Posts Tagged ‘slaves’

The Obama Deception

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


This is a must see:

by Alex Jones

Be sure to hit <full screen>

And turn your speakers up.

This is long.

You Stupid People!

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Forget about asking for more government regulation.  You are buried in government regulation and it is killing you.  Insist upon a return to Constitutional Law.  The only way out of this mess is to return to Constitutional Rule.


Did you know that the Sixteenth Amendment was NEVER ratified by the states?  Did you know that the Federal income tax is illegal?


It is unconstitutional.  The Federal government was meant to be funded by tariffs & duties but instead they’ve taxed us and enslaved us.  They throw open our borders and insist upon “free trade” while enslaving US!


Did you know that the Federal Reserve is neither?  It is neither “Federal” nor is it a “reserve!” 


Do you realize Federal Reserve notes are NOT Constitutional money?  Do you know that the Federal Reserve notes we are forced to accept are unconstitutional?


It’s time to throw off the yoke and stop the madness of the United States Congress and the United States Senate!


You want freedom?  You want liberty?


Insist upon Constitutional Law and limit the Federal government before it is too late! 


Stop asking for more government regulation.


Stop asking for more government programs.


Stop asking the Federal government to help in any way.




Because it is all enslaving.



Obama Vs. Constitution (60 Sec. TV Ad)

Saturday, January 10th, 2009


This commercial’s punch line has it all wrong!  See the link:


The fact is our Constitution no longer matters and Obama’s election to the US Presidency is consummate proof that all of these are dead:


1.                 The rule of law in the United States.


2.                 The Constitution of the United States.


And all of these are alive:


1.                 Racism in all its ugliness as Title VII and Affirmative Action are defacto State sponsored articles of a most uncivil war against so-called and so-labeled “white” people in the Untied States (sic). 


Title VII and Affirmative Action are responsible for the deterioration of race relations in the United States and continue undermining our unity.  Ironically, these function as defacto programs of State sponsored discrimination based on race and are programs of terrorism!


(a)  Witness suddenly the significant increases in Negros appointed to public offices recently in order to clear the “guilty consciences” of “liberal” whites for their “crimes.”


(b) Witness suddenly the significant increases in Negros hired into positions (during a time of major unemployment) in institutions, primarily corporate, in order to assuage “white” guilt.


2.                 Hate as the only crime enforced during this election cycle was against students in Kentucky who pulled a political prank hanging Obama in effigy while blacks across the nation were mystified and failed to understand why similarly hanging Palin in Hollywood in effigy was NOT a hate crime.


The reason: 


It is “illegal” for so-called “people of color” or “minorities” “to discriminate” by Federal Law.  Please understand this.  The reason it is “illegal” is because by law these minorities “lack the capacity” to discriminate because of decades and perhaps even centuries of “white oppression.” 


Talk about “liberal” attitudes towards minorities! 


This is their attitude. 


They look down on ‘minorities’ and declare:


They can’t make it without our help!”


And this is true: 


We who once were freemen are now rightly regarded world wide as FOOLS and SLAVES!