The US Constitution is the Third Testament of the Holy Bible.
Dr. Kent
The US Constitution is the Third Testament of the Holy Bible.
Dr. Kent
Tags:character, God, Holy Bible, the Lord, the Third Testament, The US Constitution is the Third Testament of the Holy Bible, Third Testament, United States of America, US Constitution
Posted in Christianity, Constitution, Constitution, God, Jesus, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, The Revolution of Virtue | 2 Comments »
Barack Obama is mentioned directly in the Bible twice; once in the New Testament and once in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament The LORD said quite clearly that he would raise Barack Obama up. Obama is “the shepherd who will not care.” Read it for yourself in Zechariah Chapter 11.
After the poetic introduction of what is occurring right now with our fighting forces abroad (The tall cedars are burning.), the prophet describes the curses or actions of The LORD and His Son Jesus. Because the flock (people) detested Him (Jesus), The Good Shepherd broke both of his staffs. The first called Favor and the second called Union, and as a result The LORD raised up a ‘shepherd over the land who will not care . . .’
President Obama is that shepherd who does not care!
Barack is mentioned by The Savior Himself by his first name in the New Testament. This suggestion came from another. The fact that that Kenyan Bastard is the shepherd who will not care is my reading. I do not recall who suggested this later mention and it is open for dispute (see video below).
In Luke 10:18, Jesus mentions Obama by his first name in Hebrew. Whether or not this occurred is open for interpretation, however, to proceed along the line of reasoning there appears to be two overlapping meanings conveyed by this passage. The first is that even demons were being driven out by the disciplines which meant that Satan was suffering. The second is that Baraq is mentioned because it is the Hebrew word for ‘fall like lightning from on high.’
The New Testament was written in Greek, but we do not know that Jesus may have utilized Aramaic, the language in use at the time, or if He might have momentarily used the Hebrew equivalents in order to warn US about the coming of the man I call the great Destroyer—because Obama is destroying everything upon which this country was built. He is undermining all of the universal principles upon which our country was founded.
Tags:a shepherd over the land who will not care, Antichrist, Aramaic, Barack, Barack Obama, Barack Obama is mentioned directly in the Bible twice, Barack Obama Mentioned Directly in the Bible Twice, Baraq, character, curses, demons, fall like lightning from on high, Favor, fraud, Greek, Hebrew, His Son Jesus, interpretation, Jesus, Kenyan Bastard, Luke 10:18, malfeasance, Obama, Obama is destroying everything upon which this country was built, our fighting forces abroad, President Obama, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Satan was suffering, shepherd who does not care, staffs, the Bible twice, the destroyer, the disciplines, the flock, The Good Shepherd, the great destroyer, the Lord, the New Testament, the Old Testament, the savior, the shepherd who will not care, The tall cedars, to warn US about the coming of the man I call the great Destroyer, two overlapping meanings, undermining all of the universal principles upon which our country was founded, Union, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, Zechariah, Zechariah Chapter 11
Posted in Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Obama, War on America | 6 Comments »
. . . when I wrote that saving America does not require a return to God, a return to The LORD.
Certainly, I want to make room for those who do not believe as I do and
Might not necessarily believe in God.
The fact is America was founded upon the blessing accumulated over 180 years,
Built upon a foundation of a society norm and value of
More than 180 years of living virtuous lives culminated in the
Declaration of Independence and the
United States Constitution.
Without that foundation, America as we knew it (pt) would never have been found.*
For those of you younger than me, this is beyond your years,
Beyond most Americans’ memories and
Beyond your imagination.
I hope you’ll join with me in a Revolution of Virtue
But I am now thinking it will take a returning to The LORD in order to make the huge
Change in heart
Necessary to Save America,
The Real Change All Can Believe in,
In order to make it happen.
That would be Jesus Christ
NOT Obama
Has we made America an Abomination?
(Alliteration: Obama-nation)
*This is not America. This is slavery.
Tags:a return to God, a return to The LORD, Abomination, Add new tag, Change in heart, character, Christian, Declaration of Independence, economy, God, Jesus Christ, living virtuous lives, New World Order, Obama-nation, political, revolution of virtue, Save America, slavery, the Lord, The Real Change All Can Believe in, United States Constitution, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, values, virtue
Posted in Christianity, Constitution, Constitution, New World Order, Obama, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America | No Comments »
Pat Robertson: God says U.S. will accept socialism
Broadcaster’s annual predictions also assure economic turnaround
“Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, announced at his staff’s annual prayer retreat that God told him Americans would embrace socialism in 2009 “in order to relieve their pain” and that the economy would rebound under an Obama administration.
“”The Lord said the economy of your nation will recover,” Robertson told a group assembled at Founders Inn on the campus of Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va., a university Robertson founded.
“Robertson said God also declared, “The steps taken will lead to a dramatic increase in the power of government. The people will welcome socialism in order to relieve their pain. Nothing will stand in the way of a plan by Obama to restructure the economy in the same fashion as the New Deal in the ’30s.”
If you can’t trust the leaders of the Christian church, who can you trust?
The answer:
Certainly neither Robertson nor other mainstream leaders.
Batten down the hatches.
June 2009
God’s Wrath
Tags:God's wrath, judgement, Pat Robertson, social upheval, socialism, the Lord, tribulation
Posted in Christianity, New World Order, Obama | No Comments »
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