Eustace Mullens in his crowning work "The Curse of Canaan" (see my book review ) wrote that there has been a long standing and poorly recognized race war against white peoples. With the head of The New World Order being from the Venetian Black Nobility, the House of Guelph, it is fast becoming apparent that this Race War is real!
“Over the past three decades, over 6 million White Africans have been displaced from their birthlands, OVER 40,000 HAVE BEEN MURDERED ! some of them having been rooted in Southern Africa for over 500 years and knowing no other fatherland. The last group currently being targeted by the radical ANC government in South Africa are the Afrikaners, victims of both a murder campaign and a range of devastating race laws which limit their access to jobs, education and capital. not to mention their farms being SEIZED by the goverment !”
Folks, just disclosed by Michael Savage on his talk radio show “The Savage Nation:” Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court is a member of the fanatical racist separatist group know as “La Raza” which means “The Race.” As a member of La Raza Sotomayor is unfit for any bench, most certainly Sotomayor should be eliminated as a nominee to a life time appointment to the highest court in the land!
This is a Call to Action!
Let your Senators know that you wnat Sotomayor’s nomination quashed, shut down, and you don’t want to hear about her ever again.
“We must have in this country but one flag, and for the speech of the people but one language, the English language. During the present war all newspapers published in German, or in the speech of any of our foes, should be required to publish, side by side with the foreign text, columns in English containing the exact translation of everything said in the foreign language. Ultimately this should be done with all newspapers published in foreign languages in this country.”
–Theodore Roosevelt
Boston Daily Globe (July 5, 1917). “‘Moral Treason’ to Attack Allies.” p. 10.
“I appeal to all our citizens no matter from what land their forefathers came, to keep this ever in mind, and to shun with scorn and contempt the sinister intriguers and mischief makers who would seek to divide them along lines of creed, or birthplace or of national origin.”
“The salvation of our people lies in having a nationalized and unified America, ready for the tremendous tasks of both war and peace.”
–Theodore Roosevelt
While the sole purpose of the EEO and so-called “Equal Employment Opportunity” laws & policies is to divide us along racial and gender and other lines, the goal of the EEO is to divide US in a manner that allows US to be conquered.