Posts Tagged ‘Stop Napolitano from Harming Arizona Further & Reverse the Damage she has Done!’

Oh, LORD, Hear the Petition of Your Servant: Stop Napolitano from Harming Arizona Further & Reverse the Damage she has Done!

Monday, July 6th, 2009

LORD, Hear and grant the petition of your servant:

Grant Arizona legislators WISDOM

Necessary to see through Deceptive Offerings

And the quagmire in accepting

The False “Bail Out” from the Obama Adminstration

Otherwise known as Obama’s “Stimulus Bill”

Which is a FRAUD!

It’s “Doublespeak”

That further binds & enslaves the people of Arizona

The source of the provisions for Arizona is Napolitano.

LORD, rise a Leader from among our State Legislators

To champion freedom & prosperity

With the power and the will

To grant relief from the Wrong-doings of the Napolitano Adminstration

To force transparancy in the budget of the State and

The Secret Budgeting power of the Arizona Governor’s Office

To cause “Change” making the Arizona budget processes transparent



Restoring all budgeting power to the State Legislature.

LORD, make public the secrets of the Janet Napolitano Administration and

All the wrong-doings of Napolitano’s Adminstration.

LORD, restore the State of Arizona from the damage Janet Napolitano

Has done

Has allowed

LORD, thank you for answering our petition and granting relief

From those who have and would oppress us.

–In the name of the Father, our creator, the Son, our savior, and His gift, the Holy Ghost
