This makes me sick but in the words of a famous 😉 American statesman*:
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
I hope that President Obama and Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s use of the Race Card will finally
Make the Race Card go away!
We, the American people, now have the benefit of seeing how racist Obama really is.
We, American citizens, now get a bird’s eye view of Obama’s hate & loathing of the “White Race.”
(I hate those terms: White. Whitey.)
Perhaps now we Americans will recognize that racism is alive and well in the United States and
Being kept alive by cow towing to racist policies such as Affirmative Action
We need to put those policies to rest and end this insane
Policy of racism created by “well-intending” Congressmen** almost 50 years ago.
Instead of race relations getting better
Race relations have gotten worse.
Stop the official policy of the Federal Government of discriminating
Against caucasians and
Against men!
* US current Secretary of State Rahm Emanuel
Echoed in writing & reinforced by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
**Those proponents of such policies
(The State Department and those wicked people behind the scenes,
i.,e. Secret Societies)
Knew exactly where that divisive policy would lead US!
PS Ever hear of “divide and conquer?”
The War on America