Posts Tagged ‘Sex Offender Treatment Program’

Let the Public Trial Begin

Sunday, June 20th, 2010

We are about to begin a new path on Dr Kent’s Blog. Actually, this is the old path, the old issues I sought to make public. However, there is a lot to the story. It is very involved and it is much harder to understand it in it’s entirely than it is to convey it. Even trying to covey it is difficult.

For one, it is emotionally charged for me. It not only involves my professional life but my personal life. This includes my failed attempt at marriage; I tried to marry what turned out to be a sociopath, a scam artist whose only interest was in predating upon men. This is rather involved but we are going to get into it all. Well, most of it.

I am still recovering from the whole ordeal. Ultimately, it resulted in severely compromising my health and it may yet kill me. Nonetheless, I shall be posting as much of the hard evidence and documentation as I can publically. Please bear with me as I try to organize my presentation. My purpose is in merely getting this info out there. Others may organize it into a story or stories or a play or a movie later.

My purposes in this are (1) to make the story and the evidence available so that those who lost their loved ones to wrongful death may pursue justice. However, there is fat chance of this in Arizona! The courts and State bureaucracy are loaded with self-protecting fools who now suffer because of their dereliction of duty at the fate of the invading horde (illegal alien Mexicans and all) and ultimately nuclear annihilation.

Also, (2) I publish these matters to clear my name and reputation. I am merely a man, a sinner, a work I progress like all of you.

Finally, (3) I want to get this behind me and move on with my life. You see, the best revenge is to live a good life. Let the LORD Our God have all the vengeance.

About that nuclear annihilation, this (future) will not be the first time use of a nuclear device has been attempted on the Greater Phoenix Area. I blogged about the (past) first attempt years ago. It was a “dirty bomb” hauled in a foot locker by four Iraqi’s who were trying to get close to Palo Verde (the nuclear plant) to detonate it—only a sheriff’s deputy (one of Arpaio’s men) stumbled upon them.

The sheriff’s deputy was astounded that the four “Mexicans” did not respond when he told them in clear Spanish that they should unload the trunk and carry the load on their backs. That’s how close we came to getting “nuked” on our own soil!

Napolitano was Governor at the time and you never heard about it. I heard about it because people talk to me and tell me everything; moreover, God guides my steps and places me where He wants me—to hear from others and to help others—to receive His messages and, more importantly, to deliver His messages.


Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

No Joke.

“You mean we haven’t heard the last of this yet?!” Maxine McCarthy, Former Executive Director Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners August 15, 2006

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

  Here’s the original PDF for the converted and cut & pasted  document below:  <right click>  and  <save target as>  to download


Stay tuned to Dr Kent’s Blog and tell everyone you know.

There is indeed a lot more to this story!

May 10, 2008

Sonja Bolf, Executive Director

Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners 1400 West Washington, Room 235

Phoenix, AZ 85007



Re:                                                         Request for Investigation: Susanne Arnold, Ph.D.

Negligence and Neglect Leading to Unnecessary Loss of Lives and Other.

Dear Executive Director Sonja Bolf:

Attached is my completed formal Request for Investigation form. In 2005, I attempted to work closely with the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiner’s Investigator David S. Shapiro; however, rather than work with me on very serious concerns, Mr. Shapiro made some sort of report to the Board indicating that I was perhaps mentally unstable. Mr. Shapiro’s report, whatever it was, was cited by a Board member along with Dr. McCauley’s written response to the Board in a motion ordering me to undergo scrutiny at my expense. That was my second RFI generated internally by this Board.

Allow me to give you some history: After introducing myself to Mr. Shapiro in person at the Board’s office, I expressed my concerns over my duty to report to the Board in light of the overwhelming number of violations of our Rules & Regulations and Arizona Revised Statutes I observed. I asked Mr. Shapiro for advice on how I should handle these matters, and after discussing multiple concerns, Investigator Shapiro told me he thought I could not bring all of those matters to the attention of his Board. More importantly, Mr. Shapiro asked me to bring this complaint regarding the loss of life to the Board.

At that time, I was working within the Arizona Department of Corrections with other professional staff attempting to obtain identifying information regarding the victim(s). Nonetheless, due to the manner in which records are kept in ADOC, after a lot of time and effort, we were not able to obtain the information necessary to come forward with a pressing case. Notwithstanding, we knew several important things. Let me explain Dr. Susanne Arnold’s role in all of this:

Dr. Arnold hired a man who was not qualified to provide professional psychiatric services for ADOC. Dr. Arnold failed to check this applicant’s credentials. I believe, David Rupley, Jr., MD(H) worked at the Arizona State Prison Complexes in Florence and Eyman and other locations in ADOC providing psychiatric services.

Dr. Arnold knowingly signed off on this man’s hours even though she knew they were fraudulent. That is, he had not worked them and she allowed him to defraud the State of significant sums of money. This is why they retaliated against me and sought to destroy me by conspiring to bring false allegations of sexual harassment against me. See attachments. There is more, far more to the story.

Dr. Arnold refused to take necessary action to correct this man’s practice in psychiatry. Specifically, Dr. Arnold failed to correct Dr. Rupley in his failure to monitor the psychiatric medications he was prescribing. More specifically, for more than an entire year, she failed to require Rupley to follow the standard of care of the community, through Arizona and across the entire country. That is, some of these psychiatric medications have Black Box Warnings regarding the necessity to check liver profiles in order to avoid death by agranular cytosis, i.e. Depakote.

Moreover, I have reason to believe that Dr. Arnold knew about several unnecessary inmate deaths. All due to medication errors. All committed by Dr. Rupley between 2002 and 2003. YET, Dr. Arnold allowed Dr. Rupley to continue working at ADOC for at least another full year unimpeded and uncorrected! And Dr. Rupley in all likelihood was allowed to kill more men! Dr. Arnold enabled this horrible malpractice by David Rupley, Jr., MD(H)!

I also brought this to the attention of the Board’s next investigator. When she and I talked on the telephone, she became upset and yelled at me. She told me this Board was ill equipped to handle those matters. Moreover, she told me there were other agencies to which I should make my reports. I have followed her advice to no avail—other than to get myself targeted for more harassment from this Board.

Lastly, when I was notified of a fifth complaint against me before this Board (submitted by the former Director or Programs for ADOC who, by the way, resigned in lieu of termination for having committed real sexual harassment [quid pro quo]); I called the Board’s former Executive Director Mrs. Maxine McCarthy. I wanted to inquire as to the nature of the matter brought to the Board’s attention as no information was forthcoming other than an invitation to the Board’s hearing on August 18, 2006.

When I called Maxine McCarthy on approximately August 15, 2006, I was still reeling and recovering from my chemical ordeal subsequent to the improper discontinuation (under physician’s orders) of bromocriptine on March 30, 2006. In that condition, I was defenseless. Executive Director Maxine McCarthy tried to take me into her confidence. She asked me what was going on: “What’s going on? What’s been going on? You can tell me anything. It’s not going any further.”

While I was in bad shape, I still recognized that whatever I told her would be going further. I acted somewhat impulsively and I told her truthfully and candidly what was behind the efforts to retaliate against me. I told Mrs. McCarthy that there had been an unlicensed psychiatrist at ADOC. He killed several inmates with his medications, and they were trying to hide the deaths.

To which, McCarthy exclaimed and demanded: “You mean we haven’t heard the last of this yet?”

Straight forward,

Completed 2-page RFI form.

Enclosures (With One Complete Copy):

Personal Notes August 27, 2002, Personal Notes September 24, 2002 Personal Notes October 08, 2002, Personal Notes (b) October 08, 2002, Personal Notes October 24, 2002 (2p), Meeting Notes October 24, 2002 (3p hand written), Personal Notes October 24, 2002, Information Report October 24, 2002, Personal Notes November 26, 2002, Personal Notes January 14, 2003, Personal Notes February 11, 2003, Personal Notes February 24, 2003, Personal Notes February 24, 2003 (2p), Personal Notes March 03, 2003. Personal Notes (2p), Personal Mental Health Staff Meeting Notes 17 August 2004, Personal Notes August 18, 2004 (2p), Personal Notes August 18, 2004, Personal Notes August 31, 2004 (2p), Personal Notes October 26, 2004, Psychiatry Timesheet for “David Rupley Jr., MD” “Locum Tenens M.D,” 10/13 Central Unit Main Gate Sign-In Log Health Unit October 07, 2002, Personal Notes August 17, 2004 Mental Health Staff Meeting ASPC—Florence. Personal Notes November 6, 2004 Reassignment, August 24, 2005 Grievance #05-023 and #05-P-063 to ADOC Director Dora Schriro.


Senator Linda Gray, Chairwoman, Public Safety and Human Services Committee Representative Jerry Weiers, Chairman. Natural Resources and Public Safety Committee Senate Senator Carolyn S. Allen, Chairwoman, Health Committee

Representative Bob Stump, Chairman, Health Committee

Senator Jay Tibshraeny

Representative Wade V. Nichols

Representative Stephen B. Yarbrough

“The Trial”

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

Since I am unable to mount the mass of funds necessary to bring my case to Arizona Superior Court and eventually the Arizona Supreme Court, I will be presenting it here on Dr Kent’s Blog for you the public to decide.  You, my readers, get to judge whether or not certain crimes were committed and then the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners was utilzed to damage and discredit moi thereby aiding & abetting in a series of massive cover-ups.

As I previously posted, I will now call my first witness, my star witness:  Maxine McCarthy the former Executive Director for the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners for several years.

So, allow us to proceed.

Obama’s ASU Commencement Speech Holds Neither Water or Substance

Thursday, May 14th, 2009


Liar-in-Chief President Obama continues in his fine tradition of lying and deceiving.  Even I must admit Obama’s presentation is great.  But Barrack Hussein Obama’s teleprompter reading talents belong on the evening news rather than in the office of the American President!


Take my life as an example:  I lived for greater causes and, more specifically, I lived to help others better themselves.  I did this in the Alaskan Bush, in the Deep South and in Indian country. 


What I learned is that the world is ruled by raw power and those “illiberals” in political office abuse their power to protect their fellow criminals.


Take the Arizona Department of Corrections for example. 


While I made major contributions as best I was allowed to providing better services and releasing a “safer product,” the graft & greed in ADOC Mental Health and Counseling & Treatment Services was only exceeded by their audacity in using raw power to harm anyone who did his job according to the Arizona State Revised Statues (ASRS), all the Rule & Regulations and ADOC Policy.


In fact, Obama rewarded those culprits by appointing their chief-in-crime to Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.  And Janet took her lover Dora with her to Washington, DC. 


None dare call it nepotism.


While the minions below got away with murder, fraud, theft, rape, and all sorts of felonies. 


So, crime does pay—at least for those “illiberals” sharing the same philosophy—while lying, cheating and deceiving America and the US Treasury!


However, President Obama’s commencement address at Arizona State University is for me personally inspiring:


I shall continue to give my all to bettering those poor people who have been unable and are unable to defend themselves—especially those dead inmates. 


Schriro allowed the cover ups and ultimately Director Dora Schriro covered those murders up! 


While they literally buried the “evidence,” ADOC and Dr. Susanne Arnold and Dr. Pamela McCauley allowed the culprit to continue practicing & harming inmate patients and defrauding the State.





Friday the 13th: Call for Information about Crimes Covered Up at ADOC

Friday, March 13th, 2009


In light of the recent response by Attorney Amin Aminfar of the US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Special Litigations Office, I ask that anyone with any information, especially witnesses of any crimes committed in any Arizona correctional facility including the private prisons come forward and report.


Should you fear retaliation, I will understand.  Look what they have done to me!


Nonetheless, you have the address and the name of the Trial Attorney who will bring this to court and press for justice.  You also may contact me and I will help you in any way I can.


The crimes which I reported include:


Rape of an inmate

Sex with a patient



Medical Neglect



-And –




All in the plural.


Meaning many crimes have been systematically covered up thanks in a large part to Dora Schriro


her lover and literally “partner in crime”

Janet Napolitano!

US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Special Investigations Section

Friday, March 13th, 2009

 I received this letter in the mail yesterday.  This is not the response to the letter I wrote DOJ but materials forwarded apparently last summer from the Arizona District of the US Attorney’s Office.  Indeed, I am eager to see the Department of Justice response to the letter I wrote them.  actually, I may have received that.  I’ll have to look around and see if I have that.


 Here is the accurate pdf of the converted & scanned letter below.  Remember:  The pdf file is more accurate and some formatting is lost in conversion but this  cut and paste Word Doc allows for more open searching.




U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division



SYC:DHW:AA:PC:db DJ 168-68-0

Special Litigation Section – PHB 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530


March 9, 2009

John Taylor Kent, Ph.D. 933 West Azalea Place Chandler, AZ 85248-3811

Dear Dr. Kent:

The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona has referred your letter of August 15, 2008, to us for a reply. In your letter and accompanying documents you allege that the Arizona Department of Corrections has engaged in corrupt personnel practices and improper medical practices.

Under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA), 42 U.S.C. § 1997, the Special Litigation Section of the United States Department of Justice has authority to investigate conditions in state or locally-operated correctional facilities where it is alleged that inmates are being deprived of constitutional rights pursuant to a pattern or practice of resistance to the full enjoyment of those rights. We will consider the information you have provided, along with other information we may receive, to determine whether a pattern or practice investigation is warranted.

The Section’s authority does not, however, extend to investigating the personal grievances of a single individual. Moreover, the Section is not authorized to represent individual citizens in legal matters or to give them legal advice. You might consider contacting a private legal representative for possible assistance with your individual concerns.

Thank you for bringing this information to our attention. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if we may be of assistance with this, or any other matter.



Amin Aminfar

Trial Attorney

Special Litigation Section

Board Notice RFI No. 08-08/ARNOLD

Friday, March 6th, 2009


Above is the scanned accurate .pdf file giving notice of what is cut and pasted below:

State of Arizona
Board of Psychologist Examiners

1400 West Washington, Suite 235
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Phone: (602) 542-8162                    Fax: (602) 542-8279

‘N,                             in fc*


Sonja M. Bolf Executive Director

Meghan Hinckley Deputy Director

Victoria Kamm, CI Investigator

Steve Schroeder Administrative Assistant

March 25, 2008

John Kent, Ph.D. 933 W. Azalea Place Chandler, AZ 85248

Re:     RFI No. 08-08

Dear Dr. Kent:

The Board of Psychologist Examiners has received your Request for Investigation regarding Susanne Arnold, Ph.D., and an investigation has been initiated. A copy of your complaint has been sent to the psychologist who will be required to respond to the Board, in writing. The psychologist’s response is confidential by law and will not be provided to you.

Please note that if you submit additional complaint information or documents, the Board is required to provide copies of that additional information to the psychologist for a response, which may cause a delay in the resolution of the case. Audio tapes, video tapes or compact discs submitted as part of your complaint must be accompanied by a certified transcript of the entire (not excerpted) proceeding or conversation.

Please be aware that once this case has been scheduled to be heard by the Board’s Complaint Screening Committee (CSC), the Board will be unable to accept additional information regarding this matter. Therefore, no supplemental documents or information will be accepted within ten (10) days prior to the scheduled CSC meeting date.

Please be advised of the following information regarding the Board’s investigative procedures: All investigative materials are reviewed by the Board’s investigator who may then contact the psychologist, the complainant and others to obtain additional information or clarify specific issues. The investigator then writes a report and provides the report and documentation to the Complaint Screening Committee at a regularly scheduled meeting. This is the CSC’s initial review of the case and is not a hearing. Please note that witness testimony is not taken unless the case proceeds to a formal hearing. Each and every time that a case appears on the CSC’s agenda, the complainant and the licensee (or their representative) who are present at the CSC meeting, and who wish to address the CSC regarding the complaint may do so by filling out a “Request to Speak” form (which is available at the CSC meeting) and providing it to Board’s staff. Presentations are limited to five minutes and there is no question/answer interaction with the Committee members at this time. An audiotape or CD of the Board’s discussion of the case may be purchased for a charge of $10.00 per audiotape/CD. Copies of the CSC Minutes may also be purchased at $0.25 per page; however, the Minutes often do not contain the details of the audio recordings.

RFI No. 08-08 Page Two

The CSC can vote to dismiss the case if it determines that the complaint is without merit, or refer the complaint to the full Board for further review and action. You will be notified in writing of the CSC’s decision. Enclosed is a schedule of the CSC’s meeting dates. You will receive a written copy of the CSC’s agenda indicating the date of the meeting in which the complaint will be reviewed.

The Board’s mission is to protect the public; however, the Board can only take action against a licensee when it has been determined that there is a violation of the Board’s statutes or rules. The Board cannot remove a psychologist from a particular case, overturn opinions or decisions made by a psychologist, or influence a court of law or a judge to disregard the opinion of a psychologist who has been appointed by the court.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (602) 542-3018. Sincerely,

Victoria Kamm, CI Board Investigator


Rev 1 /08

The Dr. Kent Show 21 Feb 2009 ~ Just the Facts

Monday, February 23rd, 2009



Here is my last scheduled show at this hour (2-3 PM) on this day (Saturday) on this station (KFNX).  While KFNX and staff have been great, due to financial constraints I am going off air for a while.  Notwithstanding, it is not because anyone has forced me off the air, it is only because I have not sold the commercial time necessary to support my show.

Should you wish to advertise, sponsor or support my show, email me via my contact page or call the station at (602) 277-1100.

I am open to new avenues and will gladly hear any proposals.

Here, as promised and as is my practise, is my unedited final show without commercials.  These are the facts, nothing but the facts. I speak the truth.  If you care to disagree, feel free to comment.

During this show, we cover a lot of ground; however, there is more to be told about the crimes & cover ups inside ADOC.

I promised to post a lot more material and I will do so on an ongoing basis.  It takes time to keep it organized and there is a lot of material to organize! 

I promise to post all Requests For Investigations (RFI’s) and make members of the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners famous!  Clearly, they have not merely damaged me but the citizens of Arizona and the profession of psychology!!!

Please don’t take my comments lightly that we have become a “communist” nation.  We, the USA, are the prize and we are fighting on all fronts.  We don’t even realize it!  When we go down, there will be nothing standing between them and the little guy around the world.  We have to wake up, demand our government back before they take it away and we can never get it back.

Folks, this is real.  It is psychosociopoitical warfare.  Just look at the manipulation in the news and on TV.  Nothing is happening by chance.  This is all planned and well engineered.  What I learned from my study of music composition is that:

The more random music appears,

The more highly it is organized.

And this functional analysis holds true for life as well.

Coming Show Saturday February 21

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Having been notified by email that our new Governor can not or will not meet with me, I called NW in the Governor’s office.  We are at an impasse after it was suggested I meet with the new Director of ADOC.  Therefore,


Tune in.

Frankly, I think our new Governor is in over her head.  While I had hoped to be restored and employed correcting the messes within ADOC, the revelations during this next show are likely to result in major financial losses for the State of Arizona at a time when it can ill afford it.  Nevertheless, these people (ADOC and the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners) have damaged me and done their best to destroy me.

Be advised:

We are talking about several frauds & malfeasance, sexual battery, rape of a patient and MURDER.

Many will come forward, rightfully so, seeking justice from an unjust system.  Expect the State of Arizona to pay Big Bucks in damages and costly fighting in the United States Supreme Court.  Why?  Because there is no Sex Offender Treatment Program in ADOC, especially since ADOC and the private prison fired Dr. Susanne Arnold!

Then there are those who were brutally murdered!

By ADOC guards.

By Medical Health Services.

By medically induced leukemia because of the ignorance & negligence of contract psychiatry AND the supervising psychologists (Arnold & McCauley & company) who covered it up, literally burying the evidence, and allowing the culprit to continue practising for more than another year during which he killed more inmate patients.

They weren’t sentenced to DEATH!

They weren’t given sentences of EXECUTION!

Nonetheless, they died.  Some horribly, miserably.

Let the State of Arizona pay the price.  I am tired of being the brunt of their terror.

Folks, this is “bureaucratic tyranny.”

We have become a communist country.

Wake up!

Wake up!  America.

Before it’s too late!

“America, America, where are you now?

Don’t you care about your sons and daughters?”
