Posts Tagged ‘Rockefeller’

The Obama Deception

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


This is a must see:

by Alex Jones

Be sure to hit <full screen>

And turn your speakers up.

This is long.

End the Fed! Sound Money for America!

Friday, December 26th, 2008


End the Fed! 


Sound Money for America!


The Federal Reserve


Abolition Act

By Stephen Lendman



On June 15, 2007, Ron Paul introduced HR 2755: Federal Reserve Abolition Act. There were no co-sponsors, no further action was taken, and the legislation was referred to the House Committee on Financial Services and effectively pigeonholed and ignored.


It’s a bold and needed measure to “abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes.”




“….the privately owned central bank….has been looting and wrecking the US economy for almost a hundred years. We must end a system where unelected, unaccountable cliques of bankers and financiers loyal to names like Morgan, Rockefeller, and Mellon set interest rates and money supply behind closed doors, leading to de- industrialization, mass impoverishment, and a world economic and financial depression of incalculable severity.”


 Webster Tarpley