But Barrack Hussein Obama’s teleprompter reading talents belong on the evening news rather than in the office of the American President!


Take my life as an example:  I lived for greater causes and, more specifically, I lived to help others better themselves.  I did this in the Alaskan Bush, in the Deep South and in Indian country. 


What I learned is that the world is ruled by raw power and those “illiberals” in political office abuse their power to protect their fellow criminals.


Take the Arizona Department of Corrections for example. 


While I made major contributions as best I was allowed to providing better services and releasing a “safer product,” the graft & greed in ADOC Mental Health and Counseling & Treatment Services was only exceeded by their audacity in using raw power to harm anyone who did his job according to the Arizona State Revised Statues (ASRS), all the Rule & Regulations and ADOC Policy.


In fact, Obama rewarded those culprits by appointing their chief-in-crime to Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.  And Janet took her lover Dora with her to Washington, DC. 


None dare call it nepotism.


While the minions below got away with murder, fraud, theft, rape, and all sorts of felonies. 


So, crime does pay—at least for those “illiberals” sharing the same philosophy—while lying, cheating and deceiving America and the US Treasury!


However, President Obama’s commencement address at Arizona State University is for me personally inspiring:


I shall continue to give my all to bettering those poor people who have been unable and are unable to defend themselves—especially those dead inmates. 


Schriro allowed the cover ups and ultimately Director Dora Schriro covered those murders up! 


While they literally buried the “evidence,” ADOC and Dr. Susanne Arnold and Dr. Pamela McCauley allowed the culprit to continue practicing & harming inmate patients and defrauding the State.





Video — An Alarming Video Every Westerner Should See

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Courtesy of Alaska a short video with translation subtitles that every Westerner should see.

An Alarming Video

Why can not both be true?

There are enemies within.

And enemies without.


Attention SEALS: Pirates in Washingon DC!

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

A Distress Call

Senate Seat For Sale eBay BID NOW!

Friday, December 19th, 2008

 Hey Jesse!  Catch a load of this!