Posts Tagged ‘psychology’
Saturday, July 3rd, 2010
Long Range Penetration (psychosociopolitical warfare) regresses (brainwashes) my people to the level of nine (9) year olds!
Truly, these are dangerous times.
No one thinks. No one reasons. There is no logic. You can’t have adult conversations. Everything is about feelings and is extremely self-centered.
The level of apathy and failure to function, failure to respond in a functionally adaptive manner . . . means that America will not fight, spiritually or otherwise and the total enslavement of man is inevitable.
Tags:adult conversations, America will not fight, apathy, brainwashes, character, dangerous times, failure to function, failure to respond in a functionally adaptive manner, feelings, Long Range Penetration, New World Order, No one reasons, No one thinks, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, regresses, self-centered, the total enslavement of man is inevitable, There is no logic, total enslavement, United States of America
Posted in brain washing, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, God, Jesus, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, The Revolution of Virtue, War on America | No Comments »
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010
A short terror montage, illustrating the simplest form of mind control is repetition, it goes a little out of sync after conversion to WMV
Tags:mind control, New World Order, political, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, simplest form of mind control is repetition, United States of America, War on Terror, War on Terror Fear Campaign, War on Terror Fear Campaign (Montage)
Posted in brain washing, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, Homeland Security, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Red Flag Event, Take Back America, Terrorism, War on America | No Comments »
Thursday, June 24th, 2010
Is that General McChrystal’s staff is right about Joe Biden. Biden may be Vice President but he is mentally ill, quite possibly Bipolar. Never have I heard a man confabulate (make up outlandish lies) more while campaigning as Biden did. And he got away with it!
I did not consider Biden might have a Bipolar Disorder until my physician suggested it first and that diagnosis fits! Here’s my letter of concern addressed to Speaker of the House Nancy Fancy:
PDF link above and converted text below:
The Honorable Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Honorable Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:
It is an honor to address the Speaker of the House for the United States Congress; however, I write this rather sensitive letter at a time of veritable crisis for our country and our Constitution. I appeal to the Honorable Congresswoman to defend the Constitution of the United States in order to preserve the union and avoid the massive difficulties that will ensue should The Speaker of the House NOT take action and fail to defend the Constitution of the United States! May I remind the noble lady of her oath of office? Sworn to defend & preserve our nation’s Constitution?
Should President elect Barack Obama NOT be qualified to become President according to our Constitution due to a foreign birth (Kenya), then our country needs to know BEFORE Mr. Obama is sworn in! If indeed Mr. Obama is qualified, then we need to get this possibly problematic affair out of the way. Making his birth certificate public should be a relatively simple matter.
However, there is one more issue before us and it is grave. My friend, and physician, is of the opinion that Vice-president elect ioseph Biden is mentally ill and has a Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive Disease). He urged we to listen closely to Mr. Biden and I have to concur: Either Mr. Biden is grossly fabricating and knows it or else he may be confabulating and be unaware. My specialty is in Bipolar Disorders.
Moreover, if Mr. Biden has a Bipolar Disorder, it is an “untreated” disorder! This places our nation at grave risk should anything happen to Mr. Obama and as a result Mr. Biden must assume the duties and possibly even the office of the President!
Accordingly, I implore the Honorable Speaker of the House to take action quickly in order to respect and defend our Constitution and our country. Truly, we live during dangerous times (Mr. Putin). Dangerous times call for leadership, specifically experienced and mentally stable leadership. Please do not leave your country, our country hanging. Resolve these matters for us now—before Mr. Obama is inaugurated.
May God bless you and give you wisdom and guide you to preserving the union of our nation and saving our Constitution. While these are difficult times, inaction will only have terrible results. Feel free to call me at any time at (480) 656-6707 or (480) xxx-xxxx if I might provide you with my expertise. Until that time I hear from you, I remain humbly and respectfully … yours … very ..
John Taylor Kent, Ph.D.
Psychologist (Medically Inactive)
November 6, 2008
Tags:before Mr. Obama is inaugurated, BEFORE Mr. Obama is sworn in, Biden might have a Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar, bipolar disorder, bipolar disorders, character, confabulating, Democrat, General McChrystal, grossly fabricating, Kenya, liberal, liberals, Manic-Depressive Disease, Medically Inactive, Nancy Fancy, Obama, political, President elect Barack Obama NOT be qualified to become President according to our Constitution due to a foreign birth, psychiatry, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, retaliation, Speaker of the House, Speaker of the House Nancy Fancy, The Honorable Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House, the Speaker of the House for the United States Congress, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, untreated bipolar disorder, Vice President, Vice President Joe Biden
Posted in Bipolar Disorder Type I, Constitution, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, First Amendment, Obama, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, War on America | No Comments »
Friday, June 11th, 2010
The Tavistock Institute exposé by Dr. John Coleman may be ground breaking and a necessary read for all psychologists but it left me wanting. What I expected was more about psychological technique and method than it covers. Nonetheless, Coleman’s historical focus brings this dastardly institute to the forefront and it is a must read for anyone in the businesses of advertising and psychology.
Years ago I heard of the Tavistock Institute of psychological warfare in relation to H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. Then at the Arizona Department of Corrections I met a former psychologist educated at Stanford after returning from the Viet Nam War. He was as a sniper. He had given up the practice of psychology because he was so disenchanted with the broad sweeping damages our profession is inflicting upon our country and he mentioned that it all started with this little known entity.
The fact is Coleman’s book really should be subtitled “The War Against America.” This is the group that brought us World War I and all the other conflicts of the last century with their vast human sacrifice.
The first forth of Coleman’s brief book was intriguing; however, the second quarter was a bit repetitive and the sentence structure made me wonder if those pages were from an earlier file that had not been proof read. Nonetheless, the last half Dr. Coleman’s book had me wanting more. As Dr. Coleman wrote, this is meant as a companion book to his earlier book The Committee of 300, and I have ordered that book.
Perhaps the greatest contribution of this particular work is its mention of many references and the new perspective it offers on many previously misunderstood writings. Prepare for a journey into the unknown and your world being turned inside out. Read The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America with an open mind and keep this book handy for future reference as the insanity of the world unfolds and you find yourself wanting to make sense of it all. I recommend this read for all who wish for liberty and a restoration of our nation. Truly, the enemy is larger than we ever thought.

The Tavistock Institute
Tags:advertising, Aldous Huxley, Arizona Department of Corrections, book review, character, Coleman, conflicts, cultural decline, Dr. John Coleman, Economic Decline, exposé, George Orwell, human sacrifice, liberty, method, Moral decline, new perspective, New World Order, political, Political decline, psychological technique, psychological warfare, psychologists, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, references, restoration of our nation, shaping, sniper, Spiritual decline, Stanford, Tavistock Institute, The Committee of 300, the enemy, the insanity of the world, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the United States of America, The War Against America, Viet Nam War, World War I
Posted in Advertising, Book Review(s), brain washing, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, Negative Projective Psychology, New World Order, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, War on America | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010
Tags:ADC, ADOC, Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners, Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, crime, DOC, Dora Schriro, Dr. Arnold, duty to report, FBI, fraud, Janet Napolitano, liberal, malfeasance, Medical Model, murder, nepotism, New World Order, Obama, Ph.D., political, psychiatry, Psychologist, Psychologist III, psychologists, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Sex Offender Treatment Program, sex with a patient, Susan Arnold, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct
Posted in ADC (Arizona Department of "Corruption" aka Arizona Department of Corrections), Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Abuses, Arizona Department of "Corruption" (ADOC) [Arizona Department of Corrections], Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Attorney General Terry Goddard, Corruption of Elected Public Officials, DPS Director Roger Vanderpool, First Amendment, Psychologist, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America, War on America | No Comments »
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
Most people don’t know the differences are between “psychiatrists” and “psychologists,” and
Both of those groups are confused about their histories & their roles.
To be candid, even when I went off to graduate school, I continued to evidence my naivete regarding the two and the differences thereof.
“Ology” means “the science of.”
And very few psychologists know this but “psychology” means
“The science of the soul”
“The study of the soul.”*
In modern man’s quest for further separation from God, he has assumed that
The “soul” is a term best forgotten!
How ignorant & how arrogant modern man is!
*This enlightening lesson was provided on the ICSPP listserv to me among many other lessons by Psychologist Kevin McCready
Tags:Dr. Kevin McCready, Dr. McCready, ICSPP, ICSPP listserv, Ology, Psychologist Kevin McCready, psychology, separation from God, the differences are between psychiatrists and psychologists, the science of, The science of the soul, The study of the soul, What is “Psychology?”
Posted in Christianity, God, History & Systems of Psychology, Philosophy | No Comments »
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
While there are vast differences within these categories and there are books I will review that explain their histories and origins, in a nutshell the main differences between psychiatrists and psychologists are:
Psychiatrists prescribe medicine and their main method of treatment consists of medications and secondarily grossly disabling techniques including electroshock and lobotomy.
—All medications work upon principles of disabling and toxicity—
Psychologists use methods of behavioral treatments that operate upon principles of “sensitization” and “desensitization.”
There are many modalities of “talk therapy,” none of which may be considered “toxic” or “disabling”—except when psychologists serve to uphold The Medical Model and “reify” the diagnosis thus causing “iatrogenesis.”
Psychologists earn “real” doctoral degrees and are true scientists trained in the scientific method. In comparison psychiatrists earn “technical degrees” and are mere technicians.
Psychiatrists are “medical doctors” and are trained in understanding the risks and benefits of medications. The “medical doctor” or “MD” degree has existed for less than a century.
Psychologists are the original “doctors” and have “doctor of philosophy” degrees. The “Ph.D.” has four centuries of heritage.
“Iatrogenesis” is “physician caused illness” and is not limited to the practices of either psychiatrists or psychologists.
Tags:All medications work upon principles of disabling and toxicity, behavioral treatments, desensitization, differences between psychiatrists and psychologists, disabling, disabling techniques, doctor of philosophy, doctoral, doctoral degrees, doctors, electroshock, four centuries of heritage, Iatrogenesis, lobotomy, MD, medical doctor, Medical Model, medications, medicine, mere technicians, Ph.D., physician caused illness, Psychiatrists, psychiatry, Psychologist, psychologists, psychology, real doctoral degrees, reify the diagnosis, scientists, sensitization, technical degrees, technicians, the Medical Model, the scientific method, toxic, true scientists, What are the Differences between Psychiatrists and Psychologists?
Posted in Behavioral Therapy, Dangers in Mental Health Practises, History & Systems of Psychology, Iatrogenesis, Medical Causes of Mental Disorder (Illness), Negative Projective Psychology, Philosophy, Psychologist | No Comments »
Thursday, July 16th, 2009
Generally speaking, during a good economy, in the United States there are slightly more than 20,000 suicides and approximately 10,000 homicides annually.
In the vernacular, “we kill ourselves twice as often as we kill the other son of a bitch.”
For each 1% increase in unemployment there is an increase of approxminately 5,000 suicides.*
Accepting an unemployment rate of slightly under 5% before the Obama Administration was seated, it may be conservatively estimated the US will experience 25,000 to 35,000 MORE suicides annually.
Accordingly, we should expected between 12,500 to 17,500 more homocides annually.
In annual terms this means:
45,000 to 55,000 SUICIDES
22,500 to 27,500 MURDERS
However, should unemployment increase as expected, we will see more homicides & more suicides.
None dare call it:
“War on America”
Nonetheless, the casualities are there.
“Illiberalism” kills
*Presentation by Marsha Linnehan
AABT Convention New Orleans 1999
Tags:AABT, ABCT, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, Association for the Advancement of Behavioral Therapy, casualities, crime, economy, homocide, homocide rate, homocide rates, illiberalism, illiberals, liberal, liberals, Linnehan, malfeasance, Marsha Linnehan, murder, murder rate, murder rates, murder(s), New Orleans, New World Order, Obama, Obama Administration, political, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Rising Unemployment Means More Suicides, Suicide, suicide rate, suicide rates, suicides, suicides & homocides, unemployment, unemployment rates, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, War on America
Posted in Illegal Immigration, New World Order, Obama, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Suicide, Take Back America | No Comments »
Thursday, July 9th, 2009
The United State’s Declaration of Independence and the United State’s Constitution did not appear “magically” from God. Those documents and that blessing only occurred after a long hardship. They were preceded by a “revolution of virtue” that lasted 185 years. The spirit of virtue, valuing one’s self and one’s freedom culminated in the best & most rational form of government ever devised by man.
Many are shouting “only by returning to God, to the LORD will America be restored.” Hogwash! At best we’d reinvent The Grand Inquisition. There’d be so many religious nuts and so much religiosity; men would commit the most horrible atrocities in the name of God.
It all comes down to behavior. While we can not control our own minds, and we certainly cannot control what occurs in the minds of other men, we can observe & agree upon behavior. Besides, there needs to be room for dissent and freedom of the mind, and that requires healthy reflection, internally and externally.
Therefore, be it declared a New American Revolution. A Revolution of the Mind. A Revolution in Virtue.
Men alter their thinking to support their behavior.
Criminals rationalize their bad behaviors.
Now, how is this accomplished?
By valuing your self.
By valuing your word.
By honoring your word.
Real men will only give their word when they mean it. Moreover, real men only give their word when they know they are able to live up to it.
Therefore, we need to say “no” much more. We need to hear “no” much more often. And we need to accept hearing a man choosing and uttering “no” far more often.
Also, we need to recognize the lying thieves we’ve become as a society. “The government has turned us into a bunch of liars and thieves,” my neighbor from Texas via the North Slope declared.
We need to recognize the lying and thieving and, more importantly, we need to call it boldly what it is. We need to label it properly regardless of hurting feelings.
In order to get in touch with reality we need to stop denying reality. We need to stop “inventing reality” and stop making things up.
It’s time to stop acting like children and grow up. Children have the luxury of imagination. We don’t.
If you know of any business (And almost all corporations are involved in deceitful practice, deceit in their marketing and deceit in their contracts.) that practices deceit, walk away. Do not do business with them. Force them to become honest in their claims and accurate in their advertising. Make them live up to their words.
Walk away from any business or corporation that deceives in the slightest degree. Make them value their word. Make them value their public presentation. Or let them die.
If we individually start to value ourselves and our word, and we change our behavior by refusing to buy anything that is misrepresented in the slightest. And we refuse to patronize (Get a dictionary!) any business that lies, then we can begin to shut them down. We can begin making everyone honest. We can begin reclaiming our country and our heritage.
The only way to end the thieving, the madness and insanity is by telling the truth, being truthful to ourselves and by being truthful to each other.
Don’t you understand?
We are at War. We’ve been at War.
This is a battle for the mind.
It is a battle of the mind.
It is
Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Let’s wage it to win.
We’re taking the country back!
Tags:185 years, Calling for a Revolution of Virtue, character, Constitution, Criminals rationalize excuses for their bad behavior, Declaration of Independence, fraud, freedom, God, Men change their thinking to support their behavior, men would commit the most horrible atrocities in the name of God, New World Order, only by returning to God, political, psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, religiosity, religious nuts, revolution of virtue, the best & most rational form of government ever devised by man, The Grand Inquisition, The spirit of virtue, The United States, to the LORD will America be restored, United States of America, Unprofessional Conduct, valuing one’s self
Posted in Christianity, Constitution, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Take Back America | No Comments »