Posts Tagged ‘socialism’

An Open Letter to the American People by Actor Jon Voight (Video)

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010


While I would expect an actor of his caliber to have memorized his letter, Jon Voight’s words of warning are important.  Please <right click> on the above file (jonvoight.wmv) and <save target as> to your hard drive.

The Black Venetian Nobility — Wake Up America! – Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of 300)

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Don't be surprised by the small footprint of this video; it can expand to full screen.  Nor be dismayed by its poor image quality.  This video may be the most powerful moment in your day.

Watch this and realize how dire our circumstances are.

The enemy of this country (and The LORD) is much more real than you think and may be larger than any mortal man is able to fully comprehend!

Visit this man's website.

Buy his books [I make NOTHING off the sale or referral.] and learn the real history of the US and why there will be no relief come this election in November 2010.

Study his books

 --Dr. Kent

Obama Puppetmaster George Soros Talks New Global Order

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Meet George Soros, the man who pulls the puppet strings on Barack Hussein Obama. One of the world's richest men, Soros is perhaps THE driving force behind the coming New World Order.

Listen to this PBS interview as we very quietly and understatedly tells you why and how the new Global Order will soon be here.

Pat Robertson: God says U.S. will accept socialism

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Pat Robertson: God says U.S. will accept socialism
Broadcaster’s annual predictions also assure economic turnaround

Posted: January 03, 2009
6:34 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily


“Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, announced at his staff’s annual prayer retreat that God told him Americans would embrace socialism in 2009 “in order to relieve their pain” and that the economy would rebound under an Obama administration.

“”The Lord said the economy of your nation will recover,” Robertson told a group assembled at Founders Inn on the campus of Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va., a university Robertson founded.

“Robertson said God also declared, “The steps taken will lead to a dramatic increase in the power of government. The people will welcome socialism in order to relieve their pain. Nothing will stand in the way of a plan by Obama to restructure the economy in the same fashion as the New Deal in the ’30s.”

If you can’t trust the leaders of the Christian church, who can you trust?

 The answer: 

Certainly neither Robertson nor other mainstream leaders.

Batten down the hatches.

June 2009



God’s Wrath