Posts Tagged ‘USA’

The Second Angel’s Trumpet and Vial

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

Long ago I heard the trumpets of the angels of Revelations were volcanoes.  What have we today?  An underground volcano of crude oil gushing and bloodying the seas.

And we have man adding even more toxic chemicals making a far more deadly soup.  Might the “vial” of the “second angel” be the EPA approved then dissaproved highly toxic oil disspersants?

Revelations 16:3

“And the second angel poured out his vial upon he sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.”  King James Version

I have no accounting for the order of appearances and the apparent lack of accounting for the first angel’s trumpet of Revelations 8:7

Perhaps there is a reader who can shed some light upon this?

Are we in the midst of the deployment and use of a weapon of mass destruction?  A WMD?  Is this eco-terrorism?  A red flag event?  To push through Obama’s agenda of enslavement?  Cap and Trade?

All I know is that the more I read my Bible, the more I am reading about the services of the best making it more powerful actionac my country, these United States of America, especially the writings of the Major Prophets of the Old Testament.  Isaiah and Jeremiah appear to have written about present day America!

Might the “Israel” they wrote about be our country?

Obama’s “Mortgage Address,” Mesa, Arizona 18 Feb 2009

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

I sit maybe 8 miles from the high school where Obama addressed the nation earlier this morning.  While Obama proffers another safety net, it raises concern regarding fairness.  It raises more questions than answers.  For one, when is it fair to bail out one and not another?


This reasoning and questioning is endless.  However, allow me to reduce it to one factor:  Any government intervention will result in more disorder and the future looks bleak.


While those decrying Bush’s policies roar, it sounds hollow, almost shrill. After all, it appears Obama is continuing what Bush began and Bush prepared the way for Obama rather well.  Certainly, the interferences of each on the markets are having untoward effects.


One thing about the market, it always corrects itself.  That is, when we leave it alone long enough to establish equilibrium.  But as long as we mess with it and “fine tune it,” we further delay the inevitable forces of the market achieving equilibrium.  That is, if we really have a free market, if we really have Constitutional money, and if we really have sound policy.


Policy, policy, policy!  I thought what mattered most were “principles.”


Rather than grow government and expand government with new programs and policies, maybe we should try going back to the Constitution and its sound principles?  Maybe if we cut government, especially the Federal government and return to our Constitutional roots, this might all work out in short order.


In fact, let me make a prediction: 


If we went back to a limited central government and abided by our Constitution, we could easily work our way out of these messes and into a healthy, vibrant economy that is secure within two years.


But if das Führer continues running up our tab with $5,000 a night lodging in Scottsdale, we might all end up on the streets!  Except the bankers, as Federal employees, they should afford roofs over their heads.  Obama’s “Mortgage Address” and his promises were the deception of the day—while the real deal of the day was nationalization of the banks!


Welcome, comrades, to the Soviet Socialist States of America!


I never dreamed I would live to see the Golden Days of the USA and our well engineered destruction from within!